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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Nope am an athlete I only binge drink
  2. Jay

    LED rear lights

    What about these mate http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-FAIRLADY-Z ... dZViewItem
  3. HAHAHHAHAHAH ya made me spit out my tea lol.
  4. That is some amount of work you did there mate. Looks smart would love to hear that bad boy up full lol
  5. I actually like the kit especially the rear. But those wheels yuk yuk
  6. yeah but then again it was probably a difficult manouvre they were trying to do Good times
  7. Quality idea! You should go into politics i would vote for you lol
  8. OOOOOUUUCCHHHH That would defo leave u.............. well bawless lol
  9. I agree with you mate! Why the hell would they race in that weather
  10. Nice looking zed you got there mate! Let the modding begin
  11. So nixy does that mean i have managed to avoid being in trouble
  12. Was browsing youtube and found this lol no doubt i will get some stick for posting this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDeQEl8q ... re=related
  13. NO sarnie not been there b4 However if i ever get into that situation i will kno wat 2 say ANWAY sarnie exhaust is still working fine
  14. "Honestly Love i swear it wasnt me! I lost my card when i was there" OR get your friends in the @*!#. "Ok babe dont go mad but i gave the card to JOHN and he is paying me back, he just needed to blow off some........................ steam" lol
  15. This story keeps gettin better and better
  16. hahahaahaha Not so happy days
  17. The most I've individually spunked is about £3k across three nights including pent house rooms in hotels in Leeds, manchester and Nottingham, food and champagne all weekend etc. That hangover lasted about 2 months That was when I was young, single and fooking stupid I went on a Stag Weekend to Amsterdam a few years ago and one of the Lads paid for 5 hookers to party with him over the weekend... He hired them on Friday night and they left on Sunday morning. Cost him £3,700 just for the girls. God knows how much he spent on champagne, drugs, condoms and viagra on top! 5 girls though.... fooking greedy b**tard! HAHAHAAH Now that sounds like a bloody good weekend
  18. I wish i culd b sensible and think about flats etc but nahh lol gotta be holiday and turbo 4 me
  19. Would take my mrs to thailand for luxurious 3 weeks. Then when i got home would put a turbo in the car lower it and get insurance for dads chrylser srt hehehehe
  20. Jay

    only the Japs

    That is bloody gorgeous. Better start saving lol
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