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Mondays Ebay round up


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right this is going to be difficult to phrase without sounding rude, but i'll try anyway.


i appreciate people being helpful pointing out stuff you might need at a good price, but.....


if i happened to be bidding on something and no one else knew about it i'd be proper miffed if someone posted it up on a forum and then 5 or 6 others all start bidding on it pushing the price up.



there is a benefit to finding somethin g no one else has; it means you get it cheaper as there is no competition to bid on it.




now for me this isn't such an issue as i don't buy nissan bits anymore, but i'm sure others must feel the same who do have to buy them?

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Can see your point Rich


But then again is it just happening here? Or are most forums doing it, or most owners clubs in fact. Or just mates telling other mates and so on and so forth. You could argue that by not putting stuff up other bidders who have been made aware of an item are at an advantage.


ebay is a public auction site - its up in the public eye - as much as I have bought a few things I have also been outbid on, does it bother me that other people may have been made aware of the stuff I was bidding on, not really :shrug: if I really want something I go buy it, if i get the occasional bargain then all the better :thumbs:

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i do understand that, thats fair enough but some of these things its the second time around they been up cause no one bid on them before so thats why i put some of them up...if thats the case il stop but then why is there a 'spotted on ebay' section then?? I only post it up cos theres a section for it if there wasnt a section i probably wouldnt do it :lol:

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The stuff I have been posting up has had no bids on it when I post it...so dont feel that guilty. Although a while back there was a carbon engine cover up for about 20 quid, I stuck it on here with about 5 mins to go and it went to a member on here for 40 quid. Now, I did suddenly feel guilty that someone may have lost out, but then again conversely I helped out someone on here. Anyway I dont post up stuff like that anymore.

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