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Posts posted by sipar69

  1. Had a good chat to Tom at TGM where I had the exhaust fitted.


    He reckons the liquid isn't an issue - as some of you have said - just condensation build up escaping from the slip joint and nothing to worry about. The only way to get rid of it would be to use a sealing paste which would then make it impossible to get the exhaust to pieces again. He doesn't think the rattle on cold start is a fitment issue because it would be constant, not just on start up. He thinks it might just be a quirk of my particular set up. I can live with it since it only lasts for a very short time on initial start up.

  2. Recently noticed the exhaust makes a metalic rattling noise when the car is started from cold. Seems to die down after a short time and isn't present when restarting the car after a drive. I'm not sure if it's always done this, as I think I only noticed it recently while watching my girlfriend start the car from cold.


    I know some people in the U.S. have had problems with rattle from the Stillen if the fit leaves it too close to the underside of the car in a particular area, but I would guess that would mean it would rattle all of the time, not just on starting.


    Is this normal - just to do with the car warming up?

  3. Wirebrush?!


    Only joking. Personally id be very careful what you do as if your not careful you may end up making the marks worse. When my missus got her car it looked like someone had driven it through a hedge repeatedly. It had scratches all over it. My local paint supplier recommended this polish / cutting compound stuff which has like sand in it. With a lot of elbow grease it got rid of about 80% of the scratches on the car and made the remaining 20% look a lot less visible.


    If they are down to the primer then the scratches will need a lot more work.


    Thanks. Don't think they are down to the primer - they are very small and light (hence no picture). I agree - definitely don't want to make it worse!

  4. Came out of the house the other day to see some white marks on the edge of the front bumper, just in front of the wheel. I gave it a wipe and it came off easily. It looks like something brushed the bumper very lightly on the way past (lot of building going on in our road…. :rant: ).


    There was still a light scuff on the paint about an inch in size. I gave it a rub with Autoglym Super Resin Polish and it disappeared, but there are some slightly deeper looking marks left (they look a bit like the small horizontal stone strikes that appear on the side skirts.)


    This is one of those things that my better half would tell me only I can see, but I would still like to see if I can get rid of the marks entirely.


    Can anyone recommend a decent product? Would something like Turtle Wax Colour Magic work?


    (Car colour is Black Edition “Quartz†if it makes any difference.) :thumbs:

  5. 3D is a format that is still in the balance of making it or not. Sales of 3D TV's are on the rise, but nowhere near what electronic companies want them to be (especially Sony as they own BluRay). When I got my TV a year ago it was about £800-1000 (with a few goodies), a 3D TV now is much less so hopefully more people will look at getting one on their next purchase. I think that is why so many films are released in multi-format ways (3D BluRay, BluRay & DVD). What really annoyed me was Jackass 3D, a movie filmed and created with 3D in mind didn't release on a 3D format BluRay.


    What will save 3D is when they manage to get a TV that can project 3D without glasses (like the 3DS). The issue there is those of us who invested in the technology when it came out will have a dead format (same happened to HD-DVD).


    3D films are hit and miss, but that depends on the quality of the film. I don't have many 3D films, as they are still not very common. The best I have seen so far is Thor.


    Interesting - I think you're spot on about the glasses. I've been wearing glasses since I was in my early 20s. The idea of sitting with another pair on top them to watch a 3D film isn't very appealing. I also agree that the future of the format seems uncertain right now. I expect I will buy my next TV based on its 2D performance. If it has 3D capabilities that will probably be an interesting additional feature, but not the main reason for buying.

  6. I used to be quite into home cinema - here's my set up. It's nothing special by enthusiast standards, but it works pretty good in our fairly small sitting room (got some surround speakers to the rear).


    How good are films in 3D? I've read mixed reviews of 3D TVs so I'd be interested to hear what people think. :thumbs:



  7. +1 on Wheel Works.


    Used several times now and would happily make a trip (even though they're on my doorstep) from further afield...


    I had quite a few refurbs done on my previous 370.


    Wicked Wheels is quite a well known mobile refurb company and they will cover Surrey. I had a few refurbs with them and I was very happy with the results. They're not cheap (£90 -£100 for a 19 alloy) but they do a good job.


    I'd suggest you avoid anyone who seems very inexpensive. I had one wheel done by another company for £50, but it turned out to be a pretty shabby job. They only sprayed around the damaged part of the wheel. It looked fine until you got close to it. They'd even laquered over some dirt on the wheel :rant: A decent refurb will mean removing, sanding / grinding, respraying the whole wheel, laquering and baking. All happens in the van and takes about 2 hours. I don't think mobile refurb companies fix things like misaligned wheels though.

  8. On our road, which has nasty high kerbs, I reverse into the space with side mirror angled down to keep an eye on the distance from the kerb. Seems to work quite well. The only problem is it means I'm always looking for a space on the driver's side :headhurt: If in doubt, my girlfriend jumps out and tells me if I'm getting too close (not very cool and manly I know :surrender: but I got pretty fed up of paying for refurbs on the last Z!).

  9. On our road, which has nasty high kerbs, I reverse into the space with side mirror angled down to keep an eye on the distance from the kerb. Seems to work quite well. The only problem is it means I'm always looking for a space on the driver's side :headhurt: If in doubt, my girlfriend jumps out and tells me if I'm getting too close (not very cool and manly I know :surrender: but I got pretty fed up of paying for refurbs on the last Z!).

