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Everything posted by sipar69

  1. +1 Those LEDs look daft. Not keen on the redesigned grill either.
  2. Maybe but it's an issue if your car lives outside If you know the snow is coming it's worth giving the car a clean and wax to offer some protection. I did that on Saturday morning (snow came in the evening). Noticed the next morning that the snow wasn't clinging to the car as much as other cars in the road. Seemed to start melting off quicker and just slid off with a gentle nudge
  3. Having struggled with my exhaust vibration issue, I've decided against HFCs. From looking at US forums quite a few people report that they increase vibration (and "rasp"). Just wondering.... 1) Would it be worth getting a remap with just the Stillen CBE? 2) Does a remap count as a mod for the purposes of insurance / re-sale?
  4. I'm prone to occasional back pain and I find the seats in the 370 pretty comfortable and supportive (quite like the fact that they're heated too!)
  5. A few days in now and several colds starts with no rattle. I think I won't completely relax until it's been ok for a week or so, but things are looking good. Tom deserves to be knighted!
  6. Looks great but seems to be out of stock. Think I'll give the Poor Boys a go but might also look into Autoglym Deep shine. Will post some pics once done
  7. Thanks for the advice guys. Apart from the inevitable stone chips on the front bumper the paintwork on my Z is in pretty good condition - no visible swirls yet etc so I'm not sure I want to go down the machine buffing route just yet. (Did get a small scuff on the bumper from some "nice person" recently, but I managed to get rid of that with some G3.) An additional complication is that the dealer threw in Williams ceramic coat which is supposed to mean that you don't need to wax the car. To be honest I think it does little to no good at all and it hasn't stopped me waxing with good results. I was thinking of going for Lime Prime Lite to prep the paint, then the Black Hole Glaze and finishing off with Purple Haze wax or my existing Autoglym hi def wax. Does that sound like a good combination?
  8. Been reading some good reviews of this and was thinking of giving it a go as a pre-wax treatment. Anyone used it on their Z?
  9. Cheers Chris. Stillen suggested the exhaust might have come loose but Tom tried all the bolts and they were tight. It's pretty nippy here in Twichenham and I just started the car after leaving it alone for a good 5 hours - still no rattle! Will give it a go tomrrow morning but it's looking good so far!!!!
  10. Spent an hour at TGM this morning having the exhaust looked over by Tom. No obvious areas where it was close enough to vibrate against the car, no loose bolts (they all got tightened, just in case) and no obvious defects in the exhaust. In fact, Tom commented that it's a really well made exhaust. We ended up agreeing that the most likely cause of the rattle is that at certain revs the vibrating exhaust was creating a resonance causing the side panel of the heat shield to vibrate. This is because the shield has a side panel on the right which is very easy to "twang" with your finger. This makes a tinny noise that might account for the rattle. Tom assured me that removing this part of the shield would not harm the car. He dropped the exhaust a few inches and carefully removed it. He then ground off the spot-welds holding the side panel in place and re-fixed the upper part of the shield to the car. Because the problem has been very unpredictable (doesn't even happen on every cold start) it will be a while before I know if its worked, but I'm hopeful........If it's not that then I have no idea what it could be and will probably just have to live with it (only lasts a short time). Even though he worked on the car for an hour, Tom refused to take any money off me until we are sure the problem has been solved! Fingers crossed!
  11. Not a big fan of Nigella. I have to endure her cooking programmes. All those fake friends and staged dinner parties get a bit much. Can't argue that she looks a whole lot better than old Skeletor though! Just for a bit of balance, my better half is a veggie and she looks very good on it thank you very much!
  12. But should be just right after having the car checked to give it a nice gentle run over to the Grasshopper to join some 36 other enthusiasts - come on we want to see your motor and say hello viewtopic.php?f=93&t=57180&start=270 Cheers Colin - will see what I can do (might depend on how I'm feeling if this bloody problem can't be tracked down! ) I've made a recording of the noise - hope this link works (just click on the black square). You can't see a thing because it was too dark when I got home from work but you can definitely hear the rattle. The rattle subsides just as the engine calms down at about 7 seconds - just before the vid ends. Strange thing is I started the car four times - the rattle only happened on start number two! Really starting to bother me - just hope Tom can track it down.
