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Wheels IN a Zed?


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Heh, never even thought of that! :lol: Cheers anyway mate, but I wouldn't put you out that much since I know they'll both go in mine in the front, just would rather put them elsewhere if poss. I have a feeling we'll all be coming different ways looking at where we all live...

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Yea, so... some of us with wider wheels are pretty much screwed if we get a puncture cuz we cant even get the wheel home :x



What you putting on the car to get it home?











Lightbulb pinged on yet?








Plenty of room with the spare wheel out!

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Right folks, the experiment is over and the results are in!



First off, a rear Ray with a 245/45 tyre on really won't fit into a roadster boot:





However, if you remove the space saver then there's loads of room!





That done, I moved onto trying to get one into the front as well. It's a smaller space than I remembered, however...









Ta daa! The wheel is wedged between seat and rear bin, and there's no way in hell that it's going to move during normal road driving (I wouldn't take my chances on a fast country road drive without strapping it in properly though, but for a boring schlep up to Bedford it'll be fine). So there you go: It's very possible to get two rear wheels + tyres into a roadster, you just need to be creative. :D

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