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How to become a petrol head? :)


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Nooooope, I can just about be trusted with 4 wheels - no hope on 2 :D


I'm not allowed a bike anyway, My Grandad threatened to disown me if I got one. He didn't speak to me for a month when I told him I was getting one :lol:

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Nooooope, I can just about be trusted with 4 wheels - no hope on 2 :D


I'm not allowed a bike anyway, My Grandad threatened to disown me if I got one. He didn't speak to me for a month when I told him I was getting one :lol:

wouldnt stop me :teeth:;) have been talked to about this r1 purchase...

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no thats probably pretty true but you need the rest of the stuff to go with it and fitting it and tuning it so its a bit low to budget that low. wish Id have had space for the rvf but to be honest was to scared to drop her doing trackdays since you cant replace anything on them really at this stage with proper quality stuff. well wear with the ninja :) whatever you do get sticky tyres... any 600 compared to the 400 will be mighty different. the 400 was class on track with lots of corners but lacked a bit of power on the straigts. the 600 does that nicely but could do with a bit more cc, like a 750 or something.



Aye tell me about it, my friend dropped the RVF and it took me ages to get replacement fairings for it. I purchased the bits from 3 different people on ebay and even then they didn't quite match up cus some had faded more than others. I loved the fact that the RVF could be ridden hard and still stuck to the road even on corners. Was nice to be able to open it right up leaving a roundabout whereas when I rode my friends CBR600RR I felt that I had to exit fully before opening up and didnt feel quite so safe on it. But then of course as you say, you get the extra ummppphh on the straights that the RVF couldn't give and its more of a beast to try and tame. I shall certainly invest in some good tires and take it very easy to start with :thumbs::thumbs:

Id recommend to go with bt003s, class tyre.. .not good for a commuter bike since you need to replace them a few times but for weekend warrior driving or track theyre awesome.


what colour combo did you have on the rvf? mine went to france :( collectors item over there, some girl going to use it on track only since you cannot put a grey import bike on the road. not sure what happened in the end, might try and find out. The 600s you need to feather a bit on the throttle but you DO NEED to start on the power before the exits!!! always :D


Ian, stick a photo up of your bike, always liked the ninjas


what endcan did you have on the rvf? had my oem on for resale and then a scorpion carbon can... made that rvf sound amazing.



btw, ask ian to fit it for you if you take the bike off him :p



Have attached some photos. I forget what make the can was, but you may be able to work it out from the photos (sorry my knowledge about bike parts is as good as my knowledge about car parts) I just know it sounded awesome and looked the part :thumbs:

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What bike? :shrug::wacko:

Mine is for sale at £4K, leaves you 3.5k for fitting & other goodies :snack:


thought you had a bike too :lol::blush:



Oooo that could be interesting... I'm going to speak to a friend of mine who does all my servicing etc on the zed for me for cash (works for a garage so i still get a stamp) and see what his experience is like and whether he could lend a hand or not..


What is the process then.. do I install the S/C then take the car to a garage for the electrics/fuel and uprev.. or would the SC need to be installed onsite at the garage?

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I installed the s/c & then got it traillered to Abbey so they could install the fuel system & map it. Cost me about £200 to get some to collect it & drop it off on a trailer :)


Ah cool, do you mind if I ask the cost of them carrying out the work? How do you know if the S/C has been installed properly before you get it picked up? Lastly, how does having a SC change the service schedule?

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If you want the appearance of a facelift, R35LEE does interior conversions to facelift, and I'm sure you could swap a facelift bumper onto the car.

Should be doable, right?

Then you should have some funds left to possibly do a S/C thing.



Im liking the sound of that, thanks :)

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I installed the s/c & then got it traillered to Abbey so they could install the fuel system & map it. Cost me about £200 to get some to collect it & drop it off on a trailer :)


Ah cool, do you mind if I ask the cost of them carrying out the work? How do you know if the S/C has been installed properly before you get it picked up? Lastly, how does having a SC change the service schedule?


I had a few more bits of work done while it was there & my new radiator leaked so that had to come out to be repaired which made my bill higher than it would have been :( best bet is to ask Mark for a quote on the work - he has my uprev licence at the moment aswell :thumbs: I knew it was working because I started it up & took it round the block to make sure there were no strange noises - just make sure all the jubilee clips are tight, one of mine wasn't and the IC pipe popped off :blush:


It doesn't change the service schedule really. The instruction manual says the filter needs replacing every 2k miles & I always changed my oil around 3k miles anyway :)

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I think you should buy Ian's supercharger kit and fit that. You've even got his build thread on here for a guide! Then all it would need is a tune. :thumbs:


Supercharged Zeds are awesome and will give you enough power to be getting on with for a fast road/ track car. :yahoo:

A TT would obviously have larger potential but would be far more expensive to do, and not really a first job for a novice.


That should keep you happy for a while or until the 370 comes down in price. Then sell your S/C kit (you would get most of your money back on it) sell ya 350 and get your 370 if it's what you still want. But you might change your mind by then. ;)


If the work scares you, sell yours and buy one already done like Steady Zeddy's, very good value for money.


Or if you are happy with your car, pay the loan back. Its a nice thing to be debt free. Then either save up your wage increase for something else (370) or mod yours bit by bit.


Its a nice dilemma to be be in. :)

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I got Abbey to do the fuel system though, I learnt so much about it while doing it though :)


I was a bit worried about the Return fuel system and uprated pump but fitted mine last week and it wasn't problem. There are guides around for most jobs, so if you can use a spanner and read instructions (and have a bit of common sense) go for it. :)

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I think you should buy Ian's supercharger kit and fit that. You've even got his build thread on here for a guide! Then all it would need is a tune. :thumbs:



Sorry, Im struggling to find the build thread, dont suppose anyone has a link handy please ? :blush:

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Thanks for all the help and advice guys! After a lot of thinking I have decided against trying to fit my own SC. A combination of the cost involved + the risk of me doing the work + the fact that my insurance almost doubles if I have one fitted is too much and if I get someone to do the work for me it's going to push me over my price limit.


The plan now is to try and find somebody who's interested in swapping my zed + some money for their facelift model and then do some simple mods such as exhaust, wheels and subtle body kit. I'll then keep this until I can afford a 370z


Thanks again guys and good luck with the sale Ian :thumbs:

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I fitted my own supercharger (apart from fuel system) & the most complicated thing I had ever done on a car before was change an intake :thumbs: (not forgetting that I am king retard :))



I wish to challenge you for your crown... when it comes cars, I am pretty sure I am a bigger retard :lol::lol::lol:


How long did it take you to fit and did you have any help?


Sorry your both bang out of luck.....I fitted the air intake and snapped the head off not 1 but 2 bolts.




I've often thought about what Stu said though. Buy a classic shedder and do it up. There's an Audi Quattro thats been parked up for about 10 years rusting away round the corner.....might offer him a hundred quid for it then ruin it until its worth literally nothing :D

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