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Everything posted by rogerxp

  1. This morning I was behind a Black 350Z Coupe in Bramhall. I regularily see a Silver 350Z Coupe in Wilmslow; think you work in the Royal London complex. Anyone here??
  2. Corrected to include me in your comment Well, that makes more sense, could you imagine the insurance premium for a newly passed 18 year old male on a 370Z
  3. 370Z as a first car - pretty impressive - well done for surviving . I know I'm glad my first car didn't have the power (or value) of a Zed .
  4. I can't believe this car hasn't sold . It's stunning.
  5. Hey, we all buy things with our hearts instead of our heads, hell, do you really think me buying a Maserati was a head decision . Think you're being a little harsh on Miss Storm, at least she hasn't traded it in for a Micra or something, and got a great little pocket-rocket .
  6. Shame the Zed didn't work out for you, it did look stunning, but then again the 500 looks the bollocks too and certainly delivers a lot of bang for your buck. As a matter of interest, how did the Zed sale go, did it go privately (where did you advertise/which advert attracted the sale), did you get a decent price (do you mind disclosing the figure). Just interested in people's experience in selling a car such as a Zed.
  7. Can't really fault your list of pro's and con's (obviously the exhaust note is an easy one to address if you've got the spare reddies ). Unfortunately my mpg isn't quite so great, permanently hovering just under the 19mpg figure, but my commute isn't condusive to good mpg. My only continued nag is the level of noise, especially on a motorway, I guess it's wind noise as opposed to tyres noise, but could well be a combination of the two. You really have to crank the stereo up to drown it out which isn't really a problem as I'm generally driving solo. Can just get a little tiresome after a while. That said, I freakin' love my third Zed .
  8. Booked in a week on Tuesday for two days. Need to get some photos/video of the hood before it goes in for comparison afterwards. Tomorrow's task. Will report back on the other thread once sorted.
  9. Looks great, nothing like the feeling of a new set of wheels, no wonder you're thrilled with her. Great piccies with both Zeds side by side . I managed some top-down action today; that's three days on the trot now . Many more to come I'm sure .
  10. Shame you haven't got it already mate, you've just missed two good 'top-down' days, plenty more to come though so don't panic. Enjoy and don't forget to post your thoughts on your new beast... Stillen FTW
  11. I reverse my previous comment about not having hill-start. I do have it and am convinced it's 'tilt/angle' triggered. Doesn't do anything on a slight incline but does activate on more steep slopes. If I'm honest I think it should trigger at a lower angle as at least then it'd be more predictable and you'd be confident it was going to work (even thought not truly necessary a lot of the time).
  12. Well, went to collect my car (what a relief ), and luckily there was still a little sun left so managed a bit of top-down action . Anyway, back to the case in question, I'm happy with the result they've proposed which is as follows. They will obviously look at slightly realigning the passenger window to stop this happening again - it's literally a millimeter out - in fact, if you open the door slowly, there's no problem at all, but in reality people open it too fast without realising. No point in doing this until the hood has been sorted. They're able to fully replace the material section of the hood whilst leaving all the original mechanicals in place - imagine a sock over your foot; they're simply going to change the sock. Apparently the material section fits over the main structure of the hood and can therefore be removed. It's not intended to be removeable (before you all start to remove yours to put in the washing machine for a good clean ), there's a certain amount of drilling needed, but it is possible and this information has come directly from Nissan GB. The parts have all been ordered. So, I'm pretty happy with this. One of my concerns was with the whole mechanism being replaced and not being refitted like the robots would have done in the factory so just replacing the material sounds a good result. Obviously this needs to be done well, and tighted to the right degree, but that's up to them to sort and get right. Parts should take a week or so to arrive so they'll call me and book me in. They'd like my car for 2 days just so they can be thorough and test is sufficiently to save repeat visits with niggling issues. I've asked for the funked up Juke on the forecourt as my next courtesy car so we'll see - it's the dealers accountants car so will take great pleasure in getting the keys off him!!! I'm not bothered what they give me if I'm honest so long as they do things right. Unfortunately I'm dealing with Westway Stockport whereas Westway Manchester have a bunch of GTRs gathering dust - now that would have been nice - never mind.
  13. Here's my funky ride (not mistaking it's not mine luckily )
  14. Sounds like you got a raw deal there. When my 350z roadster went back to Nissan for them to check the hood out last year they took a brand new fully loaded 370z off the forecourt - took the £34k (from memory) for sale sign out of the window and let me use that for a few days until they were finished looking at my car. That was probably a sales ploy. Let's stick the guy with the 350 into a 370 for a couple of days and get it sold (backfired somewhat with you though given your comments on another thread ). Unfortunately the Note was all that they had. Apparently with March round the corner they've sold all the demo cars to clear the place which just left the shite behind - there was a truck of some description but had already been allocated to something. to be fair, the Note is kind of fun to tootle around in (luckily just for the day!!!).
