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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Tell me about it, Ive spent the last 4 days on Jury duty!
  2. Well said Wasso! You should move to Scotland because we will have the best roads in Europe in a few years. ( sorry jetset). Lol.
  3. Never really thought about Nationalism TBH. Primordialism or modernist?
  4. As i said in my first post Dave, i think it's just because i'm getting older that certain thing are starting to wind me up. Apart fom the obvious things listed that everyone detest. By the way I also hate those PPI fol!
  5. Dblock, The reason why I hate the banking system so much is due to the way they govern themselves. They gamble everyday with people's pensions etc and when it all goes wrong those very people have to bail them out. You could argue that if the bankers gamble's paid off we would think they were the best thing since sliced bread. The only reason they take the risks that they do is for the large bonuses they receive if they pull it off.
  6. I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol; Lol, you beat me to it!
  7. TBH, ive had 14 new or newish cars in the last 10 years. It scare's the sh*t out of me when i think about how much ive lost in depreciation. So spending 10k on a car that probably wont depreciate would be a great money saving exercise for me. If i had thought of this before i bought my current car i would have gladly increased my budget to 40k!
  8. I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I'm forever discovering new things that really wind me up. I'm probably just getting old! Here's my list. 1) Pedophiles 2) Animal cruilty 3) Junkies 4) Benefit scroungers 5) Politicians 6) The banking system 7) The EU 8) The price of Motoring 9) The way our counrty treats our elderly citizens 10)The weather in Scotland I could probably list my top 50, but i'll keep it to 10! Feel free to add your list!
  9. Yeah i was looking at them earlier, really rare aswell!
  10. Aye looks good, wait until he comes up against a thai boxer who chops his legs from right under him or a BJJ practitioner who puts him straight to sleep!
  11. Yeah, defo like them. I'm going to spend some time looking so i get it right first time.
  12. Love it, but a bit above my budget until i sell the beemer. Probably be looking for something around 10k to leave funds to restore back to original.
  13. If i decide to do it mate, i'll check them out thanks!
  14. Great minds think alike mate, i'm going to do just that! Buy something that only comes out a few times a year. Thats me on a mission! Ive never really liked the e type jag, dont know why though. TBH the beemer is great cant fault it at all. I know its only a 2L but it drives great. I hardly used my 350Z when i had it either, so buying something special and only using it a few times a year makes sense and i would sleep better knowing i had it!
  15. This would do the trick though! http://jalopnik.com/nissan-260z/
  16. When i say a classic, it would have to be something not to old as i like my comfort. Also it would probably have to be some sort of coupe and something fast. Technically i should have kept my zed as it was in awesome condition!
  17. I'm tempted, but its only 8 weeks old. If i could buy a "cheaper" classic i would do it, then when the times right sell the new car!
  18. Welcome mate, great looking car!
  19. I like nice cars, but the problem is i hardly ever drive anywhere. I bought a brand new BMW e92, 2 months ago and its only covered 300 miles. I work, train, and socalise within 1 mile from my home and i enjoy walking most of the time. Also my cars always parked in my garage with my wife's car infront, so if i need to drive i end up taking the wife's car, which she also hardly ever uses! I love nice cars but driving them dosent bother me, is this weird? I think i should have just bought and older sports car, restored it to perfect condition and just cleaned and polished it. Also, it probably wouldnt depreciate, so it wouldnt feel as bad not using it.
  20. Ive got a BMW e92 with runflats fitted. If i replaced the runflats with non runflats that were exactly the same size would it be ok? I would inform my insurance company just incase!
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