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A few people seem interested in the battery/brake top covers, so ill probably get this rolling next week sometime and should take 2-3 weeks to make the mould and first product, ill make sure its perfect fitment, and will complement the CF brake/fluid surrounds nicely as in this thread..




ive put the names down that have given me interest in buying, please remove your name if ive got it wrong and also add your name if you want a pair



1. Scott

2. Clarkie34

3. 3FiddyZ

4. Shire350z


6. Muddy

7. Bladesgrant

8. Lincolnbaggie


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Hit a bit of a problem, Ive been today and they cant make replacements, due to the fact that its impossible to make the clips on the front and rear of the covers, bad news i know :thumbdown:




im having the covers made..


i know alot of people on here moan about the fitment of their current covers so ill have these made and they will be a PERFECT fit, and i can have them done in different coloured carbon


they will be priced at 70 pounds delivered, which is a competitive price i believe


i know people will want to take there names off the list as they already have some, here is the current list, please add or remove your name

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1. Scott


3. 3FiddyZ

4. Shire350z



7. Bladesgrant

8. Lincolnbaggie

9. Tonser

10. G18FAN


Sorry Scott I'm out, already have stick on covers and their not too bad fitment wise. Although I may change my mind when I fit the surrounds and can see what the difference between the two types of carbon will be like for colour and weave. ^^^As Mark said above^^^

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no worries guys, i expected people to drop out, and there will be more to drop out yet i expect, im still having them made mainly because i can do them at cheaper prices


the reason the carbon replacements cant be made is due to the tabs and clip, not because they wont flex but because they cant physically be made, the mould will be impossible to make, and the carbon will be to difficult to craft

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just spent this morning fitting these and I have to say I like them!


The fit is very snug on the oem covers. I heated the carbon covers and the oem plastic for a while in a low oven to get a bit of flexibility in them and then stuck them together using "No More Nails" permanent fixing tape. Clamped everything together and put a weight on to hold them for an hour or so and they seem to have held fine. Fit is spot on.


Not sure if the weave flows through exactly, but you really can't tell by looking at them.


However, a word of warning to others! When you press the two together make sure the carbon bit is upside down on the bottom (protected by bubble wrap or something) and then press the oem cover down onto this. I did it the other way round to start with and snapped the plastic retaining lug off my oem battery cover on the kitchen table :angry: I think I've found a way round this, but it will mean having to remove the cover and surround in one piece to get to the battery.




I'll let you know of any issues after I've driven with them on.


Cheers to Scott for going to all the trouble over these and letting me have the test dummies :thumbs: Scott, you can see them at ZedFest this weekend.

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