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Rain, flooding, RWD, fat wheels...


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tonight drove for 2 hours on flooded motorways, couldnt see a thing and every few minutes i would lift away from the ground and float off like a sailing boat :boat: worst one being next to a lorry :cry:


wet grip first class, water clearing first class, flood crossing fail


i was nearly :byebye: a few times.


almost wished i was in the shed, ALMOST.




just remember when you aqua plane for the love of god dont brake :bangin::bangin::bangin::bangin: so many people do this! unreal! don't be one of them and get yourself killed.

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thank God you're okay! :snorkel:

just! :surrender: you would have managed without me im sure :lol:



my tyres are nearly on the markers and i am waiting to sort out new tyres for the new wheels. i had a similiar experience in the S2K, we slowed down but my but cheeks were clenched so tight i could have folded a 50p piece in half with them.



well the thread was originally titled "how to clean **** off your driver seat"

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thinking back i should have slowed down, i was going slower than 70 but it was so dangerous.




a bike went by at about 90mph. my jaw was on the ground! i still dont know how he was doing that?

Thinner wheels for the win! :#1:


It's all about getting the water away from the rubber underneath as quick as possible! I wouldn't like it though, been in wet on the bike and it ain't nice.


Btw, 70Mph? thats pretty fast for floods! :surrender: Give us your thread pattern so we can dimiss your tyres as sh*t now ;):lol:

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is was pretty deep and it was indicated 70 so prob 66-67. way to fast really, silly me but it was 10:20pm and i wanted home :blush: the bad bits were where the water was flowing across the road becasue the drains couldnt handle it.

YEah they are bad since you coming into it disturbing the car... keep the car steady and don't adjust speed is what I do... oh and do 10 hail Mary...

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good to know you're ok but dude 70???


it rained here on Monday, country lanes are pants when wet, you have to watch out for tractors and mud on the road, i didn't get over 50, was too worried about saying Bye Bye to the world.

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