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Everything posted by cs2000

  1. Those Jelly like strips im thinking of will bend. I have used loads of them in the past. My reason for enquiring however is I don't want anyone to waste their time. I first used these as fish tank lights. Had them running on a proper step down transformer. The first set got so hot they melted the fish tank lid. The second set slowly died. The LED's are wired in 3's and after 3-4 months over half of them had died. I then used them on my Celica. I oven-baked the lights open and stuck these down in-side the lens to create some nice DRL's. Sadly, again 2-3 months later they started to fail. I replaced them both again and the same exact thing happened. They are good whilst they last, I just didn't find them durable. The best kind of LED is a SMT version, these don't seem to blow really unless you over-volt them obviously.
  2. I just re-did it as I did the first time, but instead of filling out my address details etc I just logged in on the form that came up
  3. heh, best of luck. I wouldn't have been able to help anyways, im at work and Ninja browsing the forum... but I think I already know what you're doing. Im guessing you are trying to avoid soldering and are looking to buy one of those LED strips yes??
  4. Guys, the May boxes are now live on the Waxybox website, get on and get one ordered ready for the end of this month!
  5. @ Clown - Having looked at some photos, they look similar, would be nice if someone can confirm 100% however I don't see why not. I doubt Veilside would want to include some special reflectors in a bumper kit. Also, im unable to PM you, make some space in your inbox!! @KyleR - I have found some LED's online that are POSSIBLY the correct colour and bright enough, they're on the way to me for confirmation. Orange reflectors with white LED's may look good, but im assuming these are your OEM reflectors. You would have to do a little bit of investigation if you wanted me to do these for you. Il send you a PM to keep the thread tidy
  6. Yep I have it too. Seems like the whole drivetrain in there is fairly poorly designed If you were considering a new box, you would be looking at around £900 all in including you paying to get it fitted at a garage and getting the box from one of our friendly traders.
  7. Daylight photos, a little hard as car was in sunlight as you can see by the terrible photo And Dblock, This photo is stolen from a write-up by jep350z, the cable show is here. In all reality, its a bumper off job to fit these. I personally did it with the bumper all unscrewed, but not actually removed from the car.
  8. Mine neither, hopefully tomorrow though
  9. Oh, and the list 1. Jaz 350z - Black, (colour choice to be confirmed if successful) 2. Shaun1982 - Black 3. Dblock - Silver 4. Gringo - Silver
  10. Probably not honestly. I've just sold a pair of those carbon style ones. The LEDs are soldered directly into a PCB. Not impossible by any means, but not something I've ever done, sorry. Also, you will be hard pressed to find amber LEDs that are the correct colour and bright enough. You can find one or the other but I've never found both.
  11. Il see what I can do later, if I can find any photos online! Don't fancy taking my bumper apart this evening! Lol It's very simple though. Just use the scotch locks and clamp them onto two wires, done. That's how mine are set up I will include printed instructions in the ones I sell so nobody is confused about how to wire them in.
  12. Il get a photo and add it to my other thread, see my sig link for details, and pop your name down if you still like
  13. Of course they can. There are plenty of ignition live wires in the engine bay. I simply chose to use the Sidelights as they were close to where the reflectors sit, and at least I have a little control of when theyre on and off. But yes, absolutely no reason why you cant wire to an ignition 12v feed.
  14. Did you use the club code Shaun, I thought these went out 2nd class. I want mine now!
  15. I can do that for you. il get one after work, so excuse the scabby looking NCP car park, and the rather dirty car at the moment. If someone did want to wire up an extra switch it wouldn't be difficult. I personally don't like having a switch for them though.
  16. Looking at his Twitter, First class orders should arrive today, I believe ours were free delivers (so, 2nd class) so should arrive tomorrow. This is what one guy received.
  17. What! you had an advisory for the OEM engine covers! Dear god! Look forward to your PM after your holidays, hope you have a good time!
  18. A massive gray aream, but really, no. See the documents below, but this is from an official VOSA representative "Currently DRLs are not inspected as part of the MOT and retro-fitting DRL will not result in a test failure regardless of their placement" However, really, since these lights aren't E marked they aren't road legal, but that's going by the letter of the law 100% which nobody enforces, even bulbs have to be E marked to be road legal, so LED bulbs from hong kong would fall foul of this law even. "E marked" rules are below for reference However, Someone handily wrote a letter asking about the legality of retro-fitting DRL style lights, here is a helpful response from VOSA. this states DRL's are not part of the current MOT test, but simply have to comply with other road lighting rules.
  19. I also hold this belief, its really impossible to keep a polished lip looking perfect, they have to be used as summer wheels only sadly, or keep having them refurbd.
  20. Personally, id say at 50,000 miles im surprised the clutch is even still there. From reading on here, 24k miles seems to be when the clutches need replacing, im at 57k and onto my 2nd clutch now. As for the chattering noise. yes, it may be related to the wear, but I have found the transmission in these is rather noisy, clutch noise seems fairly common.
  21. No worries, il add you onto the list. Not sure why you cant get ultra bright blue LED's, must be down to light wavelength or something. You can get some stupidly bright green ones but no blue. Il stick you onto the list, cheers I know this is still an interest thread, but I have all the parts on order to make the items above, still have 1 silver set un-called for at the moment too. If I don't end up doing this on here im sure I can flog them on eBay. 1. Jaz 350z - Black, (colour choice to be confirmed if successful) 2. Shaun1982 - Black 3. Dblock - Silver
  22. Kinda defying your signature there! but thanks for the comment
  23. Dblock, I should have made it clear that these were white only!. However, seeing as I didn't, il make a set specially for you! Let me just go and check I can get LED's bright enough! (but bear in mind, 30,000mcd is damn bright, you are likely to attract some unwanted attention with these! EDIT, I can find 15,000 MCD blue LED's so they will be half as bright, up-to you matey
  24. Cool When the reflectors arrive il add some photos on here of the two side by side so people have a better idea of what the black ones look like.
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