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Support needed for cheaper fuel prices


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Dear FairFuelUK Supporter


Thanks to the fabulous help of our supporters we are now only 3,400 signatures short of the 100,000 required to trigger a full Parliamentary debate on the scandalous price of petrol and diesel. We are trying to hit the 100,000 target before the Conservative Party Conference this weekend, hence this email. If you haven’t already signed at http://bit.ly/FFUK-Gov please do so now. If you are at work, might you be able to ask colleagues to sign? If you are at home, how about family members of friends?


Please understand that this vital ePetition is on the Governments own computers and website. That means we have no record of which of our supporters has signed. This is why we have had to send out several messages like this one over recent weeks. If you have any problems signing up to the Government's ePetition website, please go to www.fairfueluk.com/epetitionproblems.html


Kind regards


The FairFuelUK team





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:rant: I would love this to make a difference, i really would thats why i signed it. I really can't see it doing so, yes it might make them reconsider raising it as much as the plan too but it needs to come down not stabilize. Just think how much it has gone up in the last couple of years, the £1 a litre is a distant memory. I remember when i started driving only ten years ago and it was only 68p a litre!!

I know there are reasons both ligitimate and not so for the rise, but they can get away with it because they know nobody will do anything to stop it. Yes there will be petitions, but i don't think the goverment and the people in real power give a damn. :rant:

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It's OPEC not .gov causing the problems.


The price of a barrel is 45% cheaper than it's peak rate and yet petrol prices have not gone down AT ALL.


It's f*cking disgraceful that a group of companies can blatently flout the competitions laws so absolutely, and that no one has the power to do anything about it.


Shell making 7bn profit whilst tax is frozen. Ridiculous. Admittedly we pay alot of duty, but that hasn't dramatically changed recently and yet the fuel costs keep rising and rising. It's OPEC we need to look at. As such only point 3 on that petition is really valid, but feck it - I've signed it anyway. It won't make a difference most likely but getting some press coverage of this issue can't be a bad thing at the very least...




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