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Everything posted by srobrien

  1. Yeah that was my next port of call R
  2. Hi does anyone know any couriers that will accept a bonnet? The package is 160cm long which is (10cm) too big for parcel force (non account holder). R
  3. A well deserved entry, IHEBERDESIGN at it again:
  4. OMG Martin, you should SEE the things they are saying about yours
  5. Damn, foiled!!! And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky kids! R
  6. Not sure about these but i know alot of folk have had trouble getting replica spats to fit. R
  7. Anyone want to buy a bonnet viewtopic.php?f=32&t=35531 R
  8. , your time will come Ian R
  9. They are entitled to their opinions whether its a nova or my zed if its modified on some way someone will label it barry, i've done it and it was probably someone's pride and joy R
  10. on to Barry boys! http://www.barryboys.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33235 Verdict is not too bad but apparently my bonnet is gash...oh well. R
  11. you're not trying hard enough. R
  12. Why have these not sold yet? Great price and one of the best mods you can do to a standard zed. R
  13. TBH you would be better saving a bit of cash and getting an all in one unit or a nurrish sat nav unit, either that or a decent single din and a stand alone sat nav. I dont think anyone has ever installed one of those units so you wont get much help. R
  14. srobrien

    My matt orange zed

    Looks ace Jay, not as bright as I had imagined but still very cool and different. Kudos R
  15. Not bad for a tenner Although you seem to be letting an awful lot of cars get away from you R
  16. again we have the pretty much and 100% confirmed in the same line reminds me of anchorman movie when he shows him the panther aftershave and says 60% of the time works everytime funny how you can't say evolution is 100% true. And the fact that you cant say it as an absolute leaves room for an alternative view Just that my alternative view is creationism, if people don't believe in creationism I would never say you have a screw loose Ok i'll say it in my eyes evolution is 100% confirmed! You telling me these folks: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evolutio ... x/4000.htm, don't sound like nutters? dont stereotype every Christian I respect your belief in Evolution too now lets have a pint make mine semi skimmed milk Ah the humble cow
  17. again we have the pretty much and 100% confirmed in the same line reminds me of anchorman movie when he shows him the panther aftershave and says 60% of the time works everytime funny how you can't say evolution is 100% true. And the fact that you cant say it as an absolute leaves room for an alternative view Just that my alternative view is creationism, if people don't believe in creationism I would never say you have a screw loose Ok i'll say it in my eyes evolution is 100% confirmed! You telling me these folks: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evolutio ... x/4000.htm, don't sound like nutters?
  18. IMO you need to have a bit of a screw loose to believe in creationism, evolution is pretty much 100% confirmed. To think that some omnipotent being which we have 0 (actually ZERO) evidence to suggest exists created everything on earth in 7 days is ludicrous. In fact I take it as a bit of an insult to the human race to look at all of our achievements since we became modern man. It's quite funny actually I was working offshore with a devout Christian and one night we were discussing creationism and I said "do you know what oil is", to which he replied "yes of course its decayed plant life from millions of years ago"..........I guess there is no telling some people That's my humble opinion of course. R
  19. You would also need to get the unit divorced from the old car then paired to yours, waste of time, get yourself a nice aftermarket headunit. R
  20. I have JUST received these from Envy and have made the decision that Go now takes presidents over Show so I can't really justify having these sitting in my garage until I can afford to have them painted and fitted. These are a fantastic bit of kit with typical chargespeed OEM fitment and quality. I am looking for £250 for these excluding delivery which I am willing to go halfs with the buyer on. These were ordered in Feburary just to give you an idea of how long it would take to order a new set of these. I am NOT open to offers so please don't waste your/my time by doing so, sorry to sound a bit harsh but you get some chancers on here If I dont get the asking price I will be keeping them, simples. Here are some pics: R
  21. Just getting my tea ma'am. R
  22. I think it's generally believed its not a great idea to polish the TB as it could quite easy get knackered. R Fair enough!! Is it safe to just powdercoat them them??? I would say the same about powder coating, not saying it can't be done as a few people have had them polished its just a bit risky as they are quite expensive. R
  23. I think it's generally believed its not a great idea to polish the TB as it could quite easy get knackered. R
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