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If you were a 1940,50 racing driver...


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What would you wear on your feet??

Also what sponsers would you have on your race overalls?


Goodwood revival coming up. I have purchased race overalls so need some sponsers on it. Currently have a Pirelli iron on so just need a couple more. Any clever ideas?

Also what footwear would they have worn? I have nothing suitable at all.

Have a set of goggles on the way and also a tweed flat cap.



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Then I probably wouldn't be wearing a race suit, it'll just get uncomfortable. Cracking idea, but a lot of effort!


Smart suit of the period is the usual attire. If you really do want to go in the suit, then just wear comfortable shoes as it's a lot of walking, and as for logos remember that they didn't actually wear them back then as a rule ;)

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Google your question.

There will be loads of suggestions, pictures, or view photographs of the period of racing drivers.


I went last year, fantastic event. Glad you are dressing up for it, you will feel so much more part of it.

Although yes many men will wear Tweed and the likes, there are also plenty who break away from this.

Good comfy shoes yes are essential. !!!!!!!


Expect to have brain overload, so much to do and observe. If you like photography the opportuntiy to get some stunning shots is vast !!


Enjoy, fingers crossed the weather is good for you. :)

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