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Everything posted by Maccaman

  1. Hi & Yes they are very helpful but also friendly & at times hilarious. Get some pics up when you can so we can all oohhh at your Zed.
  2. 1. Would be interesting video. 2. Dont know. 3. My mother has been in the car & she is 81 (though she was only 80 at the time) & didn't have much problem.
  3. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Dont care about the tranny rumours etc. I WANT ONE. We will all be drooling & waiting to hear all about your conversion. Hope you are going to post some videos when you can. Very tempted to get some parts for my car just to able to see & touch. Congrats Phil.
  4. Yep you are officially a GEEK. Very good work though & will look really good on the tee-shirts.
  5. Looking very Another Zed in Staffordshire - just got to be careful of the dreaded cameras & stealth vans. Forget the Bose for now & just enjoy the grunt of your car.
  6. sod 2 Slang, chiefly Brit Noun 1. an unpleasant person 2. Jocular a person, esp. an unlucky one: the poor sod hasn't been out for weeks 3. sod all Slang nothing interj sod it an exclamation of annoyance [from sodomite] sodding adj
  7. Will wait with baited breath for the pics to see the fruits of your labours. Have you modded at all or just returned to stock?
  8. Welcome to the forum. Once you get rid get on the hunt (no better time than now). Then as soon as you starting asking questions you wont be able to shut this lot up.
  9. Good result Rob. Now you can really enjoy driving your sweet motor as it should be.
  10. Welcome to the forum. Does this mean "once, twice three times a Fairlady"
  11. to the forum. Sounds like you will be a good addition for all the techies & modders on here (& the rest of course) Have friends who live in Liverpool, Syracuse. Don't know if that is anywhere in the region of New York that you are from.
  12. Maccaman

    DB7 or 9

    This morning in Stafford. White & looking very very
  13. It was only after I posted the correct name that I thought somebody would wonder how I knew.
  14. Car is looking How long can you keep it that clean? Must look good to attract Carmel from Hollyoaks to sit in it for a photoshoot.
  15. Once again I was gobsmacked. Thought the only outcome would have been no penalty as Bourdais just kept to his line & didn't move to block. Where else was he supposed to go (unless he was expected to slow down & allow Massa to pass at will). As Stew said the racing in the Moto GP is show much better, can you imagine the what the F1 barstewards would have done with the spectacular we saw at Laguna Seca. Can remember when James Hunt won his championship, most of it was played out in the courts with Ferrari being the ones taking it there endlessly.
  16. to the forum. All the best for the combined meets. I think it was Dana International
  17. Travelling just outside Stafford towards Penkridge & Wolverhampton at 4.45pm. It looked as dirty as mine at the moment (but then it was Black)
  18. to the forum Dano. Wow you've some fun to come & also driving with the top down even if its really cold. Enjoy bud
  19. Its a main A road back into Stafford. Was just having a play before reaching the static camera just up the road.
  20. A farmer in Devon has made history by growing a field of dildos! Unfortunately he's had a lot of trouble with squatters! 85% of Liverpudlian males say they enjoy sex in the shower........ The other 15% haven't been to prison yet I'm really p*ssed off! Someone's just crashed into my car in one of them new Skodas. There's f.......g jam and sponge everywhere! Bastards! Just been thrown out & barred from the local swimming baths because I had my Speedo trunks on! What I didn't know was the 'S' had come off the logo!! Just bought a racehorse called 'My Face', It may not be any good but I can't wait to hear all the women in the crowd screaming 'come on .. .My face I've just been 2 my first Muslim birthday party! Musical chairs was a bit slow but f*ck me pass the parcel was fast! 2 Irish couples decide to swap partners. Afterwards Paddy said to Murphy that's the best f*ck I've ever had, I wonder how the girls got on ? If mothers Celebrate mothers day, fathers celebrate fathers day, lovers celebrate valentines day, do ******* celebrate palm sunday? Paddy weighs 20st, so his doctor puts him on a diet. 'I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day and repeat this for 2 weeks, you should loose 5lbs.' When Paddy returned, he shocked the doctor by having lost 4st. 'That?s amazing the doc said'...Paddy nodded...'I'll tell you be Jesus, I taut I was gonna drop dead by da 3rd day.' 'What from hunger said the doc?'...'No from the f........g skipping!' Just popped home, caught the plumber with his d*ck in the dog! Can't believe the police won't do anything! They said the b*stard was corgi registered Are you available to come to a charity pancake competition on Shrove Tuesday? The organisers have the pans and the ingredients they just need a tosser.
  21. Yep I got the envelope. 42 in a 30 zone by a "safety van" Stopped to let a car turn right & then accelerated & 50 yards later saw the van. Stupid as I know they lurk there. I suppose not bad after 4 years of enjoying the Zed's acceleration.
  22. to the forum. My cat likes the bonnet of my Zed. Luckily he's colour coded to the Sunset.
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