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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. I love Apple, but not to the point I upgrade at each opportunity, I evaluate what I have, what I will get and decide if the price is worth it. I cannot identify what the step change is here that makes me want to give up a phone that currently doesn't have any failings in meeting what I need to do so why change it? In fact looking at my ownership of iPhones I had the first one, the 4 then the 6 I don't really see big steps in subsequent phone tech and happy to hang on to my phone for a fair few years.


    As it happens I also work with tech suppliers that make Apple look like cavemen in my job day to day, they are not the worlds leading tech developer, they are the worlds leading tech company at marketing and branding ;)

    Your rationale is pretty much the same as mine. My 6plus is more than enough for my needs right now, in fact I think when I do 'upgrade' I'll probably go for the smaller form factor as it's just a little too bulky for me.


    The watch is interesting, I have the sport today and its biggest let down is having to be tethered to my phone which is a pain as Ive just done couch to 5k and my runs are getting a little further my phone is a hinderence but I need it to track. I also left my watch at home when I went on holiday this year as I didn't want to forget I was wearing it when I went swimming/snorkelling.


    The watch I may consider in a few months time.

  2. Like others I'm a little underwhelmed, I want more features and lots of them....not sure what features (until Apple/Samsung invent them) but I want them now :lol:


    The jet black makes me think of the 3G which was so glossy and had a curved back it was like trying to hold a bar of wet soap.


    I've read a few places now that they've held back due to the iPhone's 10th anniversary next year.... I'm not convinced though.


    Oh and my 6+ will be fine for now


    Please visit, but please please please do not overstay your welcome. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    It's good to mix with foreigners, they can write grammatically correct in English, so you get to learn. Here's is an example: YOUR = YOU'RE :lol: :lol:

    Nope Alex's use is correct. You're = 'you are'


    Yes, that's the correct form, he used YOUR.

    Yes he did which is correct as in don't over stay your welcome.


    Edit: btw I know English is confusing even to those as a first language so I'm not having a go :)


    Please visit, but please please please do not overstay your welcome. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    It's good to mix with foreigners, they can write grammatically correct in English, so you get to learn. Here's is an example: YOUR = YOU'RE :lol: :lol:

    Nope Alex's use is correct. You're = 'you are'

  5. Just an observation, I've been to Dom Rep over Christmas and got a very good deal due to flights having to be moved around.... You may be able to get a longer holiday for the same price and of course you're away at Christmas time and away from all that sentimental cr@p :lol:


    Also choose your resort carefully, you will want to be close to the city of think and a lot of the resorts are either out of the city or in the hotel zone.



  6. @ roscoe and snjur great photos.


    The choc lab looks loke butter wouldn't melt :lol:


    Snjur, she does look huge in those photos but I think it's because of the cupboards, they look like normal kitchen cupboards but i think it's a tv stand which are obviously much smaller/lower


    Great photos, keep them coming :thumbs:


    Edit: missed jamez87 they look awesome too.

    Also roscoe be careful with Darcy in the car, I remember going to puppy training in my OH's Clio when suddenly the airbag warning light came on..... Turns out the little chewer had gone through the wires under the passenger seat.... Think we failed obedience that week :lol:

  7. *pats dirty great V8 car with a manual 'box*

    What's Pat's car got to do with anything :lol:


    A guy in work has the model s and does a 150 mile round trip each day. We were on a night out last week and I got to talk to him a little bit more and he was a proper petrol head however he was also advocating the virtues of EV tech.

    His previous car was a 911 which up until the tesla he thought was the dogs danglies, he did tell me the flavour of the 911 but I was a little worse for wear to be fair.

    So he gave me the demo of the remote features of the app like setting heaters etc on a cold day. He also showed me the front and rear cameras in the hotel car park and you know all I wanted to do??





    See if the horn could be operated remotely when someone walked past it :lol:


    To be fair the acceleration etc sounds amazing but I haven't been in it and I can imagine it feeling a little empty without the sound to go with the drama.

    • Like 1
  8. you guys want to try turning a few things off


    I like sitting next to the radiator with a portable aircon blowing hot air while the dehumidifier does its work....


    On a serious note I see the benefits of this but I prefer slightly over paying in the summer and under paying in the winter smoothing the costs out. Now I know there are issues with this but it does work for me. In wasso's case a bottle of red in the summer could mean him going without two reds in winter... :lol:

    We are having one fitted next month, other half sorts all this stuff out so will check the type of meter.


