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Danny 350Z

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Everything posted by Danny 350Z

  1. That's me away. I'll try to get online now and again to see what's happening and to see if Sarnie ever does post that illusive 20,000 post. Take care all. My name is Danny and I've been Zed free for 5 days now. It's a struggle but I'm getting through the days. Peace, out
  2. The yanks are jokers. The amount of brits they killed in the initial Iraq war was truely unreal. The A10 Tankbuster was commonly referred to as the 'Brit Killer'.
  3. Happy birthday me!!! Cheers guys Lets just hope I'll be celebrating next years as well
  4. No problems with speed bumps, bud.
  5. Why are people keeping their spare keyfobs in the car?
  6. Oh dear. What a tragic 'Spotted or Flyered' thread But welcome
  7. Oh dear, stanley knife it is then.
  8. Yeah the Zed has gone up his arse then tried to reverse out and pulled the 'dominating' car backwards out of his space imo.
  9. Well, it's official. Danny is now Zedless and Coops has 2 Azure Coupes.
  10. 65 Zeds parked in the Moreton Hotel carpark will be a sight
  11. Lee (R35LEE) will be along soon enough, mate.
  12. too right ....... but i guess you mean 'along' Well, if he spends all his time polishing his engine bay.........
  13. Shire is the man when it comes to engine bays. He'll be alone soon.
  14. Now's the time to sell your shares in Xbox controllers. The ar$e is about to drop out of them while I'm away. No Xbox Live, mate. But I'll endevour to get on-line though
  15. If you're in Bastion swing past the Military Police Station. SSgt Danny O'Reilly You can fill me in on the Wales meet.
  16. Didn't even think about sheets mate. I'll swing past Tescos and pick up some value ones.
  17. There's welfare Internet suites in the more established locations. The wife and I are at different locations but our paths may cross at some point plus we have R+R together in Sep. Life in a green (well sandy coloured) suit.
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