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Everything posted by OsakaBen

  1. http://www.epracing.co.uk/Aero-Kit/Nissan/350Z/350Z--AM-Style-Aero-kit/p-69-78-100-785/ Traders on here, but not very active Ben
  2. Ah the thanks Olly, think I got it
  3. I'm already s/c vlad Get your act together mate haha
  4. I'm aiming for 400whpish with my vortech. I need a new exhaust as the custom one I have is rusting away. I've heard I need a certain inch, and a true dual...can I not just bang any exhaust on for 400whp? Will it restrict it that much? I'd like to know your setups with FI so I have an idea what to go for Thanks, Ben
  5. http://www.takeda.co.uk medicine that matters
  6. First bit of advice is to never buy anything off ebay haha Also side skirts are generally needed to carry on the flow. I can't think of one that works without, unless you lower the car alot
  7. If you want anything half heartedly sanded again. You know where I am!
  8. Thought you had a CAI ? Nice plenum btw
  9. Anyone ever dealt with these guys in Luton? www.Carbonfinish.co.uk
  10. optimus prrriiiiiiimmmeeee
  11. I like them vlad, also a gunmetal car here, need to make the front more mean. Are they spider or something
  12. I innitialy thought that was BBK in the background, but then realised my error when I saw him holding hands with a girl
  13. You can change it via the button on the side of the speedo, I set mine a 6600 rpm, so I can drive it harsh but not hit the limiter
  14. I'm up for this Just confirming dates with work and ill get back to you Amy
  15. i went to steal a wheel.....this is what i found when i arrived...
  16. You lied to us! I'm still on the vortech fueling So naturally I'm making about 200 whp
  17. be interesting to hear your results Edit: can't spell
  18. Haha it's a fair argument that the stock injectors can't handle too much more, but with larger injectors and a correct tune, why can't I just blow out 1000bhp. I'm trying to educate myself here, I obviously don't know enough about engines. I'm sure somebody will be along soon to explain and call me an idiot haha
  19. Well, I'm not planning on going above 400 whp on the stock engine, however I see a lot of people saying the engine is only good for 400ish and then you must forge. Seeing threads like this : http://m.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=156639&styleid=69 Makes me wonder...where does this information come from? Who said its only good for 400? Does everyone blow up over 450? Searching I find very little on blown motors. I know really it's the torque that destroys the VQ, but again, that's only what I've heard. Am I being stupid? Is there a dead answer with loads of technical jargon that makes cranking up your horsepower to 600 an instant bang?
  20. As above really, Alloys can be in any condition. Thanks
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