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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. Ebized's last post is spot on for me.


    From what you've said about your aunt and also your mothers relationship with her I suspect she's controlling & manipulative by nature and I have this feeing the money never really existed prior to the reading of the will so now you're being fobbed off as your aunt squandered it or put it into bad investments.


    You're aunt had no legal right to that money (if it still exists) so go get it and get yourself out of your current situation.

  2. Interesting at Boris being foreign secretary however it does seem to me the that position is a watered down version with a new Secretary of State for international trade and Secretary of State for exiting the EU taking some of the functions away from that role.

    I'm pleased Larry the cat got to retain his position though :)


  3. Ok so as requested this is a trial in progress but here are some time-lapse video's I've done, no sound, no fancy editing so please don't be too critical... I also know that this is somewhat OT :)


    Look great mate. I've always liked time-lapse footage but I am yet to try night time stuff.

    Thanks, I think it's not too bad for a GoPro to be fair.

    I want to try with my DSLR but will have to wait for the nights to close in and I don't fancy leaving it out in the elements for hours

  4. He's the David Moyes to Clarkson's Ferguson, come into a role where it is impossible to satisfy the bulk of fans. The next lead presenter will just have to be better than Evans, not comparable Clarkson.


    I'd love to see Coogan do it.

    I thought the BBC have already stated they won't be replacing him or has that since changed?

  5. Rabbitstew he probably hit camera instead of mute in webex.... Done that plenty of times myself.


    Some good advice in this thread, I too work for an American company and yes they can be full of themselves but they do recognise talent... In fact I've moved roles a few times and it's always down to the role being offered, haven't had to be interviewed once strangely.


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  6. Not sure where you are based but our London office organises monthly walking tours around London, each will have a different theme such as Jack the Ripper etc. You could combine that with a team based quiz afterwards with the questions based on the tour.

  7. My work organised a treasure hunt in Chester using historic markers as clues. I thought it sounded lame as hell at the time, but it was actually really good. Definitely allowed me to get to know people I didn't really know too well, develop relationships and friends. And because we were split off into teams, it promoted team work above all else.


    Karting is cool, but you're alone, in a car, competing against your work mates.

    Ours did this a couple of years back, we all ended up outside the commercial drinking beer using Google.... As more and more teams got to that point the bigger the party got :lol:

  8. Ok so as requested this is a trial in progress but here are some time-lapse video's I've done, no sound, no fancy editing so please don't be too critical... I also know that this is somewhat OT :)


    GoPro 4 black:


    Night lapse

    White balance 3k

    ISO varies but as low as I can

    Exposure again varies but most of these will be around 30s which does introduce some blur.


    All of these will be recorded over several hours



  9. @350Zedd I'll need to create a video sharing account somewhere. Will take a look tonight.


    Ok, no pressure, just thought if you had it handy thats all. Leave it, if its too much hassle :)

    I've been meaning to sort something out anyway. Just don't expect anything thats going to blow your mind, I just love seeing the movement of the stars/clouds etc


    If I get chance tonight I'll give it a shot, I'm guessing YouTube is my best bet...


    Edit: didn't get chance as had other stuff to sort. Will try for tonight.

    • Like 1
  10. just trying to figure out the best one to get for taking photographs of the stars.


    For general pictures of the sky at night a wide-angle is best. I use a 10-20mm Sigma.

    The faster the lens the better (large aperture) as you can use shorter exposures to prevent star trails.

    A 50mm f1.8 is fine. Small, lightweight and cheap or just try what you've got already.

    Expect to stop down a few stops to get acceptable performance

    Telephotos are great for large nebulae and the Milky Way star clouds.


    Been looking at this myself, main problem I have is light pollution so hoping when the nights draw in to go a little further away from towns/cities.

    Got a few interesting time lapse videos using GoPro from my back garden though.

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