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oh ok,


i've seen these sony things my ICT department are going nuts over, they let you read books on them, but its the size of a large calculator.


so that kind of roll then?



whats reading?


This is designed as a web terminal and media center, kind of like a laptop for folk who never need office applications or a proper keyboard for 1000 word essays.

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so i could load digimoto 5 onto it and use it like a car testing terminal :teeth:


Only if they do a Mac/Iphone version of it. :lol:


I think i will be having one of those,depending on cost when they get over here.


With the exchange rate, i would say the same as the dollar price.

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It's a bold step by Apple to do this.


Now many things are going wireless and entering "cloud" type technology, I can see a point to it (everything is server based - you don't have every PC with its own settings and so on - it 'downloads' what you need from the host server). Think of the Internet, but apply it to everyday software you have to keep installing. Everything can be controlled from one place rather than running around fixing everyone's individual machines like most IT depts do today.


However...at the moment I see a big iPod Touch. Laptops do more at present (better spec, much more memory, play DVDs, etc) all for the same price. Will Apple make money from it? Sure. Will it catch on a lead on to bigger and better things? Not so sure at the moment.


This can go one of two ways:


1) The techies start having wet dreams, whereas everyone else thinks "what? I got a laptop that does the same" and it eventually dies with only the gadget freaks keeping them




2) It catches on. Business meetings can be done using these things, people make much bigger and complex apps for it (such as feeding live market data through it, watching TV, etc) then it will start to phase out the laptop


Which one will it be in the long term? iPad or Laptops...we'll have to see.


Am I going to buy one? No. I have a laptop.

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Like a netbook, it's not supposed to replace your laptop. This is something you have as a 3rd or 4th device for lounging about or taking places. Anyways, for one thing, it can't multitask, and they didn't even see fit to add a camera!

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INetbook plus.


Tablet pc's are nothing new. Sounds like its running a enhanced version of the Ipod touch OS. Being an apple you'll be stuck with Itunes and apple software/apps unless you are naughty. I think you'll need to have a apple mac or similar anyway and this will just be a portable extension of that.


But I imagine the GUI is slick apple are good at making stuff pretty and intuative. Would make a great carputer...


Personally I think its expensive for something which most people will just use for browsing/photos and the odd e-mail. But at a max 64 gig in the top range one you may need an external drive if you have lots of photos/music.


I'm sure we will see it in films/on tv as the apple marketing engine swings in to full flow.

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