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Everything posted by ClarCE

  1. Hi all, Spent this evening looking at various options on Rota's. I'm liking them a lot - especially after seeing a few on other members cars at the Wales meet! A couple of questions, as everywhere I look I seem to find differing info... On a GM, do you think black / normal? / or GM would be best? Pretty sure I'm going to go for 18's unless you convince me otherwise, and I want to go for the same concave look on each corner, so 9.5's all round looks to be what I want. What offset should I be looking for, it looks as if +20 is going to stick out more than +25/30 which makes no sense in my head, but I'll go with it! Basically I want them to be at least as flush as my rays are with the spacers I added last week Tyre wise, by my calculations I could go 255/45/18 on the back and 235/45/18 on the fronts.. What do you think I could get for a set of reasonable Rays with new Falkens and a set of the ebach spacers if I sell on? This will help me justify to the other half / war office... Sorry for so many, I just need some pointing in the right direction.
  2. Sign me up / where do I send my $$$ Edit: thats my 100th post
  3. NUMBER 10 Here is my entry, original photo by Chris I, shopped by me - hope thats allowable: Many thanks Chris
  4. Yeah, funny that Jealousy thing - my Finance Director told me mine was a hairdressers / girls car the other day - I argued for a while, and thought whats the point - im talking to someone who drives a diesel 5 series
  5. Route looks good - if we got a few people who wanted to the sunrise, we could maybe get a line of Z'ds outside the Ritz?
  6. Nooooooooooooo! Those guys are the kings of putting swirls in your paint, along with the car wash and the good old fashioned sponge.. Maybe you're lucky and yours don't use buckets of gritty water and sponges, but in my experience - and especially now I've got a car worthy - you'll get a much better job if you do it yourself
  7. You've made me want to have a crack at mine now, nice work - really worth the effort
  8. Put me down as a possible - especially the breakfast part in Docklands - will be around some of my old haunts when I used to work there, I still miss it even 7 years later!
  9. When you get chance Chris - is there any chance of the fullsize one of this?:
  10. Some great pics there Chris / Amanda - I reckon that bottom one could well be good calender candidate.. I also like the one of my car from behind and all on its own surrounded by Wales, its now my desktop
  11. What a great day, very impressed by the organisation, thanks very much guys - and great to meet you all and put names to faces Clocks showing 480 miles since I left this morning And now for some bandwidth destruction - I don't know if this is OK, if not I'm sure someone will dump them in a new thread for me If you want the fullsize to do with as you will let me know and I'll mail it: Thanks again for a memerable day, I'll sort the videos out we got when I get 20 mins
  12. sorry, couldn't resist I have enough problems with co-pilot - bloody waypoints/destinations limited to 10 max Calmer now, its taken the best part of two hours to tell it each bit of road I need to go on, I need an aa route plan > tom tom converter with import tool wishful thinking Looks like its gonna be a good 500 miles tomorrow
  13. Anyone got any tips for programming the wales route into a tomtom one xl, I'm ready to launch the f'ing thing...
  14. Saw this guy again on Wednesday morning, this time he pulled off at the Newbury exit rather than the services, down towards Vodafone HQ - and as he did he waved! Guessing not a member on here tho..
  15. awesome, beginning to wish I went for the red one myself - looks seriously, seriously top job My Collinite experience went OK, but I didn't leave it on to long as the sun had bu**ered off and I needed to be quick about it to get the nattys on straight after. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16742 Looking at yours, I'm going to let it cure longer next time
  16. ClarCE

    Mirror, Mirror..

    ..on the drive Seeing as the weathers looking rubbish over the weekend, and I wanted to get a waxing session in before the Wales trip I worked from home this afternoon I reversed the original plan of Nattys Paste Wax Blue covered in Collinite 915, as the Collys harder and therefore should go on first apparently.. I'm very impresed with the results, more so that the Dodo Purple Haze - although that was still damn good, I think this has the edge just - and in theory should last longer, we'll have to look at the during and after pics from the Wales drive out to see if actually does what it says on the tin... Photos (9 of em).. Hope you like, I'm obviously suffering from some kind of obsession / OCD / both - tomorrow I just need to give it a hoover and spend an hour on the wheels with the poorboys CANT WAIT FOR SUNDAY Chris
  17. For a minute there I thought you were trying to rickroll me, but that is some funny s**t,
  18. That makes me even more pleased that I've done, and will be doing more business with you, cheers BigPhil & ESR
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