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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. :D


    'Tis a great game, I never actually played it the first time round so this is like a brand new Burnout for me!

    It is THE burnout game for me, played it to death first time around and bough 'big island' expansion..... sadly that was for the PS3 so will need to reinvest at some point.


    The stunt achievements got quite difficult as you needed more and more randoms to complete the challenges IIRC.


  2. Saw it Saturday and was very good, Carrie Fischer's face is definitely CGI though. Loved Donnie Yens character the most. Need to go see it again in IMAX 3D i think now.

    I stand corrected t is CGI, just done a bit of research I just assumed it was a good lookalike and am blaming watching in 3D for not spotting :lol:


    I'll probably watch when out on BluRay now, not paying another £30 to go and see it again.

    • Like 1
  3. I have no experience however I do know a graduate who studied mathematics and he now has a job in business risk strategy which I think he'll do really well at.

    Data anylitics/business intelligence is really sought after at the minute and may be something that interests her.


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  4. Ooh now I'm proper excited. Sadly I've reached the age where irritation at being in a room full of people who won't shut the fudge up while the film is on outweighs the enjoyment I get from the film itself. I will be buying the Blu Ray as soon as it hits the shelves though. Lights off, surround sound cranked up!

    I've just got back from watching imax 3D and I too hate going the flicks due to noisy people who talk or eat their way through the film.....


    We didn't have that at all and I'm putting that down to being so close to release, it being quite expensive to take the noisy brood and true fans wanting to see it so soon.


    I really enjoyed it, told a huge unanswered question and closed that storyline off. Brilliant.


    Oh and I'm not sure which cgi fischer bit Dan referred to butI thought when she appeared it was a very good lookalike actress and not cgi....


    Edited due to typos.

    • Like 1
  5. Sounds all positive Pete which is good to hear. I hope you, Caroline and your family can have a less worrisome Christmas period and spend some time actually relaxing. I know that's easier said than done though.


    Please keep us up to date and take care of yourself too!

    • Like 1
  6. Bloody clouds! I'm in IT too - networks and data centres mainly - the way some customers / vendors go on about clouds you'd think they are magic and can cure cancer! It's like they don't realise they're actually really complicated underneath the covers :-/

    Totally agree and most don't realise they've been technically using cloud computing for years.


    Re the resignation, you obviously felt it was the right thing to do and you talked it through with your partner which points to you making the right decision for you so good on you!


    I'm in a slightly different situation where I feel my role has a limited time within the company but I enjoy it and the team I work with, I have been asked if I want to apply for a different role which is a bit of a backward side step but with promises of a different career path taking me down the management route in the near future. I'm really struggling to figure out if it's me or not as if it isn't and I go for it I'll probably be in the same situation as you.


    Good luck with your next journey in your career.

  7. @aashenfox are you saying you review radio controlled cars and rate them based on how much they pay? I ask as if I reviewed a particular market I'd want a reviewer to be completely impartial.


    Take Amazon for example.... its full of 4/5 star reviews and then at the bottom it says along the lines of "I received this product at a discounted rate for an impartial review". I never ever see 1 or 2 star reviews with that statement and if any one received payment for reviewing products I'd be very wary.

  8. Bought a Lenovo for about £110 from Argos last year, good piece of kit.


    And in case you didn't know, Lenovo bought IBM a few years back, so have decent heritage in the stuff they sell now.

    I can't comment on android tablets however just wanted to clarify coldel's statement re IBM.

    Lenovo bought IBM's Personal Computing business about 10 years ago, they did not buy IBM that said Lenovo products are typically a good standard of quality. I have no experience of their tablets though.


    Edited as I put 20 years as opposed to 10... bl00dy fat fingers :lol:

  9. What's a 'one connect box'?


    It's a box that Samsung TV's have. All of the connections and processor etc. are contained within it... the theory being that you can upgrade the box if new features become available which the panel can support but would otherwise not be possible to upgrade if contained within the TV. It remains to be seen if this actually proves to be useful or just a gimmick. I'd suggest the latter.




    Also, don't do what I did and plaster the Samsung cable into the wall without some HDMI's too... as I'll have to dig the cable out and add new connections if I ever get another brand of TV and/or Samsung change the connection cable...

    Not a new idea, I bought a Hitachi Pro plasma which was marketed for the same reason, same screen as the in built version but with an external tuner which connected to the display via a bespoke dvi-d cable - all this pre HD days. Panel was 720p capable however it turns out the tuner wasn't and hitachi ditched it in favour of having them built in again.


    I vowed never to buy Hitachi again due to this and at that time Hitachi was a leading manufacturer. The 40" plasma was close to £3k at the time too.

