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I am going to become a criminal!!!!!!!!

Emperor Ming

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I could write an essay about this but I would only end up with an anger induced migraine! Needless to say - prisoners should spend all day on a chain gang doing the most mind numbing job possible like building a brick wall only for it to be knocked down and make them do it again. When my husband was a copper many many years ago people used to get a slap in the back of the van and told to behave - the countrys gone mad and it starts with schools not being able to discipline kids who no longer have respect for anyone!

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Same old. When I was a kid ( sorry) we had the old local copper who gave you a slap, tell parents and get another slap.. result... respect. The other porblem is that our system is geared up to punish those that have. Beware the man who has nothing, he has nothing to lose. Take away prison terms and what is there left?








And relax!!!!.....

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My mum didnt let me out till I was 17, when I was younger she use to wallap me with a broom, she had no mercy lol, I came out alright... I think lol.


I remember once my brother (limiter) was getting on my nerves so I rubbed my cheeks really hard till they were red then went crying to mum saying Danny hit me, he got such a good hiding lol, he didnt know what he did wrong lol, till the following night when mum told him to babysit me :scare: lets just say he got his revenge lol

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