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Gordon Browns opening speech....


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Gordon Browns opening speech last night


"If its all about style and PR then count me out... if its about the big decisions then Im your man..."


Today was the launch of his new PR posters:


"Don't forget to vote Labour, Mum" and "vote Labour, Gran" in childrens style crayon handwriting, hmm one of the most cheesiest PR stunt if ever I saw one... still waiting for them to launch their other poster to this collection:




:lol::lol::lol: sorry couldnt resist

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Gordon Browns opening speech last night


"If its all about style and PR then count me out... if its about the big decisions then Im your man..."


Today was the launch of his new PR posters:


"Don't forget to vote Labour, Mum" and "vote Labour, Gran" in childrens style crayon handwriting, hmm one of the most cheesiest PR stunt if ever I saw one... still waiting for them to launch their other poster to this collection:




:lol::lol::lol: sorry couldnt resist

hahaaaa :dance:

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Lookinga at all the great measures brought in by Labour, and the even more due to come, I often wonder if the government actually want any small businesses in the UK at all. Manufacturing is even worse.


National insurance rises for employers, compulsory pension schemes at 3% of wage bill by 2014, increases in corporation tax, reduction of allowances on equipment, pensions contributions, cars now taking a decade plus to write off the depreciation.


Manufacturing cant even write off the whole cost of new equipment, yet if its a PC or other IT equipment you can!


Its bloody ridiculous now, and with the revenue the country now needs to raise, any successive government will be looking to get it from the "rich business types" - I see no positive outcome. We have already shelved plans for expansion and reversed decisions to look for more employees. We have had one retire and have not replaced them either.


The taxes on small businesses are already costing jobs. Hiting businesses with daft items like compulsory pension contributions and national insurance hikes, and removing their tax breaks is just going to cost more.


Its all because the government (whichever one is in power) has not got the balls to totally reform the welfare system. We have had the situation for far too long now, where people can be better of on benefits than working. Whilst ever that is allowed to exist, then we will be forever fighting the benefits culture and an immigration nightmare. Immigration is only such a hot topic becasue of the high numbers. Those high numbers only exist because of our ridiculously generous welfare system. Fix that and the immigration problem will mostly resolve itself.


Dont even get me started on the "local income tax" by the Lib Dems being spouted as a "fair tax". Im just waiting for a door knocker to come and talk to me about that and Ill rip him/her a new one.

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Lookinga at all the great measures brought in by Labour, and the even more due to come, I often wonder if the government actually want any small businesses in the UK at all. Manufacturing is even worse.


National insurance rises for employers, compulsory pension schemes at 3% of wage bill by 2014, increases in corporation tax, reduction of allowances on equipment, pensions contributions, cars now taking a decade plus to write off the depreciation.


Manufacturing cant even write off the whole cost of new equipment, yet if its a PC or other IT equipment you can!


Its bloody ridiculous now, and with the revenue the country now needs to raise, any successive government will be looking to get it from the "rich business types" - I see no positive outcome. We have already shelved plans for expansion and reversed decisions to look for more employees. We have had one retire and have not replaced them either.


The taxes on small businesses are already costing jobs. Hiting businesses with daft items like compulsory pension contributions and national insurance hikes, and removing their tax breaks is just going to cost more.


Its all because the government (whichever one is in power) has not got the balls to totally reform the welfare system. We have had the situation for far too long now, where people can be better of on benefits than working. Whilst ever that is allowed to exist, then we will be forever fighting the benefits culture and an immigration nightmare. Immigration is only such a hot topic becasue of the high numbers. Those high numbers only exist because of our ridiculously generous welfare system. Fix that and the immigration problem will mostly resolve itself.


Dont even get me started on the "local income tax" by the Lib Dems being spouted as a "fair tax". Im just waiting for a door knocker to come and talk to me about that and Ill rip him/her a new one.


Am with you mate, we are already looking at moving our HQ to a different country as I can't see it getting any easier, then having outlets here. country is on its knees and we end up getting shafted because of it :dry:

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Its all because the government (whichever one is in power) has not got the balls to totally reform the welfare system. We have had the situation for far too long now, where people can be better of on benefits than working. Whilst ever that is allowed to exist, then we will be forever fighting the benefits culture and an immigration nightmare. Immigration is only such a hot topic becasue of the high numbers. Those high numbers only exist because of our ridiculously generous welfare system. Fix that and the immigration problem will mostly resolve itself.


