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1100 miles of madness - updated COMPLETED!!

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On the 21st of July this year I am part of a ten person (Five x two person teams) who are going to cycle 1100miles in 4 ½ days.

We will ride in pairs for an hour and then hand over the bikes to the next pair and so on and so on 24 hrs a day non stop relay style until we return. This means we spend one hour on the road and four hours in the support van continuously for 4 ½ days. There will be no breaks and no respite.

No matter what the weather WE WILL continue. If this means detours they will be taken BUT we will do the capitals.

We are our own support crew and drive the minibus, cook, prepare and try and sleep in the 4 hrs off.

I have put in many, many hours on the road to prepare – and still am I might add we have a 40 mile hill session booked for Tuesday after work – and invested substantial amounts of money in our efforts.

I am doing all this to raise money for Bluebellwood.


This is a charity for children with life limiting illnesses.

Please take a couple of minutes to visit the link.

If you feel you can sponsor me or make a donation for my efforts there is a just giving link below.

Anything ,HOWEVER little ,helps and is more than gratefully received.

Thank you for reading this message

Ming the Serious



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And on a more serious note, ( after the prime minister thread) donating is the easy bit, best of luck to all concerned on a very worthwhile effort.

Martin :thumbs::thumbs:


Thank you for your very generous donation. The Just giving site add an extra 28% to the sum you gave.

Thank you again.

Ming the Greatful

PS Just seen the long range weather forcast.


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Just been out for a 26 mile ride and busted the crank bearings on my bike. I guess 850 miles in 3 months put a bit too much of a strain on them. :)

Its in the broken bike shop now having new bearings fitted so there goes another £35. :thumbdown: (Shimano stuff 'aint cheap you know)

Oh well. Ho hum.

All in a good cause.


Ming the Prepared

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Hope you have got the bike fixed mate. Havent had the chance to catch up with the sponsorship recently due to work but I am sure the Z community will dig deep and support this worthy cause, Just dont suggest biking to meets, I am tired enough driving, the thought of a long bike ride makes me head for a darkened room.:teeth:



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Just been out for a 26 mile ride and busted the crank bearings on my bike. I guess 850 miles in 3 months put a bit too much of a strain on them. :)

Its in the broken bike shop now having new bearings fitted so there goes another £35. :thumbdown: (Shimano stuff 'aint cheap you know)

Oh well. Ho hum.

All in a good cause.


Ming the Prepared

£35 for a bottom bracket (bearing) with fitting aint too bad chap. Back when I used to freeride, I think my bottom bracket was about £0! Just remember to sqirt some grease in there every now and again :)

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Just been out for a 26 mile ride and busted the crank bearings on my bike. I guess 850 miles in 3 months put a bit too much of a strain on them. :)

Its in the broken bike shop now having new bearings fitted so there goes another £35. :thumbdown: (Shimano stuff 'aint cheap you know)

Oh well. Ho hum.

All in a good cause.


Ming the Prepared

£35 for a bottom bracket (bearing) with fitting aint too bad chap. Back when I used to freeride, I think my bottom bracket was about £0! Just remember to sqirt some grease in there every now and again :)


Bikes back and in top condition.


A sealed for life Shimano unit so pleased with the result.

The guy in the shop said riding in the flood with, a not fully sealed unit, caused the problem so fitted a fully sealed unit to prevent a recurrence.

Ming the Happy - and slightly nervous

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A gentle bump guys and gals

and the chance to update the donations so far.

In total I have £1120 promised or already given and the just giving site has raised £220 plus about £50 bonus.


Please think about me and hope for a little sun as Saturday morning is not far away!!


Ming the prepared - and slightly nervous

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Hi Guys and gals

We completed the round trip yesterday morning at 5:22am. It took 90 1/2 hours and we covered 1041 miles averaging slightly under 11.5 miles and hour.

We are all tired and pleased with our selves.

Having seen the flooding reports we made a last minute decision to go north first as opposed to south.

We set of from Barnsley at 10:00am on the Saturday and made Edinburgh the next morning at 8:00 having traveled through some pretty dire weather.

We did the Castle pics and then set off south to Cardiff. We arrived at the Cardiff Millenium Stadium at 8:30 monday night having been lucky with the weather and missing a lot of rain. - we still got wet, often, but not in the torrential way that Scotland had been.

A few pics at the dome - a big disappointment I might add and VERY badly signposted - and we were on our way out of Cardiff to London.

The weather then changed for the better and spirits rose. We flew through Wiltshire and the southern counties and into London for about 10:00 o'clock. Buckingham Palace was almost completely surrounded by tourists and any signs of the recent flooding were gone.

We then headed north and made Barnsley at 5:22 the next morning.

A proper adventure and one I would not have missed for anything.

It was hard in many ways the cycling often being a relief as opposed to a chore. The van we used was full with clothing - often wet - people - always tired - and food - always cold - and as such getting out onto the road was often the nicest place to be.

In total most of us had 10 to 12 hrs sleep in four days and little if any of it lying down!!

This entry is going on today as I slept most of yesterday!!!!!!

There were lots and lots of little stories that unfolded as the trip did and I will try and get some pics up later on.

The good news is that I should have raised at least £1600 for Bluebell wood and the team should have raised £10,000 in total for all the different charities.

Ming the Pleased and refreshed.


PS I am already thinking about the next one, again on a bicycle.

7 Countries in 7 days.

Wales, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland and finally Sclotland.

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We flew through Wiltshire ......??? Cheating?




Congratulations to all involved on a very impressive achievement. Look forward to hearing more.Plan the next one for summer eh!



Just been looking at a map. Could possibly include N Ireland and S Ireland and make it 9!!

Ming the Mad

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Some pics

The team just about to set off!


Trying to look confident and failing


Our trusty steeds


Where are we going to fit?


The castle


Gretna Green


Cardiff dome


Buck House


Early morning breakfast


Finished at the town hall


A flying tour of four days of riding!!

Ming the Relaxed

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