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Radical Changes in Careers-


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Hello all , just wanted to bounce some ideas from a wide scope of people (and this forum I think has one of the best and most diverse groups ;) ) to see if what I am about to do is normal, ok, or perhaps a bit weird...


I will soon be quitting my job, as a automotive engineer (development of durability of new models in Nissan) , with the idea of going to do something completely different. The first options I have considered are to do an MBA, or perhaps just move to a completely new industry sector and "try" something different. I am in a situation that I can actually leave work and not have to go back into work for a while so I can take my time (this is one of the reasons why I can afford to consider to go/pay for an MBA.)


Just wanted to know if anyone here has made RADICAL career changes and what was their experience?

-Did you find it hard to integrate to the new jobs?

-Any regrets?

-Any added plusses compared to staying in same work sector?



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My Uncle did his MBA 2 years ago and never looked back,


I just read this too:


Who is the MBA designed for?

People choose to study for an MBA for a variety of reasons. Some are looking to make a vertical shift in their current career path, while some are looking to change industry or job function. Others are looking to build an entrepreneurial toolkit that will enable them to put their own business plan into practice. All are looking to better position themselves for future advancement and success.


While they come from many different traditions our students share the same essential qualities. They are experienced. They have high intellectual ability. They are determined and ambitious. They are culturally aware. And most importantly they have the potential to be the leaders and influencers of the future.



IMO I think as long as you can sustain yourself through the course then why not. You will come out with a qualification which will demand more money should you wish to work for someone else or you will be better minded if you want to start up your own company.


Unfortunatly nowadays if you go to work for someone else and state you have an MBA they still give high rrhaki to experience as well as mba in a particular field.


I think you need to sit back and ask yourself the following:


1. Your reason for doing the course

2. Where you want to see yourself in 5 - 10 years time

3. Will you be dedicated to finish the course as it aint easy.


Good luck with it mate, I think its great that you are looking at different career options in life and improving your current situation and not just settling in one job and thats it :thumbs:


Oh and to answer your question, after my degree I was training to be a clinical psychologist, after completion of all my studies, I ended up realising that I more interest in Advertising, its a hard field to crack and very competitive, wasnt easy but because I wanted to do it so much Ive done well in it and have never looked back :thumbs:

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I found myself in a comfort zone but in an industry that was changing ( and declining ) fast. In a way I was lucky in that due to contacts I was offered something pretty different. At the time, ( I was 26) I got all the comments about lowering my conditions etc. Thats some time back now ( a lot f time!!!) and after a few career tweaks I am now in a job I really enjoy. OK so I was lucky but its a big world out there with lots of new things to do.

With the luxury of hindsight I would say that if you have a 10 year plan with some idea of where you want to be ( family, wage, location etc.) it makes it a lot easier to plan. As you get older you also make relationships with other people who open doors for you.


Never an easy call but the fact that you have made the post suggests this is the way you want to go.


If you can afford it, leave your present job on good terms and go for it. You can always go back, but with better qualifications.


:tumbleweed: isnt an option in my book!

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I actually teach MBA among other courses and find that most of the students find it a very rewarding but challenging experience.


On another note, I too changed my career from motor industry to academic around 10 years ago and haven't regretted it at all.


Pm me if you want.

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I changed jobs recently too. Although tbf my was within the same industry but I probably went through similar thought process as I went from a fairly comfortable employed role to a setting up a limited company for myself. I mythered over the decision for six months and then made the leap of faith and have not regretted it once :thumbs:

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I actually teach MBA among other courses and find that most of the students find it a very rewarding but challenging experience.


On another note, I too changed my career from motor industry to academic around 10 years ago and haven't regretted it at all.


Pm me if you want.


I am moving more and more the towards the MBA path rather than a new job....as I am thinking of an MBA as a "widener" of business skills, so I am taking the GMAT exam in Sept to find out how clever I am ;) (target is 700 minimum score) and will be speaking with Cranfield Uni regarding the Part Time MBA...which starts in JAN, ( It is my local Uni and apart from being a good one... living costs are reduced, while i am a student again...)

but currently I can feel myself going down a very narrow skill path, and I want to ensure I don't end up in such a specialty job, that I cannot do anything else other than a very specific type of job the rest of my life :headhurt:


It might be that after the MBA, the entrepeneurial way start to gather more appeal... specially if lambo's are the potential prizes ;)


Thanks all for the advice ...This is part of what i like of this place, the variety of people here... and experiences that can be shared...



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There are some great resources available on "Career Anchors". Most I have seen (and done :blush: ) ask a whole load of multiple choice questions and then give you a ranked set a preferences for the type of job/career/idling you should be looking at.


It doesn't try to tell you what industry/sector/role you should go for, but what you should be looking for in terms of split between say being entrepreneurial versus safety. Sounds bleedin' obvious, but very helpful IMO if you are not sure about your next step.


Whatever you do, best of luck :)

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I'm too young to have done this yet.


I am however trying to make a big leap in my career at the moment. I'm moving from a very specialised sector in the oil and gas business to a much broader job. It's a lifestyle change!


Should pay off as it opens many new doors to my future though.

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I am moving more and more the towards the MBA path rather than a new job....as I am thinking of an MBA as a "widener" of business skills,


From what I've heard from people who done MBAs (so the following blurb is just my interpretation of their opinions!), it's an opportunity to expand/reaffirm both your knowledge and also your "network" - it's an ideal time to "find" potential business partners etc...if you're looking to start a business, then "any" institution will probably do...but if you're expecting the MBA to open up job opportunities, then apparently only a top University logo stamped on your certificate will do (so I've heard!).


Good luck!

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Yes, that's what i have heard... I want a few more door openings rather than becoming an expert in one field and end up not knowing how to do anything else...


and that's why I am considering Cranfield Uni, consistently ranking in top tens in UK and worldwide it is around 10-15 ranked...

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Good luck to you mate, I'd say that if you're at the stage where you feel a change is necessary then it's got to be the right decision.


You don't want to be looking back in 20yrs and thinking "what if?".


I went self employed over 3yrs ago now and although it was in the same industry it was without a doubt the best move I've ever made. Ok at first (and certainly still now) it is far tougher than being a wage slave however it's far more rewarding and enjoyable :thumbs: I'm sure you'll end up feeling the same from studying for your MBA as it sounds like that's what you want to do.

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