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Posts posted by nixy

  1. Interesting piece of trivia for you regarding that photo in Shibuya, the 109 building is actually pronounced the Ten Nine building in Japanese which roughly translates as 'To' 'Kyu' (the numbers ten and nine said in japanese) which when said out loud quickly makes Tokyo. :)


    Just trying to work out what corner you are in as well, but you would have in the bottom left corner have seen the statue of 'the' dog? ;)


    Photo taken from the 1st floor on the train station, almost right above the dog...




    Looks mental at night - decent pics on me proper camera tho.

    Looks like my old dog 'Boo' :)

    Would love to go to Japan....so jealous, sushi is a big fav of mine. Not sure about the naked volcanic spa though....is that why you've gone quiet ;)


    Have you seen the film about this dog with Richard Gere? Very sad.......




    Apparently they don't keep cars very long because their version of an MOT is every other year and costs about $1000!


    And if you want to buy a car, you have to prove to the police you have somewhere to park it before you can buy it.


    Been round most of the famous tourist spots in Tokyo - next up is Mt Fuji, Hakone, Kyoto then Hiroshima.


    And that is why the auctions are flooded with three year old cars - nobody wants to do the annual government MOT at that price every year! But that worked out great for me when I got my zed from Japan!


    It's definitely on my to visit list.

  3. The main car is covered as 'the car' and whoever is driving it is covered. I am then covered for 'whichever vehicle I am in' All of that came to £42 with Start Rescue and then they gave me a 10% loyalty discount which was good. I'm covered for National recovery. Wish Sky would do the same! You can add personal cover for other drivers at the same address too.

  4. Last year I took out breakdown cover on the zed and then added personal cover as I had two cars. Both cars were over 10 years old.


    This year on renewal I was about to do the same again but as my second car is now only a year old, I took out the cover on THAT car and added personal cover so that I am covered in any vehicle (including the zed). The quote was much lower as the the main car I had covered was under 5 years old!


    Hope that makes sense but such a daft little thing made a difference of about a third.

  5. Ok so apart from the obvious 'incidents' there's a few people I remember and havent seen for a long time on here, few that spring to mind:


    Matt, azure, white wheels, engine replace, loved to race caravans, do the Zshed crew still see him?

    Zugaro, he was all over this place when I joined, then he moved or was in hospital for a while made a brief comeback then nowt from him.

    JJT, didnt he buy a porsche?


    It shows how long I haven't been around when I've never heard of the people that are now missing! :lol:


    Still in touch with most of the 'original' crew on FB etc... Chesterfield, Digsy, Beavis, Jacko, Sarnie, Martin, Tarmac, etc etc etc


    Not forgetting Vik, Zedrush, Greekman, Dawn and Kenny!

  6. Ok so apart from the obvious 'incidents' there's a few people I remember and havent seen for a long time on here, few that spring to mind:


    Matt, azure, white wheels, engine replace, loved to race caravans, do the Zshed crew still see him?

    Zugaro, he was all over this place when I joined, then he moved or was in hospital for a while made a brief comeback then nowt from him.

    JJT, didnt he buy a porsche?


    It shows how long I haven't been around when I've never heard of the people that are now missing! :lol:


    Still in touch with most of the 'original' crew on FB etc... Chesterfield, Digsy, Beavis, Jacko, Sarnie, Martin, Tarmac, etc etc etc

    • Like 3
  7. So Apple are now saying F***you to people with older iPhones ? We are going to make you buy our latest devices ?


    Are you serious or just an Android user? :lol:


    iPhone 4 was introduced June 24, 2010. Hardware has evolved A LOT in over 5 years. So did the software. The software takes advantage of the hardware, if this is not capable, you can't use the software... See where I'm going with this? :D

    Yes and No , I just have an iPhone 4 that is about 3 years old and serves my needs completely fine. I don't feel the need to update just so I can be trendy and have the latest 'must have' device and don't want to be carrying a device the size of a small blackboard around in my pocket. Alll previous updates have applied to it but can I now expect that future ones will not ?


    I'm with you on this one......my iphone does me fine as it is (other than the photo issue obvs) and now I'm out of contract I pay a measly £13 a month for unlimited texts, 1000 minutes and as much data as I can use on a sim only deal but to 'keep up' I need to at least treble that? Forget it, I will just move the photos myself! :lol:

  8. I have an iphone and an ipad. One of the features I really liked was that I could take pictures on my phone and they would automatically drop onto my ipad and vice versa - fab! Now for some reason, it only works one way around! If I take pictures with my ipad they go into photostream on my phone but if I take photos on my phone they do not go onto my ipad - the photostream album has vanished! I've checked all the settings, everything is ticked that should be. It's really frustrating as obviously it's my phone that I am out and about with when taking pictures but then they are not on my ipad unless I send them to myself! Has anyone else come across this issue?

  9. On a totally unrelated but East Yorkshire topic - I finally got around to looking at the Ronnie Pickering video last night. What a true moron, BUT I have to thank him for the hour of crying with laughter I had looking at all the youtube spoofs that have been done. I've never see the p*ss taken out of someone so quickly and so widely!! Hilarious!


    Back on topic - Lewis who has the gold modified zed does things now and then at fitness first near Willerby - modified genius I believe.

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