  10. Any photos of the alloy gators on your black ed?


    I'd like to see that too. Three months in and I've managed not to kerb my wheels yet, but if past experience is anything to go by it's only a matter of time :wacko:


    I'd also be interested to know what they end up looking like if you do run them up against the kerb. The promo video on the Alloygator website shows using a blade to scrape off the rough edges. Be good to know if anyone has actually done this and how the protector looked afterwards.

  11. Any photos of the alloy gators on your black ed?


    I'd like to see that too. Three months in and I've managed not to kerb my wheels yet, but if past experience is anything to go by it's only a matter of time :wacko:


    I'd also be interested to know what they end up looking like if you do run them up against the kerb. The promo video on the Alloygator website shows using a blade to scrape off the rough edges. Be good to know if anyone has actually done this and how the protector looked afterwards.

  12. Having got my new exhaust and loving it I'm thinking that maybe high flow cats and a remap will be next. Before I jump in I've started wondering whether modding will have much of an affect when I eventually come to sell or part exchange the car.


    Will it be a lot harder to shift a car with mods? Would I get the door slammed in my face if I tried to part exchange at a Nissan dealer for example?


    Not an issue I expect to be facing for a good few years but it would help to be clear on this before I make any more changes. :thumbs:

  13. Yeah thanks everyone.


    Started the shopping already looks like it will be BMW, maybe a 335 or maybe a M Sport.


    Did want to get a 370z but its just not practical anymore :bang:


    Special thanks to Trackpig for being a true gent as well!


    So sorry to see your car in that state but good to hear you're ok.


    I'm not making any judgements about what happened since I wasn't there, but as a general observation from someone who only passed the driving test a year ago and still has the advice about the old two second gap ringing in my ears, I am constantly amazed by some of the high speed tailgating I see. My driving is far from perfect (made a bad mistake on a busy roundabout yesterday in fact) but I try to always leave a good gap between me and the guy in front if I can. Let me repeat, I'm not judging your situation - just making a general observation about what I see. :thumbs:

  14. So,is there a paintcode for the Nissan wheel silver?...this is not something easy to discover,it's only the body paint code that's on the VIN plate.

    I can assure you, and after many hours, if you think of 'needle and haystack' - good luck in your search :dry:


    The paint match ain't turned out to be that good in the link glrnet has posted for the 370 standard wheels and I would be inclined to do as speedwell has suggested, to be honest :shrug:


    All subjective of course but I still think the match from the paint I originally suggested is pretty good - it was suggested to me by a wheel refurb company. You will always notice some difference to a repair no matter how close the match is because of the change in paint thickness, surface texture etc. I'd suggest giving the VBF Silver a go if the damage is very small. :thumbs:

  15. Picked the car up on Friday. I had mine cleaned ready for partx on thursday and had major second thoughts as she looked so good and I knew the dealer would put her up for 11k (which he said he would). But those doubts disappeared when I saw my new car up close (and my first 370z up close). Stunning. There were angles that the old zed looked kinda ugly from (but mostly awesome) and they really do seem to have taken the very best of the 350 and added to it. The lines are perfect, the wheels which I didn't like I actually don't mind, the interior is a huge improvement (though the speedo is rated far too high, makes low speed driving difficult), the sat nav is brililant and must have, the sound quality is very good, the ride and performance is excellent. She feels a little heavy on handling, I think its because she's so wide and I need time to get to know her but she doesn't put a food wrong - as she shouldn't with 275 rear tyres! I should have checked those out first. Oh...and the 20mpg average...ouch. But worth every penny. My previous zed was probably my favourite car I ever owned, over my older JDM 350z, but this new one...really does feel special.


    So I love her. The dealer got the mileage wrong, it was only 550 miles and she really is immaculate - I could not distuingish her from a brand new car and god only knows why the previous owner never used her. She is totally unmarked and I am soooo paranoid about driving her :D


    I've always been lucky enough to have relatively nice sports cars but I've never got the amount of looks I get in this. I bought her for me, not other people but I have to admit its nice if a little embarrasing. Some serious car park envy going on in work as well :D


    So I'll post up pics soon, but for anyone thinking of upgrading from the 350, do it, its a very different car but retaining the 'feel' of the zed badge. Awesome.


    It's great that you like the car so much. Don't know about 350s but I've found that the 370 gets heaps of positive attention. We parked up in Burford in the Cotswolds a few weeks ago for a short stay at a hotel there. A guy came straight up to us and said I have to tell what a great looking car you have! :yahoo: I think Zs being not very common on the roads mean they get a lot more interest than the usuals suspects TTs, Boxters....! :thumbs: Enjoy!

  16. Thanks guys!


    My partner wants white but black edition does look nice!


    Thanks for the help!




    I had a white one before thr Black Edition. If you see either "in the flesh" I think you'll be impressed - the 370 looks very good in both colours.

  17. The new GT Edition in Black is probably the closest of the current models to the Black Edition looks wise. You get the dark wheels, but not the red interior or calipers. I think the Black Edition looks the better of the two (but I would say that!) :lol:

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