  15. Well, my Zed has gone in to be looked at, and replaced by a lovely red Note with pricing scrawled all over it (at least no-one will think it's mine ). I had a good chat with the Service Manager, and looked over the car together, and not too sure what the outcome will be just yet but I did get a feeling that it will be sorted one way or another. He said they'd obviously need to investigate two things 1) what caused the issue in the first place and sort it to stop a repeat and 2) how to fix the tear. Part of me is screaming 'new hood please' but another part of me is nervous about a new 'non-factory-fitted' hood being more loose/rattley/squeeking and just creating other long-term issues. To be fair, even though they have never fitted a new hood to a 370, they have done a few Micra CC's, and the basic principal is the same (just a different material), so he wasn't concerned that they wouldn't be able to do it properly - he did reassure me to some degree here. I'm all ears about a possible fix though, although they've got their work cut-out to convince me it wouldn't reoccur (I'd need certain agreements in writing to provide me with back-up/peace of mind). Possible causes being, and this is obvious, it's the window catching the material when the door is opened (unless it's opened really slowly). Maybe the window itself just need re-aligning so the angle is altered ever-so-slightly. He didn't see how the roof could be out of line, the bolts holding it in place are part of the main structure of the car/chassis, so will focus their attention on the window first. He did assure me that it'll be sorted out to a satisfactory level, whether it be a fix or new roof, and wasn't showing any signs of nervousness speaking to Nissan GB. He said, if the only guaranteed solution is a new roof, then Nissan would sort it but I suppose they need to investigate all areas first. So, I'm pretty happy my Zed is in good hands, and await their report back to see what they suggest.
  16. You won't be upset for too long mate once you drive the 370 off the forcourt. I absolutely love my Roadster and can't wait for the temperature to increase couple of degrees to hear the Stillen in all its glory again. Had a quick blast with the roof down the other week and just loved it - can't wait for the summer (my top was down most of the time last year). As for my roof, I'll update my original thread when I get some news, it's booked in Thursday AM. I must remember to speak to the dealer tomorrow as I want the main-man at service to great me upon arrival so I can be sure things are dealt with properly.
  17. Absolutely. To be fair I've not even given the Dealer a chance yet, there might not be a problem whatsoever, but wanted to get a little feedback from here before I got there just in case there was any friction.
  18. Thanks everyone for your comments (except Stew for panicking me ). The window dropping suggestion might well have worked however doesn't explain why the drivers side is absolutely fine. It's as though the roof isn't quite sitting right, and jutting out slightly into the line of the windows swing, or the window isn't dropping enough. Obviously something that needs investigating so it doesn't happen again. I'm definately keen to get a whole new roof, which may seem extreme for such a small tear, but it's positioning tells me it'll only get worse over time. At least I can't be blamed at this stage for wear & tear (though they'd be grasping at straws) give its young age and low mileage. I could imagine more wiggling/squirming if it was raised a week before the 3 year warranty was to expire.
  19. Comforting to know. I've just done a v.quick search but could only find alignment problems, I'll spend more time searching if I'm forced to, lets just see what the dealers says first. That's my opinion too, new hood please, but that makes me a little nervous too - how difficult a job would it be, the local mechanics will hardly be 'experienced' in replacing a Zed's hood, surely, just hope they do it correctly.
  20. I've noticed that my passenger door window catches the hood as the door is opened. The window does drop like it should but still catches. This has now worn a hole in the edge of the hood and is coming away. It's gone right through the fabric so you can see the black plastic/rubber frame underneath. Whilst this is only small (you'll see from the pictures) it's only going to get worst so needs sorting asap. My car is booked into WestWay Stockport on Thursday next week for them to take a look. Give the position of the hole I'm really not comfortable with a 'fix' as surely that would just wear overtime (bear in mind my passenger door is hardly ever used and the car is a 60 plate with 6k on the clock so it's obviously a week spot). Something must be aligned wrong too. I appreciate a whole new hood is going to cost a pretty penny (through warranty) but just wondered if any other Roadster owners had suffered the same issue and what was their outcome...
  21. Thanks for the input guys, going to nip in tomorrow as I'm passing, so will report back.
  22. Has anyone had any bad experiences with either Westway Manchester or Stockport with regards to warranty claims being knocked back unfairly??? I'm not after a witch-hunt here (we all have our bad days) but have got a potentially expensive warranty claim to make and don't know which of my local dealers to approach. A small section of my roof is fraying & coming away where the passenger door window catches it when opening/closing (12 month old car, passenger door hardly used, window drops as it should). Has anyone has any problems with warranty claims (where you felt hard done by) with these two dealers?? I knew the Sales Manager at M'cr who would have been my natural choice but he's moved to pastures new. I may be being overly cautious here, there might not be a problem at all, but guessing the price of a new hood (assuming it could result in this), want to choose the right dealer who'll help me out with minmal fuss. Just canvassing (there's a joke there somewhere ).
  23. Can't fault that reply. Nice one. Think that was what the grease-monkey was trying to say
  24. ...was the excuse given to me today by a techy at Nissan. Over the last couple of weeks my Zed has started to emit a rumble/grinding when on full lock at really low speeds i.e. reversing off my driveway or pulling out of my office carpark onto the road. The sound/sensation soon passes and normal lunatic driving commences. Was passing Westway Stockport today so nipped in to see if a techy could have a gander and offer some advice. He quickly checked the tread of the fronts and said "the tyres are too wide". I looked a little bemused so he enlightened me further. They are finding that when the tread starts to get on the low side (3mm in my case), because the fronts are so wide (the same width as the rears on a 350Z), they literally lose grip so the rumbling is the tyres just being dragged/pushed as opposed to turning the way they're pointing; kind of understeer. As soon as your increase your speed all grip returns. Odd.
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