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Imgur - I Paid For it, and Don't Even Feel Robbed


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In this world of being constantly bombarded by advertisements, peddled expensive penis enlargement pills and, don't forget, begged by Nigerian princesses to rescue them along with their substantial wealth. A lot of people on the internet are out to get your money...


So how do you figure out where a good place to spend is and where is a con? The truth is that everything you can pay for on the internet you can get for free somewhere. Granted the free version will be somewhat rubbish and limited in feature, but with some persistence and a lot of frustration you can make do. So at what point do you pay for a service to alleviate some of this frustration? When do you cave to the man to save your head from exploding like the guy in the 1981 film Scanners. For me this point was today when I paid for a pro Imgur account.


Effect follows cause; the cause of my Paypal splurging some of it's contents onto the internet were three fold.




Firstly, I have found every other image uploading service to be complete Otter. Flicker made me Ottering rage so hard I nearly smashed the Ottering PC into a million bits, the system is so Ottering useless, all I wanted to do was get the URL of some Ottering pictures and could I do it, Otter no. Previous to the satanic evil that is Flikr I used Photobucket for a few years, granted that was a number of years ago and it may have changed, but it was OTTER. It made me cry so much over the slow page loads, the invasive adverts, the page errors and poor organisation into albums, it can Otter off if they think I'll use it again.


Secondly, I have actually found Imgur to be good. Like some other iconic internet services Imgur has, for the most part, never let me down and has been pleasant to use. Like most I used it free for ages, just throwing pictures gleefully onto the plain black page of joy watching the voodoo take place that gave me a wonderful tiny link to my picture with no questions asked. Eventually I thought, "gee it would be nice to keep track of all of these awesome piccies, I'll create an account". So, I did.


This leads me onto the third, and final cause of my purchase. They god damned tricked me! I'm not one to fall for marketing techniques but these guys are clever sons of Otters. As I merrily used the glorious free space Imgur supplied, my links not going dead and the uploads sliding in like a greased otter into a toilet u-bend. I didn't spare a thought to what the catch may be, and yes, there is a catch... I found myself on the hunt for a picture I knew I had uploaded a few months ago, I scrolled back to the last of my uploads and found them only going so far... Hmm, I looked around and saw this lovely banner "you can only see 255 of your images, learn more" So I clicked, and there I learned. My images were not consigned to digital oblivion, they were in fact safe, small relief. However I wasn't going to be seeing them again as they were being held to ransom. Those clever Otters at Imgur had left me to enjoy what is a lovely service, feel at home there, get into a habit, become addicted! Then, when the time was right they pulled their lovely drugs from under my nose and said "yeah, so... That's gonna cost ya".




Thus, ergo, visa-vi, approbo, otter, cause followed effect and I paid up. I now have my lovely "pro" account and can access my pointless and crappy pictures again. I have extra thumbnail sizes too, 4 I'll have you know! Not that I know what they do... But you know, I don't even feel all that robbed, they give a good service and they didn't ask too much for it. Damn you internet earning my money properly *Shakes Fist*.



I'll leave you with the other use of Imgur we all know and love.







Much love,






I'm trying out the Semi Colon, I'm really not sure how to use it properly, I kinda guessed up there ^ see if you can spot it. I felt brave and just went for a gramatical balls to it moment.

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