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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. Sounds good progress made. Fingers crossed you don't have a flare up before the op! Mine would get more frequent and last longer as I said earlier in the thread.



    Oh and walk to the 'hairdressers'?!? What's wrong with the good old barbers and a number 1 crew cut? :lol: :lol:


    P.s I actually do go to a barbers but definitely wouldn't have a crew cut as I'd look like a cross between a football hooligan and uncle fester

  2. That's a difficult one as I'd want something I could drive everyday without drawing attention to myself and it wouldn't depreciate by driving it.


    I also assume upkeep isn't an issue but if you wanted a look at me ... how about a Noble M600?


    Just did a google and you'd struggle at that budget


    Edit: just trying to think outside the box like TT. Need something out the norm.

  3. 3 days is about right, you will be in pain whenever you move afterwards second day I could make it to the bathroom unaided however they want you to be eating and do a number two before discharging you.....


    I found having a number two very difficult, wasn't until day 3 before I could... well I lied to them that I could :lol:


    Good news about getting transferre, they don't mess around and so much better rooms for recovery

  4. Sorry to hear this mate.

    When I was reading your first post I was thinking this sounds very familiar. About 10 years ago I was getting periodic pain, worst pain I'd ever felt and in the middle of my back.

    Each time I got it it would last about 5 or 6 hours then go and always over a weekend. Laying flat on my back seemed to help the pain but not stop it.


    I'd call the GP on the Monday and each time they checked me out they would say it was weight and diet related so I should lose some timber.


    Fast forward about a year, I've lost about 5 stone and these bouts of pain are getting much more frequent and longer lasting. I finally have a bout during the week and get an appointment while it's in full swing. The locum takes one look at me and sends me straight for an ultrasound which confirms gall stones and refers me to a specialist.

    I get home and think I have private cover so Call them up and make sure the specialist that I'm being referred to is on their list and he was. Got an appointment in 2 days and he wanted to operate a couple of days later, I defer a week as I was in the middle of a major project at work and needed to clear the decks first.

    Took a couple of weeks recovery but nothing since.


    Sorry for the ramble but wanted to let you know I've been there and the pain is an 11/10 but it will get better with the operation.


    Oh and pics of the cute nurse or she doesn't exist :lol:

    • Like 1
  5. @olly350z that's interesting to know you're suffering on PSN, I'll try again on Live tonight.


    A guy in the office was considering buying for PSN so I've told him to check the forums first.


    @GM the drone range could be upgraded in the beta but I can't remember where :lol:

    Did surprise me that the drone could only go about 20 ft away


    Edited as iPhone change live to love.... :surrender:

    • Like 1
  6. Got thoroughly pi**ed off with BF1 tonight. Never suffered connection issues but tonight had the lot. Steady 9ms ping with 60MBPS DL and I couldn't even run across the maps. The little I got to play of the new game mode didnt seem that impressive, got absolutely steam rolled and it was only 16 people aside?

    A friend was pretty much saying this yesterday after playing on Wednesday night. He found that people were jumping between teams mid game to maximise points which apparently you can do providing there is a free slot on the opposing side.

    I didn't realise you could do this but I didn't witness lag or this last night.


    This is all on Xbox one, what platform are you on?


  7. I hate this waiting game. :thumbdown:


    What I hate most about buying a house is the constant chasing of the solicitors. Its as if they are next to useless and sit there waiting for you to call them before they actually do anything.


    ^^ this. The thing is they're getting paid no matter what and they prioritise who chases them the most. Lee on at them, follow up on survey requests etc.

    Also get the estate agent to do the same on the vendors behalf so both sides are getting pushed, typically the estate agent are already doing this as they want their fee/commission but still keep on those guys too.


    If you're in the chain get the vendor doing the same on the property they are buying.


    It silly that you need to do this but the solicitors are normally the road block.

  8. yes I have been to Washington, other than having a walk about to see the WH, Capitol Hill and the pointy thing I did not really get much time to do any sight seeing. My colleague who I went with (he lives there) did say its a bad idea to stray from any of the well know tourist routes :scare::surrender:

    I worked with a guy who used to be in the marine corp stationed in WDC and he pretty much echoed this. Also if you're going it's probably best to get a train from NYC or at least that's what I've been told

    • Like 1
  9. Change job! How hard do they need to make it for you to get to work and do your job? If they can't provide enough parking for staff, it says a lot about how they treat their employees.

    Sometimes it's not the businesses fault, if it's close to a town centre there may be restrictions on parking spaces per employee to encourage public transport.


    I know our place had this a few years back and those above a certain pay grade had to park at the P&R and either walk the 10 mins or wait for a company shuttle bus.


    Not saying that's the case here but we don't know the full story.

  10. Solo.... I'm anti social like you :lol:


    To be honest I'm probably going to end up back on BF1 tomorrow.... not allowed gaming on a Saturday so I end up 'watchingn' Saturday tv while constantly looking at my phone :surrender::lol:


    Only just bought bf1 and once you get past the respawn, run in and die loop, and you get in a squad and start approaching combat more sensibly the game is an absolute stonker, so good it's finally got me off destiny.

    Trying to get a few work mates to get a squad together in the meantime I tend to stick to TDM and look for squads which have balanced classes and try to fit in with a class they're short on.... to be honest I do try to stick to medic or support.


    Great game though, a few frustrating moments but on balance great fun.... I don't mind being rubbish as long as I try to assist the squad through orders or support.

  11. ^realy lol


    Thanks to everyone that came along and hopefully you all made it on camera


    'Has anyone got a highly modified nap car they want to be on tv. Meet at junction so and so then await instructions.... please don't call or text as I'm too busy.... more information will be posted st the time'


    Yeah I'm suspicious but then I rarely take anything at face value. Glad it went well though and look forward to seeing pictures/videos. :thumbs:

  12. Yeah, commit insurance fraud to get a window replaced...

    The advice that keeps on giving :lol:


    Sorry Flex I know you're smarter than to do something like this. Sorry to hear about this and hope you get sort d with the minimum expense and fuss..... now go and treat your workers to a lap dance :lol:

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