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Everything posted by M350ZB

  1. im thinking of jacking my z in for this bad boy, i bet ya will turn more head, but of course all for the wrong reasons lol
  2. M350ZB


    O right, how long it take for it to come over dude !
  3. its all about the blade, lol!, thinking of making a new sig, with balde the movie in, views ?
  4. i new i was doing something wrong, lol !
  5. I got dibs on the nismo member sarnie,
  6. How much you looking at doing them for then mate ?
  7. any one know any one who dont need a seal, or anythign, there £120 from MJP, and £125 from nissan, and worst off thats each, occhhh !
  8. M350ZB

    any advice?

    Just enjoy it and watch those heads turn !
  9. Oooo that is steep, try somewhere on here, and fit them yourself easy job !
  10. May be its a all new car all together like a 325z, lol !
  11. Just an idea, but i knwo they were thinking of bringing out a new turbo version, limited of course, may not be smaller, jsut got s*** laods of plastic and stuff welded to it, to make you think its a smaller 350Z or just another 350Z, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm intresting !
  12. lol, got this sent to me earlier, lol
  13. yeah dont think mine has it in, i am printing off the d,laod off of here, and touch wood it will work, but noticed this ant for a 350z adapter ?
  14. Finally got my bluetooth adapter, it all works when dialling off of my phone, but how on earth to i set it up so i can push the button and say for example "mark" then it dial him ! Whe i push the button and say something it says pardorn, and now and then i can read out a number and it dials the number, im so clueless, and its doing ym head in I have used the search button but not foudn too much, i need some help please guys! Thanks !
  15. Looking good, had mine a month and a half, still turns heads
  16. Thanks mate, never relised its in brentwood, only around the corner, woo hoo !
  17. M350ZB


    Thanks mate, will check it out ?
  18. Thanks mate, well hopefully ill be able to get under mine sometime this week, cant wait, lol
  19. Hey guys, After a wicked weekend out and about, tonight when closing my door i noticed my drivers window seal the outter one, has snapped and came loose, its still ok but i have to keep pushing it down, has this happened to anyone before, because when looking at it, all that holds it down it s screw. If it has happened, how'd you fix it, or did you buy a new one, and if so, how much and where from ? Thanks all !
  20. Are the tips blue, dont think it will look that good on my blade, think might opt for nismo ?
  21. Is that all they are, i thought they were as such stickers, liek a permenant fix, bit tacky if they jsut clip on, lol, what you lot reckon on my 350Z blade silver, silver grill or no silver grill, i really cant decide, sometimes im likign ti sometimes im thinking na too tacky !
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