But for those who are made redundant and get paid to go, they give £62/week - I know cos it's all I get even though I've paid a forune in tax and NI over the last 30 years. It's time to send the majority of the eastern european economic migrants home and stop paying for asbo oiks to have sky+, iPhones and 6 kids in free housing.

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ha ha or the otherside




The line at the bottom cracks me up




Thats a good one



On a serious note.... I don't know anyone who is happy, and I mean no one !!!!


So what happens in other countries ???? They kick off !!! Like unions do at work.... Us brits get our pants pulled down and we take it up the ass royally, and politely complain :dry:


I for one aint taking this sh!t anymore, I aint taking anymore I tell ya :rant::boxing:


Im going to start a revolution, overthrow the government and get us 'for starters' cheap petrol :dry:


Whos with me :)

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The benefits should be directly linked to the contributions, a bit like pensions should be (again).


If you have paid in a fortune in tax and NI, then you get a decent pay out while actively looking for work. If you haven't contributed, then you get a harmonica, a hat and directions to the nearest train station.

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:blackeye: funny to read that stuff same type of argument and discussion on welfare system here in Ireland and where I'm from it's the same talk (Sweden, used to be since they've behaved their economy aint half as fecked as here) Don't think it depends where you live smells the same everywhere... Germans had serious issues with their welfare system for decades... Politics is utter sheit and hate following it, how hard is it to make a good climate for SMALL and BIG companies?! Small companies will hopefully grow to get bigger and the big ones TO STAY! ... a revolution is needed... Beer time!



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There is a huge amount that can be done which will sort out a whole load of problems in one go.


1. Set minimum wage to £8.30 an hour. This gives somebody working 35 hours a week on minimum wage an annual salary of 10k.

2. Transform the tax system to something with more tiers, grossing more money in a fairer way. Stop calling different components of tax different names and effectively giving the rich a tax discount through the national insurance calculation and set one single payment tax to:


0% - £0 - £5000

15% - £5,000 - £10,000

20% - £10,000 - £15,000

25% - £15,000 - £20,000

30% - £25,000 - £30,000

35% - £30,000 - £35,000

40% - £35,000 - £40,000

45% - £40,000 - £45,000

50% - £45,000 - £50,000

55% - £50,000 - £55,000

60% - £55,000 - £250,000

62% - £250,000+


No NI, No Employer contribution. All raw wages will go up, but the system will be transparent.


Build a straight-forward online portal with people-friendly ways of explaining the tax system, submit their tax and calculate how much tax they should be paying.


3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.


4. Transform the benefits system. Make payments lower and do not allow factors like children provide additional benefits. This will stop the drain of finances, stop immigrants coming for the welfare, immediately educate those 16-yr olds who get kids to get a council house, etc. It's tough, but life is tough and money is tough.


etc etc. Just a load of sensible measures akin to the above would generate a lot more money, immediately halt immigration, sort out a lot of underlying problems.


Vote Sasha!

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ha ha or the otherside




The line at the bottom cracks me up



PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


They are all as bad as each other, Im voting conservative but only cos they seem the best option for me out of a bad lot, will it improve the country who knows, Labour has stuck us in a position which truly has f^£ked this country up, is it all Labours fault, no but they didnt help, what I will pin on them is this bloody human rights law that Tony Blair introduced in 1998 thanks to his troll of a wife. They cut the loopholes on tax evasion and increased the loopholes on terrorism and criminal law. They spend so much time making sure your regular joe blogs gets penalised for silly errors just to fine people with money and less time on the rapists and and Jihad activists abusing our system and getting paid compensation at the same time. You are better off being an illegal than a citizen, my mum always said dont bite the hand that feeds you, well thats what Labour has done time and time again and Im getting fed up with it all. Make pregnant unemployed teenagers take the snip, kick out any immigrant who have been here less than a year and has already committed crimes in the U.K, throw people who dont want to work in the army and start getting britain back on their feet.


Its funny how Australia use to be the place they sent our top criminals to keep Britain safe, now Australia has become over the many years for many more of a safe haven to keep us safe from our messed up government, go figure :wacko:

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3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


That sounds like a VRT system...





