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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. If you get the fat daddy package it's £104.98 on origin :headhurt:

    Got it on Xbox one for £35 (pre order from Tesco with a discount code), the packages are full of tat unless you're a collector so you need the game and possible the season pass if that bothers you which on PC I can't see costing more that £65 although I've not looked it up.

  2. I agree Dan that's why I said they can be legit but the uses being discussed here are not.... android devices running the likes of Kodi make things more convenient for accessing the content.



    Not condemning at all just don't think it's a conversation on a public forum ;)

  3. I'm not entirely sure some of the recommendations here should be discussed on an open forum to be honest.

    If the OP wants legit then he has to go BT/Virgin/sky/freesat/Amazon/Netflix etc.


    Kofi and the like can be legit but most uses aren't and there are specialist forums for that sort of stuff

    • Like 1
  4. Colleagues in northern Florida have been told to go home and follow local instructions. One I spoke to today said he didn't expect to have power later tonight and he's battened down the hatches. He's lived there for 20 years and never seen anything like it as far as preparation etc.


    Thoughts are with the locals and also with the poorer affected countries like haiti

  5. There's always a weak point in security of this kind and that's what the 'professional' fraudsters target be it the clients device, data in transit, the banks processing systems or the banks data itself.


    The article I think bandit posted was 3 years+ old, fintech is moving at a rapid pace and anything innovative 3 years ago is ancient.


    Edit: I meant to add anything that requires physics access to the device to exploit is unlikely to be performed by the pro, they are after large volumes of 'targets' with minimal risk associated with it. Anyone who gets compromised by the physical device has some terrible family/friends

  6. I am an addict, cigarettes, its just fortunate my addiction allows me to function normally, but knowing what being an addict is like, I thank my stars its not something far far worse.

    Thankfully your addiction has a legal supply chain and is regulated in some way.

    Wasn't a pop

    At TT350 by the way, I can tell his post was meant with good intentions and bandits response I think was very tongue in cheek or at least I'd hope so.


    I have an addictive personality myself and fortunately it's not been anything that could alter my mental state or drive me to crime to feed it. Mine believe it or not is gaming, consoles etc. I think most of us have a habit of some form, we are just fortunate.

  7. Yeah I know if you have it in your land you are legally obliged to contain and burn it, you aren't allowed to transport even if dead.


    Very nasty stuff. I'd inform environment agency and say you know some knotweed on land and the landowner even though aware is not abiding by their legal obligations. Good luck matey

  8. Addicts need help. Shame there isnt a drug you can administer that wipes out ALL addiction.

    That said i do f'&ing hate thieves.


    Brand new YZ250 of mine nabbed one night. Was physically ill.


    Whats more i said id meet him somewhere erring on the side of caution and using common sense. They called back while i was out and my dad gave them everything including the colour of the garage door.




    Addicts need help. Shame there isnt a drug you can administer that wipes out ALL addiction.


    There is its called cyanide.. :thumbs:

    Great let's use euphanasia against anyone who doesn't fit into 'normal' in society while we are at it.

    addiction is a horrible thing, who knows what circumstances someone's been driven to it?


    I agree the legal system is weak as far as sentencing but what folks in this thread are advocating is essentially sharia law, chop their hands off... if they keep doing it then execute them.... just a different perspective to look through ;)


    As for the OP I hope the thieves do get their comeuppance and an appropriate sentence, while they are at it let's hope the reform system actually helps them back into 'normal' society but both of those are sadly highly unlikely.


    I just think we all probably know someone who is either close to an addiction of some kind or fighting it, I'd like to think I'd get some help and support from my close friends and family Ina similar position.


    P.s I think with age I've really mellowed. :lol:


    • Like 1

    Loved the last of us on PS4 but got stuck in the gym IIRC and never went back.


    Ooooh I remember that part, took a few attempts but it's rewarding when you finish it. I think there was another part where you play the girl in a confined space that was bloody tough as well.


    I just fired it up, seems I did get past there and on to the hotel lobby.... going to restart as I have no idea what I'm doing anymore :lol:

  10. looks like Horizon 3 is getting some great reviews i think you have to get past the fact your doing silly but fun things in cars if your some one like Ekona then i imagine anything out side a simulator isnt acceptable though

    I get that but it almost feels like I'm floating as opposed to driving on the roads. I didn't get that in the previous FH.... could be just me, the demo or the combination of both.

    Was interested if anyone else felt the same.

  11. To me Forza 3 feels like the cars aren't actually connected to the road... really weird to be honest. The off road races feel a little better but it reminds me of the early ridge racers arcade feel if that makes sense.


    Anyone know else feel the same?


    Also Amazon seem to have a gaming sale on at the minute for example BF1 is £37.

  12. I have no experience in this at all but here's my view anyway :lol:. It's where there is no hard legislation but lots of ambiguous rules you're going to get the odd jobs worth who just wants to stamp their authority. It happens in all industries so I think you are correct, make a standard set of rules with impartial enforcement that way everyone knows what they are working with.


    Easier said than done I know.

  13. Had an Italian pizza with nduja a few weeks ago, very tasty but can get a bit much quickly. Definitely a less is more kind of ingredient. Seemed odd spreading a sausage on my pizza :lol:


    Definitely worth a try.

  14. It's 1am and I find myself on a forum where people are discussing their favourite sausage... it's time for bed


    Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

    Admit it even angry bikers enjoy a bit of sausage at 1am on a Sunday morning.... you can't beat a bit of daddies brown sauce on a floury bap :lol:


    @marzman that platter looks good!

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  15. We have an award winning butchers at the bottom of the road from us so are rather spoiler for choice.

    I've come to the conclusion that sometimes simplest is better, love the traditional and Cumberland but he also Stocks a fantastic boerewors.


    I do like German varieties too and have had some really good ones when visiting my brother but have no idea what they are.

    My dog particularly loves polish sausages.... We were walking down by the river a few weeks back (meadows for the locals) when she decided she wanted to walk along a little path just a bit lower down the bank.... She could obviously smell the sausages a nice family were cooking behind a bush, they happily have her a big fuss and a sausage.... Most envious as they smelled and looked amazing :lol:

    • Like 1
  16. Thanks for all the replies everyone.

    I put the same post up on another forum I'm on which mainly has middle age women on it. The amount of replies I got saying that they would be offended if they heard their SO ask their father was amazing! Saying that their father doesn't own them and it's nothing to do with them. Was quite funny.


    What I think I will do is tell him I'm proposing. I don't need permission, if he was to say no I would still do it.


    If I do it its probably going to be tomorrow as I have heard we are meeting them at revival! Lots of nervous poo's tonight!

    You didn't post on mums net did you? :lol::lol:::cry:

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  17. I ordered the watch this morning. Black on black. Saying 2 week delivery tho. I ordered using the app which is supposed to be the easiest way. Hope it's here next Friday. I hating waiting for stuff!

    Please feed back about the watch. I have a watch sport and the gps with waterproof additions is proving very tempting.

    That said will probably wait until the new year as I only swim on holiday. I'd love it to connect to GoPro without the phone acting as a proxy but I think that's a bit much to ask.

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