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Everything posted by coldel

  1. Diesel, which just gets more and more expensive than petrol every week!
  2. I was going to say, pretty sure my UK Zed doesnt do this, was getting a little excited about giving it a try when I went out the car park as well
  3. The red bull can and the merc bonnet badge are great!
  4. I know, despite living in zone 2 I actually work a bit further out so drive the Z to the office every day So going into London is a bit of an adventure for me now...
  5. Got up at 5:30am today, outside cleaning the car for the little road trip after work with the wife. Wash, polish, wax and sealed all before leaving for the office! On the drive in I just watched face after face on people stare at this gleaming car driving down the road...
  6. As mentioned on previous posts, GTs get snapped up pretty quickly non GTs can sit on autotrader or pistonheads for months and months - its not so much about the value at resale its about the amount of time it takes to sell.
  7. I got the train into London yesterday and I must say I am finding mobile phone behaviour quite disturbing! I looked around and saw at least 80% of the passengers sitting there texting...when you stop and just look, it really does look bizarre seeing people doing this - maybe not if you are under 25 though and have grown up with a mobile as standard I guess!
  8. Cracking vid that...just love the way he just gets in in his socks I think and drives off...dumbstruck. ...and of course Black is best
  9. I could do with some new mats, what you got...
  10. Echoing what was said above, I looked for a good couple of months, saw the same non GT versions sitting on AutoTrader for ages whereas the GT versions were gone much quicker. So you could bargain yourself a good value car now, but when selling on you might find people defaulting to the GT version.
  11. I have heard horror stories about the centre console...I am a details kinda guy (Im a researcher!) so no problem spending hours working round the edges. I am going to start at the bottom and work my way up, the gear surround should be ok, I will hone my skills with that...if it fails, it fails and I rip it off!
  12. Yeah I did make a point of paying attention when you left mate, you did a quick lap of the car park and exited and it did sound pretty damn good.
  13. I had a car previously with the front wrapped, it got a rip in the vinyl on day two (bad luck!) and they put a patch on it which overall looked more obvious than that, within a few days I had forgotten about it and like Grover says you will barely notice it. Sterling work though, I am going to have a go at my centre console soon as well...great stuff wrapping as its all reversible should you balls it up!
  14. I totally agree there are better value products out there and its overpriced, hence asking the question I have... Its all based on the You Tube vids which I know arent accurate, but the sound for some reason comparatively across the vids sounded most pleasing to the ear.
  15. I presume it just cuts out at zero as the tank is pressurised? You literally go down to zero and its gone, rather than it sloshing around down there..! Not sure how my physical measurement goes up and down though!
  16. ...currently just browsing around the you tube vids etc and although they are not proper replications of the sound, comparing across the Nismo exhaust sounds fantastic, the best of the lot. Given the rarity of these items, what other more readily available exhaust sounds most like the Nismo, in your opinion, in tone and volume?
  17. Bought my car 4 weeks ago and recently put in a Cosworth air filter, when I opened the box up it too was absolutely stuffed with leaves and the like...
  18. Mine is up and down as well, the electronic measure is just as cranky. I can drive for about 50 miles and the electronic reading doesnt change, or goes up! The needle is a bit mroe reliable although at around the quarter tank mark it goes up and down at random...
  19. I have to clean my car in a side street near where I live, so often have people stopping to chat. A one hour simple wash will take around two hours...plus a polish might take circa three...where I have people stopping to chat with me. Two guys (Eastern European, couldn't place the country, Polish I think) stopped and were asking if it was a Zugara car - pointing at the Z on the side. He was utterly astonished that I said the car was worth about £10k when he asked, he said it looked like it was worth at least £50k and looked much better than a 911. Another guy just walked up to me randomly and said over the last year had seen me cleaning my various cars. I did have a Mk3 Scirocco, in black. An Astra SRi, in black. And now a 350z, yep in black. He said the 350z looked stunning and even offered to allow me to fill my buckets from his house to save the walk back to my place which is on a main street around the corner!
  20. Worst case of outside lane hogging I saw was when the M25 splits just after the bridge, it goes to two lanes then suddenly you find yourself in the outside lane of four when it rejoins. I remember a bunch of us got stuck behind a red cortina doing 30mph, I repeat THIRTY miles per hour in the outside lane of four on the M25. Within seconds there was a tail back, I was the first in the queue so I indicated, then flashed lights, tooted horn and nothing. So I had to undertake, no option. Tens of cars were undertaking every second so it was a nightmare and yes it was dangerous no doubt about it. As I passed on the inside I took a look and the person was about 70 years old with glasses as thick as the windshield and just looking bolt ahead. So, arrest hundreds for undertaking or the person driving the red cortina...?!
  21. Selling a car yourself is daunting but just use a bit of common sense ie even if they show insurance make sure you dont leave the keys in the ignition with the engine running when you change seats so they can test drive it etc! If anything it shows you are a careful and considerate driver and that should make your whole car sale more compelling to any potential buyer.
  22. I think as well this is an important point...did someone drive without a seat belt, yes or no? Its a clear cut decision. Parking, were you over the line? Yes or No, clear cut. Undertaking, some are dangerous and need fining, some are though not so citing the example of a slow mover on the outside lane with two empty lanes inside them. Stick to the Yes No's for the police, things which are argumentative such as the undertaking example must go to a court, as invariabley most will in any case so we waste more time in the long run. Time spent with the police issuing fines and time wasted in an appeal court will always outweigh the current system in time and cost.
  23. If only they did enforce the law, equally and fairly.
  24. Am I missing something here? If someone is driving dangerously such as tailgating then the police should be filming it, pulling cars over then taking down the details in any case. Why is there some impression that moving the power to fine from the court to the police going to reduce driving like this? I have only ever had two points on my license, when I was 18 stopped in a parking area to get some cash from a cash point, I left half inch of back wheel on a zig zag, I was back a minute later and there was plod and his mate. I got the usual lecture followed by... Cop "...so where you been all this time, you were here for gone five minutes" Me "I was at that cash point and back in about 1 minute" pointing across the road Cop "Well looking at the size of this fine you will be going back there again later" followed by hearty laughter between him and his mate "So is this your car Sir" Me "No, it isn't" Cop looks confused, him and his mate sense blood Cop "Well whose is it then" Me "My dads, i'm a named driver on the insurance" Cop "This aint no laughing matter kid" Me "Didn't stop you just now when talking about the fine" Then they properly laid into me about being a careless driver, that it's people like me that cause accidents etc. When I went to pay the fine at the police station later I went with my dad, that same policeman was there and so was the station commander (or whatever they call themselves) so I proceeded to recall the whole incident and their sarcasm and stupidity out loud in a conversation with my dad which the commander fella overheard, he asked me what had happened and I said that the policeman that gave me the fine was basically treating it like a joke at my expense and that isn't his job and was unnecessary. The policeman in question denied the whole story... ...so would I want policeman becoming judge and jury on the road, not in a million years, not until they raise the IQ requirement above the plant life levels which litter the service at the moment.
  25. I bought a car under 10k, in fact I wrote up a quick few tips for another guy here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=48916 Also ran a few numbers this morning on whats for sale on AutoTrader at the moment to give you an idea, all the percentages are for cars nationally in the UK for under £10k First table is an overview of all colours vs year of manufacture The two line tables that follow show how the colours are split by year Then I got the mileage split out Dealer or Private Transmission Do read the FAQ section, lots of common things to look out for. and...
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