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3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


That sounds like a VRT system...






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3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


That sounds like a VRT system...







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3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


That sounds like a VRT system...







I would hate it too (in fact I would be furious), but it would a fair system. Don't know how you would classify cars, but something along the lines of insurance group + emissions/engine size + price could do.


I hate the whole "he will cut this, he will cut that" talk and people being unhappy about higher taxes, etc. Would you prefer a little more tax or doing a Greece (or possibly quite a lot worse than Greece) in a year or two?

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3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


That sounds like a VRT system...







I would hate it too (in fact I would be furious), but it would a fair system. Don't know how you would classify cars, but something along the lines of insurance group + emissions/engine size + price could do.


I hate the whole "he will cut this, he will cut that" talk and people being unhappy about higher taxes, etc. Would you prefer a little more tax or doing a Greece (or possibly quite a lot worse than Greece) in a year or two?


chuck out all the illegals, get rid of of human rights, ban women from having kids if they or their partners cant depend 80% on themselves to finance the new family members, throw asbo's and those unwilling to work in the army frontline unpaid, they just get food and a tent, inspect properly benefit thieves, and force all pedophiles into human suicide bombs aimed at terrorist headquarters, you could fire them from planes as a human canon, save on expensive bombs just shoe lace grenades on em. That would free up some money for starters.

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Appologies sasha, but there are a number of problems....


There is a huge amount that can be done which will sort out a whole load of problems in one go.


1. Set minimum wage to £8.30 an hour. This gives somebody working 35 hours a week on minimum wage an annual salary of 10k.


And the companies that employ say just 20 minimum wage workers currently at £5.80, cover the extra £1750 a week or £84,000 how exactly?


2. Transform the tax system to something with more tiers, grossing more money in a fairer way. Stop calling different components of tax different names and effectively giving the rich a tax discount through the national insurance calculation and set one single payment tax to:


0% - £0 - £5000

15% - £5,000 - £10,000

20% - £10,000 - £15,000

25% - £15,000 - £20,000

30% - £25,000 - £30,000

35% - £30,000 - £35,000

40% - £35,000 - £40,000

45% - £40,000 - £45,000

50% - £45,000 - £50,000

55% - £50,000 - £55,000

60% - £55,000 - £250,000

62% - £250,000+


No NI, No Employer contribution. All raw wages will go up, but the system will be transparent.


Build a straight-forward online portal with people-friendly ways of explaining the tax system, submit their tax and calculate how much tax they should be paying.



Err how is taxing people different percentages fair at all? Call me a capitalist, but I fail to grasp the concept of charging people more just because they earn more.


When I buy a loaf of bread from Tescos, or petrol from a pump - do I have to show them my P60 before they decide how much I should pay? Nope. Then why if someone sends their kids to school, read books in a library, or walks on the pavements do they have to pay more just because they earn more?



3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.


So the people who have more money get to pay even more tax when they want to spend it. What a great incentive for anyone to do well.


4. Transform the benefits system. Make payments lower and do not allow factors like children provide additional benefits. This will stop the drain of finances, stop immigrants coming for the welfare, immediately educate those 16-yr olds who get kids to get a council house, etc. It's tough, but life is tough and money is tough.


And who is paying for this education given that they are likely to come from homes that under your tax scheme would not be paying a bean?


etc etc. Just a load of sensible measures akin to the above would generate a lot more money, immediately halt immigration, sort out a lot of underlying problems.


Vote Sasha!


All those tax measures would do is ensure anyone having the financial means to do so, would leave. So who pays the tax once they have left?

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Indeed, it was the brain drain.


The Who used to smash up their equipment at the end of gigs just to stick two fingers up to the tax man, as it was effectively 98% on some forms of income.


Profit from Gig £20,000, and they would get £400 of that as the tax man would take £19,600. If they smash up £19,000 worth of equipment then the profit is now £1000, meaning the tax man got £980 instead of £19,600. Yes they only got £4, but what did they care, they were already rich. It must have really pi**ed off the Inland Revenue though :lol:


If the taxes went the same way again, then you see just how many businesses would pee money up the wall instead of making profit. They may as well enjoy it and spend it rather than get taxed massively on it.

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