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Everything posted by lmc

  1. Responsibility! Fair enough. So where do you stand on gas fitters? They have a responsibility too, as if they get it wrong they could kill far more in one go than the single person a surgeon could. Everyone has there worth, I agree with that. Consultants deserve there pay, gas fitters probably deserve there pay as they have extra skills, responsibilities, qualifications etc. the same applies to structural engineers, pilots, etc. but for a joiner to charge what they do is wrong. How would you know what a joiner charges, you paid someone who isn't a joiner £300 to lay some laminate in 7hrs Just admit it this isn't a rant at tradesmen at all it is just you realising you are a tool and admitting it on here for us all to enjoy Made my day
  2. Responsibility! Fair enough. So where do you stand on gas fitters? They have a responsibility too, as if they get it wrong they could kill far more in one go than the single person a surgeon could. Everyone has there worth, I agree with that. Consultants deserve there pay, gas fitters probably deserve there pay as they have extra skills, responsibilities, qualifications etc. the same applies to structural engineers, pilots, etc. but for The joiner that did my laminate to charge what they did is wrong. Rephrased that for you as once again your tarring us all with the same brush
  3. Sorry I disagree, if the guy said £300 and would take 2 days fine. If I came home and as you said had a nightmare doing the job, I would honestly give him extra. But I expect the same in return. Then my friend you are in a very small minority and fair play to you Id just like to add not all of us are like that and i don't know about the chap you used but i have over £60k's worth of tools in my lock up which unfortunately need paying for some how £60,000 worth of tools? Are you running a workshop or are they not just joinery tools or do you have multiples? As that seems a little excessive. Granted my dad has about that in tools but £30,000 of that is a big workshop saw thing that cuts, planes, mitres, routersand all the rest of it but that's an industrial unit that runs off a 3 phase power supply. The rest of his stuff like the dewalt drills, paslode nail guns, dewalt mitre saws, dewalt table saws, laser levels, several routers etc are only worht around 30K at the most and I don't think he is missing any tools. Whilst i'm only a mere 39 years of age I directly employ other tradesmen and have the old school mentality that they should only have to supply there hand tools and a cordless so with that in mind i have multiples of the same power tools Yeah ok, you employ tradesmen but do you pay them £300 a day? Didn't ever say i did and if you have another look at what ive wrote you'll find that i agree with you that you've paid to much and that £120-£150 a day is more like it
  4. Sorry I disagree, if the guy said £300 and would take 2 days fine. If I came home and as you said had a nightmare doing the job, I would honestly give him extra. But I expect the same in return. Then my friend you are in a very small minority and fair play to you Id just like to add not all of us are like that and i don't know about the chap you used but i have over £60k's worth of tools in my lock up which unfortunately need paying for some how £60,000 worth of tools? Are you running a workshop or are they not just joinery tools or do you have multiples? As that seems a little excessive. Granted my dad has about that in tools but £30,000 of that is a big workshop saw thing that cuts, planes, mitres, routersand all the rest of it but that's an industrial unit that runs off a 3 phase power supply. The rest of his stuff like the dewalt drills, paslode nail guns, dewalt mitre saws, dewalt table saws, laser levels, several routers etc are only worht around 30K at the most and I don't think he is missing any tools. Whilst i'm only a mere 39 years of age I directly employ other tradesmen and have the old school mentality that they should only have to supply there hand tools and a cordless so with that in mind i have multiples of the same power tools Ah ok, that's more than fair enough then. So the cost of the tools aren't just covered by the work that you do but also the work that your employees do. Exactly But I still think that the op was over charged just trying to say were not all like it.
  5. What world do you live in Most joiners even one man band joiners will have at leat 5-10k invested in tools
  6. Sorry I disagree, if the guy said £300 and would take 2 days fine. If I came home and as you said had a nightmare doing the job, I would honestly give him extra. But I expect the same in return. Then my friend you are in a very small minority and fair play to you Id just like to add not all of us are like that and i don't know about the chap you used but i have over £60k's worth of tools in my lock up which unfortunately need paying for some how £60,000 worth of tools? Are you running a workshop or are they not just joinery tools or do you have multiples? As that seems a little excessive. Granted my dad has about that in tools but £30,000 of that is a big workshop saw thing that cuts, planes, mitres, routersand all the rest of it but that's an industrial unit that runs off a 3 phase power supply. The rest of his stuff like the dewalt drills, paslode nail guns, dewalt mitre saws, dewalt table saws, laser levels, several routers etc are only worht around 30K at the most and I don't think he is missing any tools. Whilst i'm only a mere 39 years of age I directly employ other tradesmen and have the old school mentality that they should only have to supply there hand tools and a cordless so with that in mind i have multiples of the same power tools
  7. Sorry I disagree, if the guy said £300 and would take 2 days fine. If I came home and as you said had a nightmare doing the job, I would honestly give him extra. But I expect the same in return. Then my friend you are in a very small minority and fair play to you Id just like to add not all of us are like that and i don't know about the chap you used but i have over £60k's worth of tools in my lock up which unfortunately need paying for some how And if I stayed in England, rather than Scotland my education would cost me over £100k I did a 5 year apprenticeship for £27.50 a week yts money and payed for my own college courses aswell whilst being a young married man with children so paid my dues too. Not saying that what you paid was right and agree it was to expensive but just because i haven't got a degree doesn't meen im not entitled to earn a good living.
  8. Sorry I disagree, if the guy said £300 and would take 2 days fine. If I came home and as you said had a nightmare doing the job, I would honestly give him extra. But I expect the same in return. Then my friend you are in a very small minority and fair play to you Id just like to add not all of us are like that and i don't know about the chap you used but i have over £60k's worth of tools in my lock up which unfortunately need paying for some how
  9. Im a carpenter/joiner and employ other tradesmen but unfortunately i don't live anywere near scotland but for that money would quite happily relocate Down in sunny devon the average price for a cash job is about £150 a day. I would say though that sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth, He could of just as easily had an absolute nightmare fitting your flooring and taken 3 days to fit it but i'm damn sure you wouldn't have offered him anymore money irrelevant of how good a job he'd done. You win some you lose some
  10. Cool film and awesome car
  11. As hard as it is patience will pay dividends in the end
  12. Congrats on your purchase. Looks good
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