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Everything posted by Spatt

  1. Dont get it? Will it not work? Im not clued up on this stuff.
  2. Spotted pulling out behind me this morning on my way to work... thanks for the flash
  3. Very interested in the sterio.. will look at reviews but maybe you could tell me if it had usb for my ipod?
  4. Probably only 10-15 make sure parts are not cold Im using a hairdryer while im painting my engine cover because its freezing this time of year ( not sure if you have to do this with plast but better safe)
  5. Is it going to be busy driving in? All the more reason to get this convoy sorted
  6. Hotels booked... staying at a premier inn off the M4 (romantic) ... Swindon i think it is.. Gunna make up for it with the Rudloe hall hotel i hope, just need to know details for the convoy Cya all there!
  7. Spatt


    +1 As i said a quick hose down for me.. its good to blast the sills, arches and underside with a power wash every now and then but if you've got enough wax on should just fall off the paint... Also washing the car twice a week helps haha
  8. Spatt


    Good work... interesting results.. i use neither 'pre wash' methods but i had thought about a snow foam blaster. If i got one as a gift i would use it but i think that a normal hose pipe works fine for me.. don't even use a pressure washer. Is there a product that comes in a spray bottle i can put on my car before I hose it for the first time? save me the hassle of getting out a pressure washer?
  9. Hi Mods and everyone else.. I have some 17" wheels with tyres i would like to advertise for sale. they will not fit a Zed, they are for a 206 or similar fitments. can i advertise them and if so where would be the best place? thanks in advance, Matt
  10. ok, i get that, but when i went to see my car it was a lot more expensive than what i paid.. sometimes punching a 'little' higher can sometime be good for you. Im not saying thousands more but the car i drive today started 3 grand above my budget.. i moved my budget up and the seller came down.. I even told him before the view that i was still saving. Yes... i would be annoyed if it was a duff sale but the truth is you never really know.. Like i said i even told some people i had no intention to buy as i was still saving.. some where happy for me to come look anyway.. just depends really.
  11. buy some "hi fill plastic primer" it sands back great... couldn't recommend it enough especialy if your going to 'scuff up' the surface first should be great for covering the texture your talking about too!
  12. I agree.. i didn't mean for it to sound like that... i went to see one private owner about his car but it was a cloth interior (not on my list of wants) but i went anyway thinking i could possible be swayed by the price and although he did offer to drop his price i didn't go for it because he blatantly lied to me about the shock.. Also i drove about 70miles to see this car so if anyone was going be upset about walking away it had to be me. I went to see loads of zeds at garages in and around Manchester and many where absolute sheds in side and out.. all i was getting at was it makes it a lot easier to decide on a 'good' car when you have seen a few 'bad' ones right? when i went to see me car i was pretty sure i had made a good choice so i was very comfotable buying it... Tyre kicking is not cool but if you have to see 100 cars to know the first one was defo the right deal then i have to see its a must.. Its a lot of money at the end of the day
  13. erm.... whats VHT .. I painted a rocker cover red once and it looked like a bag of....... bit reluctant.. noticed a good thread on painting the throttle body so assuming this is the same stuff thought i would give this a try first
  14. Go and see a bunch of cars that are local.. even if they are beyond your price bracket or not what you are after.. i went to see loads of cars to get an idea of what to listen for and how it felt.. although you cant always drive it just seeing one in the flesh will defo help you get a feel for a good one when you see it. Let the seller do the talking i learnt loads from talking to owners and they where very helpful. it also helped me spot a Bad car once because the rear shock was knocking really bad... i had seen a car the week before with the very same problem only the first guy was very open and said he would get it fixed but the second guy gave me a bunch of excuses. You should also have a better idea if a car is worth traveling for then.. i was waiting to go see a car four hours away from me with cash ready but the guy never answered his phone... pretty gutted i didn't see it but it wasn't meant to be. hope this helps.. your price is bang on just be patient! happy hunting
  15. How are people painting their plenum?
  16. Looking for ideas while i get a few things sorted for my engine bay.. please post up your work. Cheers in advance. Matt
  17. When the Kremlin blows up and hes running away.. red 350z...
  18. Very nice dude, my friends really wants one of these.. he needs the extra seats haha.
  19. good shout on the spacers.. i didn't think about this one. im hoping to get a plenum spacer later in the year but i was worried i wouldn't have enough clearance. could you give me some more info on fitting spacers to the strut brace mounts?
  20. Spatt

    Plasti dip...

    cheers for the advice... i think it'll be a cheep (ish) solution for what i need. and as its not too popular over hear thought i would give it a shot. think i could tackle it myself? going for blaze orange on my azure
  21. Spatt

    Plasti dip...

    Wow.. well then... maybe I do it myself.. see how it looks then if it comes off I can get em coloured propely next year or something?
  22. Spatt

    Plasti dip...

    Just got a price for coating my wheels in this rubberised paint.. £100, Seem fairly cheep.. Has anybody had it done what is it like to live with? does it come off, pain to clean.. any info becuause i dont know much about it
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