    Edit: it was a 42" and model was 42PD5300.... still going strong at my mothers actually lol

  10. Don't bother...the one is already obsolete as described in an un guarded interview by the ceo of Microsoft, when asked to clarify he states that all they are is PC's in flash box's and you can build buy better yourself, as the technologies have merged all future games will be developed on the PC first then ported over and exclusives are finally on there way to the scrap heap.

    I kind of agree and it's sort of coming full circle however the reason I moved away from PC gaming is I wanted convenience. I was fed up of spending quite considerable money very regularly to keep my system able to play games at a reasonable quality.


    Not just that but with age I don't have the time to be doing all of that at least with consoles it's closed for a number of years and it plays on a screen I also don't have to keep updating to get the latest panels to squeeze that little bit extra out of the game.


    I guess what I'm saying is PC gamers (and home computers such as Amiga/Atari St etc) always did push game development but somewhat lacked the convenience and price point of consoles.

    To the OP you got your answer in the first couple of replies :lol:

  11. If anyone wants to watch the episodes for free just download xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Completely free and there are a lot of films etc etc on it too.


    GT.. it's growing on me, the cars etc..not there yet...the banter, spot on and in truth it was 90% of why I ever watched TG anyway 😎

    Or just get as part of your subscription to free next day delivery, exclusive discounts other features......


    Errmmm... xxxxxxxxxxxx costs £0 per year and an Amazon free next day delivery subscription costs between £59 - £70 per year 🤔


    Doesn't take a genius to work out which is value for money if all you wanted to do was view GT 😎

    One doesn't infringe copyright the other does ;)


    Seriously, as of a large percentage of the world honestly give a s@#t about copyright anymore 😂

    It does on an open forum ;)

    I believe it or not agree in paying for something I want, I'd never walk into a shop and take something out of the packaging and walk out without paying as I don't need the packaging.

    • Like 3
  12. If anyone wants to watch the episodes for free just download xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Completely free and there are a lot of films etc etc on it too.


    GT.. it's growing on me, the cars etc..not there yet...the banter, spot on and in truth it was 90% of why I ever watched TG anyway 😎

    Or just get as part of your subscription to free next day delivery, exclusive discounts other features......


    Errmmm... xxxxxxxxxxxx costs £0 per year and an Amazon free next day delivery subscription costs between £59 - £70 per year 🤔


    Doesn't take a genius to work out which is value for money if all you wanted to do was view GT 😎

    One doesn't infringe copyright the other does ;)

  13. VR is far from a revolution. It's fun, quirky, but years off mainstream.

    I agree, I remember a friend in the 90's buying a VR headset (VR FX1 IIRC) which seemed impressive back then and as far as I can see the tech hasn't progressed at the same pace as other tech.


    Had flash backs to diamond stealth graphics cards etc then.

    • Like 1
  14. If anyone wants to watch the episodes for free just download xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Completely free and there are a lot of films etc etc on it too.


    GT.. it's growing on me, the cars etc..not there yet...the banter, spot on and in truth it was 90% of why I ever watched TG anyway 😎

    Or just get as part of your subscription to free next day delivery, exclusive discounts other features......

  15. I've not watched the second episode yet but I think most guys are missing the main point..... I don't think this is made for the UK market, i think it's made for the US market and if some folks in other territories like it then great but they have aimed for 'mericans in my mind.

    • Like 1
  16. Cheers Guys, Only myself and wife at home so there will be no misleading information from "Wild kids" or the like. Yes looking at classes, although at the moment she if very well behaved, and already understands the basics of sit and paw. The future is bright as they say :teeth: may get some like into this pair of old buggers

    Glad to hear it..... just don't turn your back :lol:


    They are awesome dogs but bonkers, every choc lab owner I've met has had a similar story.


    Oh we have ours frozen whole carrots as a pup as well as 'antler bars' we thought she would be a chewer but with those she did grow out of it quite quickly. Keep us updated.


    Ps sorry for your loss never easy and they can never be replaced.

  17. Be ready for a bonkers ride. Our choc lab Hetti is nearly 4 but still acts as a puppy.

    I would recommend obedience classes as soon as possible, they thrive on repetition so make sure the household are consistent with commands and signals.... they quickly work out how to train you :lol:

  18. Not sure if it's been mentioned but battlefield 1 and titsnfall 2 are on offer into Xbox live gold members for about £32 each. Xbox one digital copies as a Black Friday promotion.


    COD is still full price and didn't look to see if anything else was reduced.


    By the way is anyone else confused as to why Black Friday has started a week early and lasting the whole week?!?

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