  13. Cheers Chris - really appreciate the offer but I've agreed to be there for 8.30 am. I'm guessing that will be a bit early By the way, will the exhaust vibrate more on a cold start than re-starting the car when the engine is still warm? Just wondering why the problem didn't seem to occur when we started up fairly soon after a journey when the engine was still warm. Unfortunate in a way, as is it means I can't demonstrate the problem to Tom. I'm going to try and video the car on start-up to see if I can capture the noise - if I can (might not work on my crappy camera) I'll post a link at some point along with an update following Tom's checks.
  14. This is what it is most likely to be, had the same prob with my set up. The guy who fitted it knew straight off what the issue was. He put an extra washer on the chassis brace nuts and a cure was had. Did the garage get it back on the ramp? If they go along the main pipe, it'll be almost certain to be NEARLY touching, but with the extra vibration on start up it just touches and causes the rattle Thanks - that sounds likely because the vibration stops as soon as the engine drops from initial start up to the more gentle rumble once its warmed up. I am taking the car over to TGM on Saturday morning so they can get the car up on a ramp and take a look. I'll mention this. Can you explain in simple layman's terms exactly where under the car this is likely to be an issue ?
  15. Cheers guys - will let you know how it goes
  16. Thanks Chris. Just took the car out for a quick drive. As Tom promised when I checked the drip afterwards it had stopped. I will send Stillen an email about the rattle but even if it remains an issue I can live with it - soon dies away once the car warms up - definitely not occuring while moving so I'd be surprised if it's a fitment issue. Will post results if Stillen come back with anything useful.
  17. Had a good chat to Tom at TGM where I had the exhaust fitted. He reckons the liquid isn't an issue - as some of you have said - just condensation build up escaping from the slip joint and nothing to worry about. The only way to get rid of it would be to use a sealing paste which would then make it impossible to get the exhaust to pieces again. He doesn't think the rattle on cold start is a fitment issue because it would be constant, not just on start up. He thinks it might just be a quirk of my particular set up. I can live with it since it only lasts for a very short time on initial start up.
  18. Thanks. I'm guessing I need to get this looked at though if the joint is leaking.
  19. Things are going from bad to worse! Took a look under the car with the engine on to see if I could find any fitment issues and noticed liquid dripping from the area shown below. I'm guessing that shouldn't be happening!?
  20. Recently noticed the exhaust makes a metalic rattling noise when the car is started from cold. Seems to die down after a short time and isn't present when restarting the car after a drive. I'm not sure if it's always done this, as I think I only noticed it recently while watching my girlfriend start the car from cold. I know some people in the U.S. have had problems with rattle from the Stillen if the fit leaves it too close to the underside of the car in a particular area, but I would guess that would mean it would rattle all of the time, not just on starting. Is this normal - just to do with the car warming up?
  21. Thanks. Looks like G3 paste is available at my local Halfords so I'll give that a go.
  22. Thanks. Don't think they are down to the primer - they are very small and light (hence no picture). I agree - definitely don't want to make it worse!
  23. Came out of the house the other day to see some white marks on the edge of the front bumper, just in front of the wheel. I gave it a wipe and it came off easily. It looks like something brushed the bumper very lightly on the way past (lot of building going on in our road…. ). There was still a light scuff on the paint about an inch in size. I gave it a rub with Autoglym Super Resin Polish and it disappeared, but there are some slightly deeper looking marks left (they look a bit like the small horizontal stone strikes that appear on the side skirts.) This is one of those things that my better half would tell me only I can see, but I would still like to see if I can get rid of the marks entirely. Can anyone recommend a decent product? Would something like Turtle Wax Colour Magic work? (Car colour is Black Edition “Quartz†if it makes any difference.)
  24. Blimey - means we'll get 100 meg! I knew it was coming but I didn't realise it would be free
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