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Sptd: Grubby Carla needing a bath!


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Saw Carla (or maybe Ricey, didn't see who was driving), zoom off from Halfords in Chester today at about 1.30pm. I was faffing about putting stuff in the back of the Leon and heard something I thought sounded "a bit tasty" and looked up to see you race off lol.


Nice exhaust but poor lil sunset needs a bath! ;)


Also saw the "other" Chester black Nismo again but he's a misery guts so no more waves for him.



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Haha, thanks to all the wavers... I must be sounding pretty desperate. But thanks ;)



With that thread title Squee, this could go bad very very bad. :shutup::lol:

...like most threads on this forum :wink:



Dirty Carla (or Ricey) :nono:


And poor Squee not getting a wave :console:


You seem nice so I will give you one :teeth:



...blimey....I must be doing something right today :p



It's was carla. I was supposed to be giving it a wash today but I fell asleep instead!


It is looking rather mucky at the mo!

best get yer mop and sponge out next weekend else Carla will be reduced to using the Sainsburys car park 'detailers' haha.



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That gang of Lithuanians in the old paradise autos forecourt are amazing apparently!


that's because they get a bucket and sponge each rather than having to share ;)


Incidentally I was getting a bacon roll from the snack van next to Bill Smiths Honda earlier today which has one of those 'All American Car Handwashes' on site and I noticed that the lads there were using an old fashioned mangle on the chamois/clothes. Looked like a proper Victorian relic haha. The poor lad on mangle duty looked well embarrassed bless him.



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