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Everything posted by xStric9x

  1. My deepest sympathies are with you buddy.
  2. I just found a Spanish 350z Club and a Mike350Z exists in this forum... that won't be you by any chance will it? I am trying to get into this Spanish forum, but the admins moderators have yet to grant me access... hummm... not quite as efficient as the lot in here... Afraid its not me bud
  3. Ha jekyl and hyde No buddy i'm off to the Lake district meet that weekend, i was torn between the two, but after meeting a good bunch of guys at the Wrexham meet and also the distance some of them traveled i thought it only fair that i do the same
  4. Hi Tim Welcome to the club Met you on the oc as Mike350 and also on the slip road by cheshire oaks
  5. Don't forget to put seanjoy's name down off the other chanel, I will pm him to double check he's still in
  6. This meeting place, how much of a loan do i need to take out to get a beer
  7. Get the feeling this is going to be a big one
  8. Anybody for a chat? Determind to try this feature out!
  9. I would be most greatful if one could help me out too
  10. Never used this before, but anbody up for a chat?
  11. Do you think i would need to reset mine after fitting a k+n panel filter?
  12. Hi all. As most of you are awear i recently had my wheel restored to the highest standard. After asking for a link to the wheel restorers website on the front page i was told it was possible if Roger could give us a members discount. As £45+vat per wheel is an excellent price for a wheel refurb i thought it a little cheeky to ask for a discount on top of that. So my question is...would it be possible for somebody to do me a signature with a pic of my zed plus the wheel restorer logo incorparated together? Ps sorry if my spelling is a bit out as i've had rather a few beverages this evening
  13. Mmm weird. Didn't think you guys would have taken them off Regards to my anti virus, i've only updated my dats. Well if every body else can see them than thats cool
  14. Hi mods. Don't know why my photographs are being taken off or deleted after a days viewing. I posted some pics lats night under the wheel section regarding the wheel restorer, but unfortunatly this morning they have disappeared
  15. Welcome tilly Like Beavis says its a bit pricey for the age Also it would have run out of warranty by now so could be costly if there are any initial problems. For something in your price range i would be looking for something like an 06 model which boasts better interior, 300bhp and plenty of nissan warranty and also the engine note is a little different than an 04 model I have to say though, i can see why your taken by the car in your link but i do think you could by an 06 and have change to fit a nismo kit
  16. xStric9x


    Sorry they are a bit late guys but here are the pics of my fully restored wheel. Just like to say a great big thanks to Roger for his excellent workmanship
  17. Just out of interest Matt what was the quote? as mine is in need of a p3
  18. If you post us a pick of whats in your arm rest console, we can give you a good idea of exactly what you need
  19. Ay up Matt,its Mike hear but with a different user name. If your up for the lakes meet we could go up together or even as a trio if stuey decides to come! Not replied to you about accom Martin as we are having a problem trying to get a dog sitter.
  20. Wasn't a background noise for me though, i had the full force of your nismo and yes they do sound
  21. Could do with a bit of sheep control though, stone chips are bad enough without getting Rammed I'll send my collie on ahead to round them up for ya
  22. Hi all. This may be of interest to some of you who turned up or missed the Wrexham meeting, in fact it may interest anybody Below is a post from Matt on the other chanel................. Was thinking that now the weather seems to be bucking up a little that we should make the most of it and the quite brilliant roads we have round our way. Am trying to get a couple of my mates to take a trip to the evo triangle and surrounding areas and it looks like there would be a couple of guys on pistonheads who would be interested too. (Ive already got a route marked out...) Think now we've guaged interest in the area, we should be able to coordinate a few of us to go out for a drive- make up for the sloooooow one we had last time! My tyres haved bedded in now too so no more "moments"! Matt Anybody fancy this?
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