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Everything posted by MrsNiki

  1. Nightshift is a bit on the slow side tonight, so i've been doing some reading up on over ear headphones as i fancy a decent set. I know i definitely do not want the Beats by Dre type (false economy, cheap, rubbish sound compared to others at the same price), and am swaying towards Bose, particularly the QC15 noise cancelling ones. Does anybody have any experience with these, or recommend anything similar? The main use will be whilst travelling (train/plane mainly) and in the house. Open to idea's, and i'll be travelling through Aberdeen airport next week so will nip into the Dixon's travel and see if they have any on display i can get a listen to I have spent a small fortune in the past few year on the inner ear type, and never found a good set, hence the switch to the big boys! Have also been told to use Richer Sounds to buy my headphones from, anybody have experience of them? Cheers guys, hope you can help Niki
  2. I filmed my wibbly wobbly once but I got in trouble as I sent it to the wrong girl :lol:
  3. I get a headache watching 'wibbly wobbly' filming....
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23713732 I remember seeing the article on here a couple of months back about bringing in some kind of legislation to fine road users who hog lanes... Well its come into force, along with a few other things by the looks of it! Will be interesting to see how they define 'inappropriate speed'..... I wonder if the police will have to use video evidence to be able to pull over people and fine them, or if they will get the power to do so based on their own opinions. Thoughts?
  5. Yeah mines a 56 plate and i burn about 1L per 1000 miles, known issue so its worth keeping an eye on. Not quite as bad as Adrian's was though....
  6. Just as long as they don't turn green.... That would look odd!! Love the blue, it's something different
  7. I'll be there too having a wander about (no track for me, will be slightly hungover i hope)! Will defo be coming over to say hi though!
  8. Will pass the word around to my offshore buddies while i'm out here this trip, see if theres any interest No good for me, i'm not a handbag carrying ladyfitter aka instrument tech!
  9. Hmmm... Underpaid by nearly £1000 last year, no rebate for me!! Some kinda confusion over my benefits, medical cover etc, which HMRC can't seem to get their heads round.... Call themselves professionals....
  10. I have a couple of weeks away from the forum and i seem to have missed all of this... It all makes sense why Adrian is selling all his stuff now!! Best get reading some other threads and catch up
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251305830620 Surprised to have not seen this in the 'zeds for sale' section! If this is a repost, i apologise
  12. I read it the same, not sure if I feel sorry for you or me that we read it the same Great minds and all that
  13. Read the thread title there and for a minute thought you were only running on 3 tyres.... too many early mornings and late nights, have got brain fade
  14. Shame i missed this, stupid work getting in the way of my social life, but saw this in the local news. Looked like some good examples of both how to modify a car well, and also how not to... Check out the pic of the car with speakers in the windows! Chavtastic! http://thelincolnite.co.uk/2013/07/lincs-evolution/ But with all modified cars, its about personal taste so hats off to those who spend time and money doing it
  15. I like to see a bit of old fashioned romance, the guy doing what he can to win over a girl You sound like you are gonna put your heart and soul into this, and good luck to you! At the end of the day, if things don't work out how you wanted them too, you will know you have tried your best and not sat back and wondered 'what if'. The old cliche of 'you only live once', don't spend your life wondering.....
  16. Out on a drive around the coldswolds today and saw an 07 black 350z driving in opposite direction to me near Lechfield, and then got back to camp at Carterton and got a wave from a guy in a 59 plate shiny blue 370z which was very smart looking
  17. Hahaha should really do the 'smut check' before I post things!! Oh well you knew what I meant!!
  18. The biggest difference I found was the clutch travel being massively reduced, lighter and can pull off better, but having the gearbox moly has made the changes smoother and 2nd gear in the cold works now!! Mr Niki drove today and was also impressed with it!
  19. Labour was £480 but that was for the whole lot, car was in all day. Went for the lightened flywheel that Zmanalex sells with the exedy clutch, not sure exactly what make flywheel is, never actually looked! Just had a 150 mile blast down to Oxfordshire this morning, couldn't help but smile at every roundabout when I had to change gear, sooooo smooth!!
  20. Just had my clutch and flywheel changed out on my car, also got a full service with new spark plugs/belts and all oils changed etc, and its like having a whole new car! The clutch feels so much lighter and the biting point is back down to something reasonable gear change is noticeably improved too, I wish I'd done it all a few months back.... Big thanks to Zmanalex for supplying the gear, Newton and Bailey garage in Lincoln for doing the work, and SMD for reassuring me about the lightened flywheel and proving its not as noisy as I imagined Can start planning more mods now the necessaries have been done!
  21. Oh yes, felt dead chuffed when i left the place!
  22. 'T*** VAO' I think... *mods please remove if i shouldn't post full number plates!
  23. I got all excited as i pulled in next to these bad boys, and then discovered that the two 'Ferrari's' were MR2's with 3lt V6 engines and replica kits, and the 'Lambo' was also a replica with a 5lt engine in it. Didn't find out what the original chassis was for that one, and a quick look on the my car check app revealed it was listed as a Lambo Replica, which did not help! Reckon it was a Mitsubishi little sport car thingy (feel free to tell me what the model is haha!) I can't quite understand the reason behind replica's.... surely they must be pretty expensive to do, could have got a real Ferrari 360 for decent money... but then again i suppose having japanese cars under a body kit must be more reliable.... Whats your opinions?
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