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Posts posted by nixy

  1. Need a new battery for my import. It's a smaller size. Do any fellow import owners have advice on the size or battery they have used to replace to original? My Bosch has lasted ten years! Mechanic can't seem to help or find a battery to fit! He thinks he has to send it somewhere to get a comparable one!

  2. After a long day at work yesterday I stopped for fuel only about a mile from home. Filled up, got back in the car and it was dead! The windscreen wipers started going and all I got was a clicking noise! I got someone to come and jump start me which worked immediately and once I got home it started again no problem. Tried it again this morning and still starting fine. I've driven my Clio today as I'm scared to go anywhere in case it does it again! I'm on the original Bosch battery which is ten years old but surely it should still be dead if it was that? I haven't charged it and only drove round the corner after the jump start. Any ideas?

  3. My car has been in the garage for three weeks after having a winter detail and wax. I've been driving my Clio while its been wet and dirty outside! This is the longest I've not driven it for and the first time ever the battery is dead! Call me paranoid but is it ok just to jump start it? I've heard all sorts of dodgy tales about imobilisers etc! I was thinking about buying a trickle charger - any advice? Do I need to disconnect the battery to use one of those?

    Happy Xmas by the way everyone!

  4. My home to work used to take me an hour but was very flat so driving with care snow etc never bothered me. My home to work is now ten minutes.............up a great big stonking hill that even front wheel drive traffic struggles with in snow. I also own a Renault Clio diesel which I bought to save money on the long commute and kept to survive through winter on the now short commute! However, the cost of running two cars is becoming a pain. This month both cars needed taxing, the clio conked out and needed an alternator, the clio also needs an MOT and new brake discs. It's getting a bit daft maintaining two cars and I'm starting to wonder whether I would be better off with winter tyres instead of a second car but I really have no idea whether they are as good as people say! Anyone have any experience?

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