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Aftermarket Sat Nav's in Cubby -> GPS Signal OK?


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Calling those of you with aftermarket sat navs, e.g. Garmin/TomTom's in your dash cubby. Do you have any issues with your unit dropping the GPS signal at all while in the cubby? I currently use my Samsung Galaxy S as a satnav and have it in the cubby & it's a little hit and miss with the GPS signal.


I am looking to buy a traditional sat nav (Garmin with Traffic is fav at the moment) wondered if these are fine in the cubby. I believe some have mobile sims in them for traffic data, any issues with noise from these?


Thanks :thumbs:

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I've got a Garmin 1490T in mine, and it works fine. It's not fully installed in the sense of cables, until I pluck up courage to drill holes in the cubby - they hang across the dash unless its on batteries - but the reception is spot on.


It's sitting on a replacement Arkon sticky mount via Amazon, which is OK for temporary purposes, so far.

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Used to run a Garmin nüvi in my cubby with no reception problems at all.

Now with the Pioneer F900BT I have the GPS antenna hidden under the dash behind the triple gauges, also with no connection problems.

My guess is that a dedicated GPS unit will always have better signal reception as a mobile phone also has to receive it's network signal as well.

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there are two holes in the back of the cubby if you lift up the rubber mat :)


Rubber mat? I think I must have an aftermarket JDM-satnav-replacement-or-not-fitted-at-all-cubby fitted. ;)

Which is a good sign for repair if a pigs ear is made drilling.


Shouldn't be too hard to drill a hole and fit a grommet though. I think I'd keep the Garmin cable and extra traffic aerial attachment (first rule - 'do no harm') un-modified - and buy an adapter to attach to the car's ignition switched 12V mains.



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OEM install has the GPS receiver behind there in the dash so it should be ok. I concur with BM about mobile/tablet reception - their receivers wont be as big or sensative so may have problems in there. Stand alone solutions shouldnt have a problem though :thumbs:

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