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Everything posted by stuey

  1. might be tin metal heat shields broken or loose.........
  2. i cant put pics on here for some reason...............
  3. my my mate is selling for £14000 black uk model 27000 miles fsh...
  4. loft lagging........................................
  5. DAN........... are you familair with YBCARS based in rossendale............ bank street........??
  6. are the 18" original wheels goin seperate.........?
  7. i thought so too........... i might buy a set and get them painted up ready for the summer........ they have a 9cm dish on them according to the seller...
  8. surely its easier to just use a phone how ur meant to.??
  9. good video............ took the words right out me mouth...........
  10. is anyone tempted to buy a set...........???????????
  11. can u get seat belt tensioners.......... if so how much........
  12. wud be ok for going to the shops in...........!!
  13. very true...............im kinda tempted meself........ i just been lookin on their web site............ they are charging £900 for a set of the same on there.........
  14. anyone wanna sell a cod3................!
  15. cud do............ i reckon after 3 months on the road the lacquer will fall off then corrosion sets in....!!
  16. stuey

    Snow Chains

    buy a land rover.......
  17. buy cheap you buy twice.................. you only get wot you pay for...........
  18. lap it up trev................. its a bargain
  19. wots a pop charger......................
  20. i wonder if it affects your insurance if the system is faulty in an accident,,,,,,,,,,,,i bet it would certainlt affect a personal injury claim...........
  21. stuey


    have you tried plenum spacers r us......!!!
  22. to appreciate life and the people in it more............ except for all the nob heads...!!
  23. stuey


    spacer...............for wot.???
  24. this problem is a mine field..........i may have to surrender to the stealers and part wiv my hard earned pennies........
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