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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Go on then Phil, how much for this?! I bet it wouldn't be that difficult to produce/install something like this... piece of plastic with switches tapped into the existing tiptronic switches. Afternoon job...
  2. If you have the time/money to do so, i would return it to stock as best you can and sell the bits individually. They'll be worth quite a bit more on their own than all in one package!
  3. A. The A34 - Basically my racetrack with roundabouts! B. Shockingly its the closest cinema to me!
  4. Both gave a nod...! Anyone on here?
  5. This will be the longest week of your life mate, but dont wish it away. In my opinion its the best part of getting a new car! Im jealous!
  6. I think I remember that being suggested before but suspect he's been to busy fettling Zeds to get round to it. So lets just get zedrush to do it for him... im sure he could quote the entire stock of ESR??
  7. Or what would make it even easier would be if there was a stickied thread containing all the usual parts people order from BigPhil, which he updated with prices and availability. JWT Pop Charger £95 Nismo v1 Kit £xxx etc etc
  8. i hear it with my windows up too. Every morning when i pull off my driveway, and it annoys the sh1t out of me.
  9. Yeh i agree - regrease is a temporary fix. Didn't someone put together a kit to fix this issue? I need to start looking into this myself as it affects my car too!
  10. Yeh - good idea for topic - whats the worst courtesy car you've ever had?? Mine was a green R-reg diesel Corsa last year. I drove to work a different route (about 15mins longer) just so i didnt have to drive through my town center incase anybody i knew saw me!
  11. marzman


    Yep, i'd drive that. Looks sweet!
  12. I've got the tip and i have to say i love it. I'd never driven an auto before but as this is my daily driver and i sit in a lot of traffic, i decided to get one. It takes about 2 weeks to get used to - when i was really going for it i used to keep pressing the imaginary clutch, but also hitting the gear lever trying to change gear As for responsiveness - under normal driving its excellent, but if im overtaking someone, i'll use the manual override and drop down to third, to power past the car infront. If you dont do this - it takes about 1 second from you putting your foot down until you get the power - which is a bit scary when you pull out and then have to wait for the power! However, can anyone answer me this - i want to go on track later this year - will this be okay with the auto??
  13. What did you wire them into buddy? Is there a footwell light already in your car? If not, how did you find the feed for the map lights and get it down to the footwell?
  14. marzman

    18's or 19's?

    19's it is then. Anyone selling up in July?
  15. marzman

    18's or 19's?

    Damn it... you're just making it worse!! I've seen these already and i'd have them tomorrow, but i've gotta wait till the end of July for my annual bonus! a matter of timing indeed!
  16. marzman

    18's or 19's?

    Hi guys, Im sure this must have been asked before but i couldn't find anything on it... Im looking to get some wheels in July, but have only got a small budget of £1k max. I know that this isn't gonna get me anything particularly brilliant, but as long as they look good i'll be happy. I'll be running some winter wheels anyway so they should last even if they're not the best! Anyway - i want them to look right on the car, so can i get away with 18's, without lowering, or do i really need 19's? If i do go for 18's, whats the smallest tyre aspect ratio i could get away with... could i have 40/18's or would i need 45's etc....? I dont want to blow my load on some 18's and then end up needing to spend another £500 to lower it to stop people laughing at it....!!!!
  17. I'd definitely be up for that! I'd suggest the A537 'Cat & Fiddle' road as a great drive out - but i'd imagine a lot of people have done it already? I saw about 20 zeds 3 years or so ago up there, when i was in my little mk3 golf! There is also 'bangers'/StockCar racetrack up in Buxton, which you can go and watch on various weekends in the summer - that would be a meet with a difference - drive up there and watch that for a couple of hours?? Just throwing ideas out here... Chris.
  18. So whens the next meet???? Im just recovering from back surgery at the moment so cant drive for 3 more weeks - cos i'd have definitely been there otherwise!
  19. Sorry to hijack but H5, how part worn are the RE040's, and what size are they? Im after 1x rear RE040R in 17" (235/50/17) in as new condition as possible - i've got 3 of these almost brand new (which i paid £115 incl wheels - delivered), i just need a 4th but dont want to pay much for it!!
  20. marzman


    Im with you - bmw's offer something different. I've said in another thread before that i thought my 328Ci had more go in 5th than my Z does. If one got the jump on you you'd struggle to catch it. However, i went up against a new shape 325 saloon last week through a few sets of traffic lights and it had nothing on the z at all - so the guy gave me a nice '5 knuckle shuffle sign'.
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