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Tax Charge on car mileage Scandall !!!


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I have heard so much on this lately, so sorry if I am repeating what someone else has said or already posted.


I posted my vote at this address:


http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/AC ... jm333AZQSk


to go against the fact the Government wants to tax us per mile we drive and also charge us to install the tracking device that would measure this which will cost around £300 :scare::scare:


Now I went back to see how many votes there were and my name was gone, along with 7 of my work colleages. I have asked around and same thing has happened I know several people who posted a vote and their names have been removed. I emailed and written to the site and have heard nothing and that was two weeks ago! :dry::dry::dry:


Now I here that even if there are alot of people against it, it will not change Labours views and they will go ahead with it anyway, just like they did with the war :rant:


What is going on with this country, its getting ridiculous, I think they are taking names off so that the overall count is not great, but even if it is they will go ahead with it just so they can line their pockets. :rant:


I have just spoke to my family and friends and have said that if this comes into play, with all the other crap stuff going on in this country i.e over population, high taxes, stronger laws on the innocent, closing hospitals, Home Office problems, Peodophiles being let of cos overpopulated prisons, then Im moving to Canada, and taking my Zed with me. :D


Tony Blair and Gordan Brown can go screw themselves !! :rant::rant::angry::boxing:

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When I looked at it there was a section that said only the most recent names would be displayed on the list for viewing. They won't be happy until we are all driving a Toyota Prius!


But you can also check the whole list every name issued and its not there !! :scare:

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about 3 million signatures according to trevor McDonalds.


the Jamie Oliver petition about better food in schools only had 271k names and it changed the government mind....


Yeh but better food is not going to change their income or expenditure,plus healthier food puts them in better light. The War for example and over a million votes against it and a standing outside parliment and still they went ahead cos of oil and building contracts after blowing everything to smitherines. If it lines their pockets then they will go ahead no matter what people say. Gordan Brown already said that he knows of these petitions and he does not care for them much as what has to be has to be. Just posted my name up again and its now come up twice think it just might be a blimp in the system. :blush:

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Write and see your MP. Only if MPs think they might not get voted in will anything change. Big petitions do f* all. Look at the "consultanting periods" they have had in the past for things like the congestion charge - it still happens.


Make the Mp feel the pain, like not getting voted in and losing the cushy number - that's the only way democracy works.

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One of the reasons cited for this is the benefit to business.


Eh? Am I missing something?


How on earth does taxing a UK haulage firm into oblivion, whilst allowing European truckers to tear up and down the land unchecked help British business?


Probably a bit more to it than that, but Im fairly certain this is not going to have the desired effect on many businesses and environmental causes.

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Forgive me if I'm mistaken on this , but I thought we had a tax on mileage in this Country...or else what else is the approx 80% tax we pay on fuel for :scare:


like it has been said before if this comes into play, along with all the other b0llocks and politically correct nonsense we have to endure,itwill be time to upsticks...

The Police Chief Constable in Derbyshire quite recently refused to let a newspaper publish two escaped murders photos because it invaded their human rights :headhurt: WTF ... what planet are some off these assoles from??

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If the UK goes ahead with this then Ireland will follow suit being the lemmings our government are.


As Steve said, contacting your MP directly is the only way to try and stop this. Ring them, tell them they’ll loose your vote, your families and all your fiends/neighbours and so on. Tell them it’ll spread like a virus.


Then ring them again the next day and the next and the next and write and mail.


Would a device like the one suggested to monitor mileage be an invasion of privacy??? And therefore be unconstitutional?



On a different but similar note – if Brown becomes the next PM you should all just leave the country.

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Not that the Government are hell bent on this as the ONLY solution, without wanting to enter into any debate (as the PM would have us beleive), but they have felt the need to create an entire page on the No10 site more or less defending the whole plan:






Tony Blairs response can be viewed on the skynews page here:


http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,, ... 84,00.html

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Because we get absolutley no value for money what so ever for our tax pennies.


I know for a FACT, that certain departments within the Government have made payment on CREDIT notes! I know because Ive sent them! Its a refund from a supplier as they had overbilled, and the people at the other end simply saw the figure and wrote a cheque. :wacko:


If that is how much attention is paid to credit notes, I can just imagine the scrutiny they subject a roadworks invoice to.


Ive been in florida and seen them start the resurfacing of a section of the 192 highway at about 8pm at night, and the next morning (10am) when travelling to Disney, they had resurfaced about 5 miles of the thing, and all that remained was a few guys planting shrubs in the central reservation.


Our workforce wouldnt have got past the first round of coffee and staring at a pair of Bristols in the Daily Star, but they would have already invoiced the Taxpayer for about twice as much no doubt.

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That is exactly my frustration, why are people (us) not doing anything about it though? We vote them in, so lets vote them out!


Totally agree! I'll never vote for them again. Being a self-employed contractor, Brown has been after our kind ever since he moved into 11 Downing Street. The man is completely bonkers and is hell-bent on destroying small businesses and anyone who's self-employed for that matter.


Get them out :thumbdown:


The only pity is, I don't have a great deal of confidence in any of the other shambolic parties.

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That is exactly my frustration, why are people (us) not doing anything about it though? We vote them in, so lets vote them out!


Totally agree! I'll never vote for them again. Being a self-employed contractor, Brown has been after our kind ever since he moved into 11 Downing Street. The man is completely bonkers and is hell-bent on destroying small businesses and anyone who's self-employed for that matter.


Get them out :thumbdown:


The only pity is, I don't have a great deal of confidence in any of the other shambolic parties.

Exactly the same as you, I am actually a freelancer who has set up my own company and work for MTV, rather then me being an employee for MTV. That is changing soon as i want to become permanent but it is so hard to do anything and keep upto date with things.


I dont trust or like any other parties nor do i really want to vote for any of the other ones, we are all just stuck in a @*!# hole it seems :thumbdown:

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Sod it Im going to vote conservatives. What on earth did Tony Blair expect with congestion on the roads getting worse, if he hadnt let so many immegrants over into this country which constitues to an increase of 33% road users 11% of which are not legal road drivers, then our congestion would not have been so affected and bad. Prisons wouldnt be so over populated and crime wouldnt be on the increase. He allowed for example immegrants to carry their driving license over here, and Immigrants who break the law dont go back to their country they go to prison over here. Like that Nigerian who raped a 16 year old girl was put into prison over here, cos they couldnt send him back to his country cos he had people after him, and cos after 3 month prison was over populated they let him go with a slap on the wrist. :rant:


If I ever meet that guy god help him. :angry::boxing:


Labour has ruined this country, when the world cup was on I had an England flag up and I had a knock on my door, it was the council who told me to take it down cos it was offensive to Muslims???? WTF


Im not saying its all down to immigrants but there is only so much beer you can put into a pint glass if you catch my drift. :dry:


And by the way Im not racist, if it justifies anything, my father is Indian, and my mother is french and Italian, but lived in England most their lives. :)


Just pig sick of this system. Its no place to raise my 350z in :D

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Its no place to raise my kids in mate, i hate it but there is nothing i can do to get them out of this country,


1) they live with their mum

2) i am but a small person in the scheme of things


I know what you are saying though and somewhat agree

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Its no place to raise my kids in mate, i hate it but there is nothing i can do to get them out of this country,


1) they live with their mum

2) i am but a small person in the scheme of things


I know what you are saying though and somewhat agree


Sorry to hear that mate, I dont have kids (yet) but can understand must frustrating. :console:

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