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Everything posted by theheff

  1. Seems a little harsh though that i said within the hour, from 1936hours, yet the post wasnt authorised until 2230ish, 3 hours later. A little bit of leneancy might have been nice. Ive reposted it now anyways.
  2. As title. I bought this on here last week but decided to paint my oem engine cover and have decided to keep that on the car so this is surplus. Its missing one of the rubber/metal washers but they can be easily swapped of the oem one. £55 collected from n/e london or £65 posted Fitted in engine bay
  3. To be fair that was nearly 3 hours after i initially submitted it, and i didnt get a thread approval email like i used to. I was working by the time it was authorised. Could have given me till the morning seeing as it took so long to authorise it. Ill repost it
  4. I assume it got ok'd as i got a reply to the thread. I did write that id add a picture with a name and date but it took ages to authorise the thread and by that time id started work. Can the thread be reinstated and ill addd the second picture
  5. Why you driving all the way to London for a remap? Haven't abbey licenced the stuff to someone further up north, tide or something I think?
  6. As title, anyone got a used set they are looking to move on before I buy new. Looking at having money around the 20th if anyone has a set.
  7. Octets is a de engine though isn't it?
  8. After an 80 mile journey and another shorter journey tonight engine cover has held up fine so think my painting texhnique must have been ok.
  9. Was thinking of a little jdm character for the cooling panel. Ive got a tarmac sports sticker to go on the brace for when he sends me a free supercharger. Maybe a little blitz sticker to represent the exhaust. Not sure yet?
  10. All the powder coat bits fitted aswell as the custom rising sun engine cover which i did myself. Also got a carbon cover but i think i prefer the custom one. Need some bonnet lifters now I prefer this one but the carbon one is below aswell. Whats peoples opinions? The carbon one.
  11. All finished. See my thread in my signature
  12. Finished, apart from the clear coat. Looks a little more oval than round but once on the car it will lookabout right. Few bits where the taper lifted slightly but overall im well happy with the outcome
  13. The paint is still wet in this picture by the way
  14. Whats your opinions on this. Thinking about leaving it after one rough coat of red. Sort of has a weathered look. Problem is if i remove the tape now i cant really go back
  15. 4 Black coats are done and im happy with how it looks. Just waiting for it to dry. Do i need to clear coat before masking up for the design or just go onto the black paint. If clear coat first how many coats, also how many coats to finish it off, is 2 enough?
  16. My powder coated bits back at home. Fitting tomorrow cause its raining at the moment Might paint the screw part red, not decided yet The dog having a quick inspection of the work
  17. Here is my little spray booth in the loft. Dont tell 'her' about the over spray. The cover and the badge in primer
  18. I jut hope it comes out as good as it looked in my head.
  19. Another small update. Carbon engine cover. The strut brace and upper plenum are currently in the powder coaters. Should have them back in a couple of hours so will get pics up when i get them. Gone for black on both bits. Anyway, for now the carbon engine cover. Coming soon hopefully if it comes out ok, black and red rising sun engine cover.
  20. So far so good on this. Its all primered up and is currently drying following wet and dry sanding to smooth it all down. Should be getting the black paint on throughout this evening and then onto the sunrise tomorrow. Ill keep it updated and try and get some pictures along the way.
  21. Welcome, get your self signed up to the grasshopper meet in august. Not that far from you.
  22. Anyone can drive fast. Doing it safely on busy public roads is where skill and ability come into it. This bloke is clearly just a pratt. Emergency services have very few crashes in comparison to the speeds they can reach and the general standard of driving by the public in this country.
  23. Ekona knows his tires Don't think about tyres as just for going round corners. If they fail you while you braking then you will regret not spending an extra £200 when you paying the repair. Get the best you can afford. I went for the mpss, worked out £50 more per tyre than the shitty falkens I had on before.
  24. I may well be placing an order for f + r slotted discs only soon mate. Are they in stock?
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