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Everything posted by dandan118

  1. Guys, i am in need of a part for my stering wheel but am having no luck finding one. i need to get the cover for the wheel- the plastic bit that u press for the horn can anyone help?
  2. Hi guys- I am in need of a new steering wheel/ the cover over the airbag with the Z on- won't go into detail but i damaged it in error & new need a new one- non't need the whole steering wheel, like i say, just the cover. Any ideas??? New from Nissan it's not gonna be cheap!
  3. i have found a Nissan specialist just down the road to me ( I live in Peterborough) & they do a P3 service for £165 & as they are Nissan specialist the service book will still show a Nissan stamp & you have peace of mind that you don't have a spotty 16 year old working on your car!
  4. Alright mate- Speak to your local Nissan dealers & get the part number for the handle, then speak to JDM performance, they will get the parts direct from Nissan Japan, as they are the same spec they will fit no probs. I have used them a few times & have found their prices to be around a third of UK nissan prices & delivery in a few days- http://www.jdmperformance.co.uk/
  5. true, i am getting work & the gym to check the CCTV just in case & if it has been captured on camera then god help who ever did it.
  6. Yea just above the rear wheel arch, prob looking a few hundred quid to fix so i suppose it could be a lot worse, but at the same time it could be a lot better! just because we drive nice cars that stand out some people assume "they can afford to fix it" - sorry but doesn't work like that!
  7. Some t*sser has scraped the rear of my car & left a big scratch that continues over the rear arch, the paint has been scratched down to the bare metal. No note left on the car & to make it worse I'm not even 100% sure where it happened. This has really p*ssed me off as it's yet another expense that I shouldn't have to pay for- Can't go through insurance as I only have 3 yrs no claims so will lose them if I do. Why do some people have no respect for others cars??
  8. I have actually done this! I got about 50 ish miles after the light went on & ran out in the work car park about to go & fill up- Very embarrassing considering I usually get various comments from people complementing the car- Look at that flash t*at- can afford the car but not to run it! - I don't let her go lower than a quarter of a tank now
  9. as the 350z isn't a turbo, i just start the car & drive, i keep the revs below 3k until the engine is warm. no need to let it sit to warm up & cool down, as for comparing warming up to a race car, there is no point as prev mentioned- they are a totally different car & need to be treated differently, the Z is a car you can use everyday & not worry too much about things like that
  10. Even I get better than 12mpg!! Do you have a hole in your petrol tank? i think i must have!!! it must be the short journies i do .. & my heavy right foot! i should buy shares in Shell or BP!
  11. how the f**k do u guys get 30 mpg?! I average 12-15 mpg, to be fair this is mostly short ish drives (4miles to work) but never manage 30 mpg average. i literally watch my petrol go down as i drive, but i can't complain as i love every minute of it!!
  12. if you like something slightly different, i've seen this for sale- looks like a good price.. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/337184.htm
  13. I had a choice of black, blue & grey- almost everyone I asked preferred the black as did I- I think a black car may not look as good in a photo but in real life, polished up imo no other colour comes close to the black…..once you've had black you won't go back!!!
  14. I am prob being really stupid but I can't find my jack! either my car hasn't got one or I am looking in the wrong places??
  15. cheers guys- got it up on the ramp last night & sump was fine, i couldn't actually find a leak from anywhere & my oil level was still high... fingers crossed it's my house mates RX8 dripping oil on the drive & not mine!
  16. I've Noticed small patches of oil on my drive, i did drive up a kerb the prev day ( slowley, to park up) & heard a scraping noise from under the car when reversing off, so think i may have damaged my sump- any idea how easy a new one is to fit/ prices? Cheers Guys
  17. I'm 24, Live on my own & pay £600 fully comp on 3 yrs bonus, with an import- some of you guys pay far to much for insurance!!
  18. I'm 24, Live on my own & pay £600 fully comp on 3 yrs bonus, with an import- some of you guys pay far to much for insurance!!
  19. i think if you have a bugdet less than £14k as prev mentioned then an import is the way to go, just make sure you look at a few as there are some real bad examples out there, just as there are uk models i'm sure. Anyone that says an import is not as good as a UK car is talking out of their a*s! I put a deposit on a Z & waited 6 weeks only to be told i could not have the car once it arrived in the UK as the dealer had noticed the car had been re-sprayed so could not confirm the car had never been in an accident...gutted! However 2 weekes & hours of looking at 350's I ended up buying one that was already in the UK- this took a lot of the hassle out of finding my car. As for Insurance, i am only 24 & i pay just £600 to insure mine! PM me, i work in insurance so will help you get your premium down
  20. dandan118


    Go to any Nissan dealer & get the part number, then go to www.jdmperformance.co.uk if you give them the part number then they will get the part from Japan, i have used them a few times & their prices are a third of Nissan UK & they are all genuine Nissan parts
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