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Everything posted by bronzee

  1. Ricey you really missed out, Taupo track day, was immense fun as always. We had our annual track day on Saturday. People come in from overseas (well apart from Ricey ) and around the country. We were down on numbers on the track a bit this year, but was an awesome weekend, they always are. We had an over abundance of prizes, with 8 event sponsors, so everyone received prizes, even helpers. :thumbup: Here's some pics, there were more pics but they seem to have disappeared this afternoon, if they reappear will post a link. There were some great pics too on the track. http://zclub.org.nz/album_cat.php?cat_id=146
  2. Somewhat, and being Club Captain, is my role to organise these events. Frantic would be quite descriptive. The cut away engine is very cool. Everyone is absolutely fascinated by it. We usually have about about 15 people standing around it at any time. Oh and for those of you that don't know old school Zeds, this is an L series engine. I know Ricey, bad timing dude. You should bunk the bus tour and stay in Taupo .
  3. What were they thinking? Im invincible no doubt! It's a bit tragic, but obviously they've never heard of hydro-locking.
  4. Just so you guys don't think I've forgotten about you over here. Here's what our Z summer has been like. Seriously had my head down, with mega hours working and 3 weeks in a row of summer events. Galaxy of Cars show two weekends ago, Concours d' Elegance on Sunday just gone and I spent 9 hours detailing a 370 for the show. Wasn't up to where I would have liked, really need another couple of days given the state it was in when I started. I couldn't even have the bonnet open to show of the 370's Stillen supercharger. 9 hours isn't long enough to do a full Concours type detail, that takes weeks of intense detailing, but it was almost passable. Pics here of the before and after of the 370. http://zclub.org.nz/...t=4072&start=15 Video of Ellerslie Intermarque. Unfortunately it doesn't touch on any Zeds. Skip to 11.40 for some of the Z Club cutaway engine running, and a fleeting glimpse of 'Doc'. People in our club have built this standing engine, everyone is always very fascinated by it. It's been off to a number of tech nights and university events. Oh and the theme for Concours d' Elegance this year was "Back to the Future" and yes there was Delorean there, didn't take any photos of it. Then on Saturday we have our annual pilgrimage to Taupo from all over the country and some come from overseas to our major Track Day. Stacks of prizes I've organised, dropped them off yesterday and they filled the whole trunk/boot of the car, and it's a big trunk. Ricey if you're reading this and near the middle of North Island, find your way to Taupo on Saturday and come to the track. Will be an event to remember. You could go for rides in some of the hard out race car Zeds. Some very good peddlers in the club, with some extremely quick, powerful Zeds.
  5. Welcome, definitely more thirsty than your previous toys. Got to love the torque though.
  6. Welcome to the unique colour, it's such a chameleon.
  7. Welcome to the forum. We do like Ultra yellow. Enjoy number 87. Factory. Although I would imagine those plaque's would be quite valuable so someone can claim they're selling a 35th anniversary/GT4 when it isn't.
  8. Welcome to the forum. If it's been run on the right juice and been properly serviced, should be more in the old girl yet.
  9. Welcome is a useful place be, especially when you're new to Zedding.
  10. Welcome to the forum. Don't forget to keep some funds up your sleeve to pay for general running expenses, tyres and servicing etc.
  11. Welcome back. Look forward to seeing what you have planned.
  12. Yes, but then they're half or a third of the cost of a higher end car, it's all relative.
  13. Not a fan of them myself, but those little fish eye type mirrors that you can stick to the wing mirrors can be useful, especially on the overly massive 370 wing mirrors.
  14. Starting weight of the first production DE 350's was 1465kgs (depending if it was a Jap spec or UK etc);. I still have my brochure from 10 years ago when I got my 350. The stock aluminum bonnet is extremely light and is generally lighter than a carbon fibre bonnet. And at least stock bonnets don't crack. Few of our 350 race cars over here changed there's over, then dumped it back for the stock aluminum. One of the issues with the lexan window in the rear window over here once again taking weight out over the rear wheels, makes it light. Usually end up having to put a bigger wing on the boot to keep the thing planted.
  15. Plenty of time to learn a bit of Italian before then.
  16. Who took the land away?! Crazy weather over in Pomland. The king tides over here are playing havoc at the moment. Driving along the motorway the other day and the sea was lapping on the edge of two motorways. Happens at this time of the year.
  17. Happy birthday! Lovely and sunny over there for your birthday I trust. Have a great day!
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