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Everything posted by Flex

  1. Petrol though so I dont think she'd survive?
  2. I love this old girl, she's just so good. Just hope she keeps on going!
  3. First time I ever had to get ladders out to was a car!
  4. Pics? Sorry dude, hope some progress is being made. Peace be with you.
  5. I wonder how long that sat inside you!
  6. That's the northeast heart atrack in a takeaway box isn't it? Yes I think TT might be proud of this one. Pork or chicken in breadcrumbs, deep fried + Bechamel sauce + cheddar cheese + chips with some salad. I reckon TT could finish one but will normally feed me and the Mrs easy. But yes heart attack city.
  7. Has anyone heard of a parmo?
  8. Yeah I think we were going to train down/over/across.
  9. Anyone know best place to sell tickets? Not sure I want to use ebay, I could do facebook but the people that let me down are on my friends list.
  10. Fair point, might keep them then incase we need to return to stock. Cheese Kyle.
  11. This is what I'm thinking. I might be stuck there for 4 days lol.
  12. Enough said, decision made. Boss.
  13. This is all great, has anyone been to Washington, I think we're going to spend as much time in NYC over Washington at the moment.
  14. I'm gonna be replacing mine, current set up quite old 110k on the clock only one is leaking, if I decide to sell them whats the likely hood of someone wanting them? Only ask as might get something for them but a lot of hassle if they are unlikely to shift, given the weight.
  15. Send me your mobile, we can have a drink before. I think we landing early evening on Friday. Can NOT WAIT!!!
  16. Flex


    Just message Adrian @ Torquen, he'll let you know 4 sure.
  17. Balls I thought that image would show up without link. What was that other photo sharing site as I'm completely hacked off with PB!
  18. Flex


    Torquen do a nice one, by the time you've splashed out for a second hand one might as well get a nice shiney one with oil flap too, really handy!!
  19. Hey y'all, off over to DC with Mrs for conference but thought we'd go early and drop into NY. Anyone recommend places to go and see? Also thinking about driving if there's anywhere interesting to stop off between or around the two? Dont want to be driving too long though. Any suggestions welcomed. Cheers!!
  20. Hey guys, Having had two mates drop out on me I have two tickets for the above for sale. I'd rather sell them together so £210 for the pair, recorded delivery. I have them downloaded ready to print and can post almost immediately. I'm still going with another mate, who hasn't let me down. Hopefully the photo is acceptable, I've covered up the order number for obvious reasons. Going to put up on FB if no-one on here wants them. Bank transfer only. All the best, Craigxx
  21. "Birds" Not a term I get to use a lot in todays PC environment.
  22. I hope this is true, I'll just sack myself that week.
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