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Everything posted by firemansim

  1. What I actually think is important is our own sevice personnel being be-headed on the streets of our own country, not some remark made on a television "soap"
  2. The word itself, on its own, in no other context, can be considered as incitement to racial hatred, but in addition to this, the heinous context in which it was used (as part of a well-known racist rhyme, whilst knowingly being filmed for a national TV show) makes it uncontestably so. What would you say if your child's schoolteacher used this rhyme and got your child's class to recite it? Would you be defending that person too? I'm very surprised that someone as astute as you is questioning this. You ask what should his punishment be?... whatever the law of our country decides, if he were to be found guilty. Personally I think in this particular situation a conviction would be punishment enough, but I am not the judge. The " I tried not to say it" excuse is pitifully similar to the sort of thing a seven year old would say to his teacher, but less excusable, because he isn't a seven year old, he just behaves like one. I cannot fathom why you are trying to defend a man who has admitted that he was totally wrong - Even he is not on your side. ...and if you want to provoke me into answering the question in your first sentence - clearly the answer is yes - and you seem to be quite comfortable there. I feel sad that you are happy to parade this disgusting word as you do. Why not apologise, as Mr. Clarkson quite rightly has already done? Get a life man
  3. My car was wrapped once,when it came of it fooked the paintwork in places.
  4. A lot of the cheap checks don't tell you if there is any outstanding finance on the car though
  5. Darren, make sure it's got an S-tune sticker in it
  6. The thing is, being marked Cat C the car is immediately worth a lot less. It's just the marker on the car rather than the actual cause of the write off. If the car has been repaired to an approved standard then why should it be worth any less than a paint job in your opinion? Surely a repair is a repair both done to exactly the same standard I don't see the difference? When buying a Cat C car I think you need to keep in mind that the majority of the market is immediately put off by the prospect of owning one, regardless of the type of damage. So, although in your example you would be happy to pay around 15% less than market value for a Cat C car not many other people would which is why you often see massive discounts on Cat registered cars. From my research people are looking for a discount of at least 30% before the conversation even gets into what type of damage the car received. So Bradders in my opinion I think top end money for this car would be about £4k. If you're happy to take a punt on it then just make sure you get an RAC/AA inspection or something similar just to ensure the car is in a servicable condition. I'm just concerned that people on here might be convincing you it's worth more than what the market would value a Cat C import at. Worth a lot more than that if it's an ST
  7. Remember a VIC check only checks to see if chassis and engine numbers are correct
  8. Bradder's, check this car with a fine tooth comb,I reckon it's an import that could have been crashed. This would explain the wrong bumpers etc and why he wont give you all the info.
  9. Look under the bonnet and behind the sun visors etc, if everythings in Japanese it's an import.
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