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Everything posted by shieldsie

  1. More to add. Due to the Zed snowed in at my workplace for 5 days, I`ve been using my Dads Qashqai. Yesterday I used his satnav and found it amusing has on screen it was showing distance in feet but the voice was telling me in yards Anything would have been amusing after spending 3 hours travelling 32 miles but it was well worth the time it was the trip to collect my nes SCORPION exhaust
  2. Quite funny really. I had a conversation with engineers that work for me, last week. Regarding which language we was to use in future has its always mix between metric and imperial. It drives me mad.
  3. I think its all trick to the mind. If the number is larger it seems the deal is better, getting more. 600 sounds more than 60 even though its the same size (600mm / 60cm) I buy chemicals that come in KG and not Litres, which is more strange a liquid in weight form. The reason is that some chemicals are heavier in substance, so where it states 30KG it is only 25litres. Its peoples way of thinking thats strange at what pleases!
  4. My way of thinking is, my new Scorpion exhaust that is waiting for me to collect, just cost me £75, what a bargain.
  5. Cheers evest, for the info and links. I will give this a shot when the weather improves and I actually get my car back home. Snowed in at work for last 2 days Using dads Qashqai which I`m more than happy with Polishing the plenum looks a little daunting, has always but after baking the back light and other stuff I have managed with the z its another task that requires time and patience If I get half the result you have I`ll be happy
  6. Wont try fitting this myself. No point. Can get it fitted for £30 Not worth getting my hands dirty for that
  7. Wow. Looking good How do you polish the plenum? What section is it in, on here? looks sweet
  8. So many places and same price, so dont think it really mattered. Best option was nearest place to home so it was Larkspeed in Leeds. I phoned them direct, not through ebay. They obviously honour the ebay price. Cant wait Dont think I`ll be disappointed, eventhough the oem exhaust with the stillen intake sounded very nice, so hoping for a slight difference / improvement. Just wish I understood the re-mapping etc so probably get more from the Z. Will post up when I get fitted, which going by the weather will be next week Will be staring at it for a few days
  9. My Scorpion is ordered and due to be delivered tomorrow . Please stop snowing
  10. Does this fit straight onto the oem Y pipe section?
  11. I`m looking at changing the exhaust. The Scorpion seems a good option. For the back box and center pipe (NEW) price is £300. Is this a good price? How much are they normally?
  12. Looks good. Could this be done with the Stillen intake box? This is what I was talking to you about. Dont want to sound thick but is this CF vinyl? Is it the sticky back? How easy is it?
  13. Rewelded £20 Will see me into New Year until decide what to buy Thanks to the people who offered help etc Appreciate that!!
  14. These for me Cant beat ceramics. Fantastic, and no need clean wheels constantly, due to no break dust
  15. I have 350 staff of which 40 are female . If anyone can do me 10 valves has a GB I`ll have them all
  16. ug45cwb. How much £, and where you located.
  17. Maybe I treat myself for xmas. I wont feel so then. Its a pisser but life is life. Im no specialist and wouldnt know one exhaust from the other or what parts is required or what you get for your monies. Something nice maybe the route, but what
  18. Cant believe it. Got stuck in work 16 hours today after 10 hour night shift, due to a mains water pipe bursting tearing up the road like an earth quake. This then damaged gas pipes. Police blocked all roads off has the water was about 2.5 foot deep and like a river. After getting out and setting off home the exhaust snapped on the back joint Its the pipe that comes out of the back box to the left curls over the outlet pipe and then joins the center long pipe. Its snapped completely off at this joint I dont know where to start with replacing the exhaust or what sections What I need, where from, how long to wait, how much. Any help is appreciated.
  19. Look . Received the email from Zunsport last week. Was disappointed that didnt make for the pre 06 model. Now am 1. rawbhp 2. srobrien 3. JT1703 - Black 4. Budge 5. ATTAK Z 6.shieldsie - silver 7. 8. 9. 10.
  20. Silver would have been sweet. I`d rather get them all together, Cheers mate.
  21. Looking for the original 350z mud flaps. Wheres best to buy? How much £
  22. Sent PM yesterday. No reply yet Coops Dont keep us waiting Coops Its painfull
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