    Great info all and especially randy baton on the limitations of some smart meters :thumbs:

  9. It's great,but also tedious. I mean, I can spend an entire evening mining for stuff and trading it for monies, then realise I've achieved nothing and am still light years from the centre and essentially wasted an evening. But I've enjoyed it, so it's weird! :lol:

    I've been like that but then really frustrated wth the juggling of inventory slots so I can collect enough to be able to craft something j need to progress. Also find the Atlas not very helpful as I've not found a way to pull up what I need when I want and when it does show it's very brief.


    But I'm still enjoying it :lol:

  10. DJI 3 and above have built in software so they can not enter certain air space. Airports,MOD etc. The others, I know not.


    But...... What man can make......man can break. So people will hack the software and remove it. :shrug:

    I thought with the latest software update they have added an option to disable this feature however it still logs you've done that as well as when and where so yes people will find away to disable the logging aspect I'm sure.


    Also agree with Juggalo, been thinking of getting one for a couple of years now however I think legislation will sooner rather than later pretty much inhibit when and where you can fly them rendering them pretty much useless.


    A friend who lives in Boston was telling me he'd come close to buying a phantom in the past however to legally fly it he'd have to drive about 2 hours away due to restrictions imposed.

  11. Well I did get an hour in last night.



    . I got to play an hour or so last night, first impressions are good and you get pointers for what you are meant to be collecting however I'm getting frustrated looking for the fuel for my ship. The elements share icons for similar elements but I need plutonium not that other stuff which seems to be so readily available in my location



    I will report back more once I've had time to play a little more

    • Like 2
  12. also i like '... on one of the most dangerous stretches of the M56.' as if had she been doing it 20 miles ago there would be nothing to worry about

    The point of that is it's a bottleneck as it is and it seems every week there is an accident on that stretch which closes the motorway in both directions causing traffic chaos for the region.

    You are right though the wording could be better.

  13. Anyone getting "no mans sky"? I've been really unsure however I ordered over the weekend while a bit merry :lol:


    I'm undecided, it looks quite good but not sure if it'll wear thin fairly quickly?


    Not sure it needs a billion or so planets in it, it'll be interesting to see if there is enough variation between worlds and game play to make it fun.

    Pretty much my thoughts but there is a huge day one patch which has pretty much changed a lot of the game dynamics seemingly allaying some of those concerns.

    Will report back once I've had a couple of hours game time which will most likely be the weekend now.... Can't believe I've agreed to do couch to 5k at my advancing age and waistline :lol:

  14. id make sure your windscreen is spotlessly clean both inside and out to reduce glare, also you can get that anti glare coating on glasses, maybe that would help.


    alternatively, sunglasses, but you'd look a bit of a douche driving at night with sunglasses on.


    Good point. I'll give it a good clean and hope that helps.


    Could also get the polarised specs I guess. It might help a bit. I've got astigmatism so when the light hit my eyes, I struggle to see. But never really had any issues with it as I've always driven a higher car.

    Speak to your optometrist and explain, I had this due to astigmatism and they corrected it with my prescription and anti glare as others have said. Funnily enough it was much worse in the zed than I've had with other cars and seemed even more so at dusk than complete darkness.

  15. So I talk to Americans on a daily basis and they are really worried. Some are saying they can't bring themselves to vote for either which makes me think the turnout could be quite low.


    I think whoever gets in will struggle to make policy due to the split houses just like Obama, they could over rule and make it an executive decision or whatever it's called but that will most likely get them a vote of no confidence or whatever they call it over there resulting in an early election.


    I agree with whoever said American politics need an earthquake to shake it up but while you have career senators in place I can't see it making much difference.


    4 years of stagnation is my guess.

  16. Picked up uncharted a thiefs end on the prime day deals, enjoying the game but far too many cut scenes early on which seem to be reducing not further I go.


    Not played BF4 for a while, may have to fire it up also in readiness for battlefield 1 however I'm not so sure it will do any good as it seems to be a much different play style due to weapon limitations etc. Does look awesome :)

    • Like 1
  17. I don't really understand Fodder.


    You're saying the money never existed in the first place? It was in property that was sold and put in a bank, that I know.


    The will was never read. It didn't need to be as I was there when it was written.


    A few days after her death my aunt said they'd made a verbal agreement for her to retain it for 5 years.

    Sorry I agree didn't make much sense, what I meant was the money most definitely existed but your aunt comes across as being manipulative and I wonder if your aunt had 'invested' the money on your mums behalf with her thinking it was still there when she left it to you in good faith.


    It smells far too much for me to be honest, I hope I'm wrong but every line she's fed you seems to be a way of fending you off for a little longer.


    Edit: I've got to say my mums elder sister is a very similar personality and I fell out with her years ago because of the way she was trying to take advantage of my mum

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