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Everything posted by JoshC

  1. roughed the caliper using a green scourer, cleaned and sprayed with hammerite smooth, no primer as the paint is quite thick with multiple thin coats, high gloss so no need for lacquer I'm gonna be using just a regular aerosol as I couldn't find s decent match to Le mans blue in anything else sadly So I'll probe need to use primer and lacquer as its a metallic colour!
  2. Just seen your post as I was replying Lee! Thanks for the pics, they do look great! Same question to you, how did you prep etc? Where are the 'bona' stickers from? :L
  3. Car looks lovely mate! So did you do the clippers and engine cover with just a regular aerosol can and did you use primer and lawyer before and after? Looks great with spacers, that'll be my first mod as I've taken the ones off my written off 350!
  4. Another quick question relating to this. I've oreded 1 can of Le Mans blue from paints4u now ready to get them sprayed once I pick the car up. Did ask the guy for some advice over the phone and he said there's no guarantee that the standard aerosol paint will be heat resisatant to a high enough level for the brakes but going to give it a go anyway. He also suggested just keying the factory paint rather than fully rubbing down. Any advice, firstly on how I should prep them? Will a keying then primer, paint, laquer be okay or not? Also, does anyone know where I can get the right size 'Nissan' stickers to replace them once they've been sprayed? Cheers!
  5. Cheers for clearing that up Do you want me to pass him you contact details or something if he does want to buy one off you? Good stuff! You got any pics of it mate? I'm jut deciding on materials and stitching now! Dos he add the standard 2mm of thickness to yours too?
  6. As recommended by a few on here and seemingly every other car forum on the net, I've spoken to Jack at Royal steering wheels about a re-trim for the wheel on the 370 I'm picking up this week. I'm going to use the exchange option so he'll source a wheel, trim it and send it then I'll return my standard one after I've fitted the new one! Seeing as it'll take him 2 weeks to do it I'd like to order it now, however just wanted to check that any wheel he does source to trim for me will be a direct replacement. The car I'm buying is a 2010 GT with connect premium and automatic gearbox. Are the steering wheels on a 370 all the same or do they differ depending on audio options, cruise control etc and do the flappy paddles of the auto box effect the replacing of the wheel? Cheers in advance
  7. Looks lovely mate! Spacers make a subtle but very nice difference! Where were your smaller plates from mate and do you know what size they are?
  8. Cheers mate! I'm actually not sure whether the car I'm picking up already has them or not, if not I will be in touch
  9. Looks good mate! What front lip is that? Looking for something to toughen mine up when I oick it up next week! Re: the sidesteps, you got them up for sale yet? If they're aren't already gone, drop me a PM will be very interested!
  10. Okay cheers for the advice! I haven't actually picked the car up yet so not seen how it works so don't fully understand at the moment, was just hoping I could order a new one to put straight on
  11. That's for a 350, will it be the same as a 370? If not I'll Mail him to ask. You sent me instructions? Not had anything? Darren, looking at US forums they are just fitting them with a button on the top and saying no issues? Do you mean this wouldn't work then?
  12. You loved playing with my knob, you looked so satisfied when we've finished! Is that the only was to change the knob on the auto then? To cut and chop the bits underneath?
  13. I have seen Octet's thread here about fitting a GTR knob to the auto but I just want something simple and smaller that will replace the massive standard one! When I test drove it the other day it looked insanely huge. Is there not something smaller that will just screw on? Cheers
  14. Where's the best place to get OEM (or at least OEM looking) ones from? Decent quality with the logo?
  15. Great stuff! That's what I was hoping for, be great to here it mate Do you live in Cardiff then?
  16. I have asked a similar question before in the 350 section but now that's gone and I'm picking up my 370 soon I've provisionally booked it I for 2 weeks time into Prospeed in Cardiff. Firstly, when I spoke to Charlie he said there's already 2 370's booked in for the next week with them so was wondering if any of those guys are on here? 1 of them I think was called Simon and was having an electric valve fitted too? Also, being as I can't find an exhaust which I really love on here on anywhere else online, I've decided to go custom. But of a risk because no idea what it will sound like, does anyone recommend against a custom one? He's wuoted me £480 all in for a cat back, much cheaper than off the shelf and they have a great rep!
  17. Brilliant! Thanks very much mate
  18. In fact if I'm saving money on a front lip I may go for the side skirt and on diffusers from you eBay instead! Do they come in gloss black ready to be attached?
  19. Lovely! Cheers mate is it just a case of popping the old one out and the new one in?
  20. Cheers mate, difficult to judge if I'm going to like it or not in black against blue! May hang on for the new one then, let me know if you need a tester
  21. ^^^ standard = white button, gtr = red button (Not my hand in the pic btw) Thanks for that mate! Where can I get hold of a GTR one if I do fancy one?
  22. Okay cheers mate! Think I'd probably look to get it wrapped in that case! Are there any more photo's of them installed on ,e,bees cars? I like the look of it from the front but don't want anything that makes the bottom lips stick out too much? Any idea how early next year the new one will be available?
  23. Mr Tarmac, I'm looking at the above item in your eBay. Definitely interested in purchasing once I have my 370 next week. Couple of quick questions, anyone on here that has fitted it (looking to see how easy a fit it is)? Also, I see it comes in black but does that mean a gloss black or just the flat black of bare plastic? Finally, are they in stock and ready to shop asap? Cheers
  24. Are you definitely getting the Nismo bumper then mate? I've put a deposit down on my 370 and been looking at the new Nismo front bumper and boot lid (for the spoiler). Would be interested to see how easy and affordable they are to get hold of!
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