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Thinking about selling up!


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I owned my Zed for almost exactly a year before any real modding. In January this year I switched from smoking to E-cigs, this saves me around £100 a month which goes goes towards modding. The E-cigs arent as good as the real deal, but they're significantly cheaper which enables me to enjoy the car and modify it to make it mine.


Most if not all of us make a sacrifice somewhere along the line to own our cars and modify them, in your case you have to sacrifice modifying it first for a few months, then you'll have £500 spare each month to go crazy. In two months you'll have new rims, in two more months you can buy a good exhaust and plenum spacer, the following month go get it UpReved...

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my car is my hobby, but in order to do it I've sacrificed else where, I don't generally have holidays, i don't go out drinking anymore, i don't smoke anymore. but i do most of the work myself. and at some point soon i'm going to put it on hold so that i can spend more money on my family when the kids arrive. my salar is common knowledge as a teacher its a set pay scale, but i'd say after bills etc i don't have a lot left at the end of each month.


same as rtbiscuit...my car is a hobby....and every new one I get I say i'm goin to keep standard? Never happens.

Luckily have some pennies to spend now and again....but mortgage, kids, hols etc come first.


And you never get back what you spend....but doesn't stop us.

Point in view:

Bought a Evo8 for 8k. Did brakes, carbon, turbo, remaps, exhaust, springs, wheels etc etc......3k+. Sold it one year later for ??? Yep 8K.


Enjoy the car as is, when funds become available then spend. Try and resist debt....TRY!! although I'm probably the worst adviser on modding cars (see above)

Edited by aidan
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dont bust your arse for a car mate..........I've spunked so much money over the last 7 1/2 years I could cry.


Now I'm in a position where I've quit my job and believe me the 35k or so I could have had in the bank would be much appreciated


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Cheers folks, I appreciate everyones input on this, tho I do think a few of you may have got the wrong impression of me. I'm not some ungrateful snotty nosed kid who doesn't understand the meaning of working for something, that couldn't be further from the truth actually, I'm 28, Live alone and work hard as an insurance broker to pay my way in life. The nature of my job means some months I earn good money but others I only earn my basic which is when I feel the crunch.


My initial post may have been a little dramatic, I was basically pi**ed about not being able to afford the mods I'd hoped for this month and felt like the constant lust for upgrades is a pain I could do without, In a sense the only thing that will stop me from wanting to mod the car is by not owning it.


To answer commanders question, I don't want to mod it because I've seen other people on here do it, it's not a status thing or anything, I just love modding and always have. I find the 350 a little tame in standard trim and bought it with the intention of doing subtle mods to get it where I want it to be. Anyway, I'm over it now, my moment of madness has passed and I'm going to have to wait the main mods out until I either pay off the car or make a great bonus. I'm going to try and stop putting so much pressure on myself to make a good bonus just for the sake of modifying tho, it's too stressful.


Been interesting reading all the replys and peoples opinions on this, seems to have hit a nerve with a few people for some reason tho!!

Edited by nowhereboy
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